Scans: Batman: Brave and the Bold, Red Robin

Dec 11, 2010 17:54

All-New Batman:  Brave and the Bold 26:  Written by Sholly Fisch;  art by Rick Burchett
Red Robin 17:  Written by FABIAN NICIEZA; Art by MARCUS TO

It's no secret that I adore the Batman:  Brave and the Bold cartoon, but it suffers from a sad lack of Superman in it.  That made sense early on, when the focus was on teaming up Batman with less-known ( Read more... )

ch: dinah lance, ch: bruce wayne, scans: s/b, ch: cassandra cain, ch: clark kent, ch: tim drake, scans

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Comments 50

ilovetobefree December 12 2010, 10:28:10 UTC
The art didn't always do it for me--it's skilled, clean and sharp, but now and then both Clark and Bruce looked kind of plug-ugly (other times quite nice, mind you!)
I have to say, I had mixed feelings about the art reading the story. There were parts (especially some facial expressions) that I didn’t like it and then parts I like the way the bodies and the facial expressions were drawn a lot. :)

I could have handled this.
I know but this way’s faster---
---And I need your help.
I loved this dialogue. The first sentence had such a nice (typical Clark’s) humor in it. And that was such a wonderful way for Clark to tell Bruce he needed his help.

Awwwww, Bruce saying Clark is his closest friend after Alfred and Robin! (and to be honest, their relationships with him have so much of the father and son in them that I consider that a statement that Clark is his closest friend)
I agree. And I found it amazing as well. :)

Okay, okay, I’m sorry I mentioned it.That was priceless! :D :D :D ( ... )


mithen December 15 2010, 11:19:49 UTC
There were parts (especially some facial expressions) that I didn’t like it and then parts I like the way the bodies and the facial expressions were drawn a lot. :)

Yeah! Sometimes people were, squat, lol. But other times they were very attractive, especially Clark!

And actually I liked Clark and Bruce’s facial expressions on this page. I think the art expressed their feelings quite well there.

It's definitely one of my favorites!

And OMG, yes, Bruce thinking Clark is impressive even when he doesn't have powers makes me SO HAPPY.

And they both looked so beautiful in it! Tim’s facial expression just told me how happy he was. And Bruce - I could see not only his happiness, but how proud of Tim he was there.

Yes, so much! And I definitely agree about the pride, Bruce doesn't look just happy there but also so proud of Tim, which makes me extra-happy. To really did such a good job with the expressions there...

Thanks for sharing the love for these scans with me! It's always so much fun to talk about...


liarashadowsong December 12 2010, 13:55:02 UTC
...Full page of Tim and Bruce hugging. OMG. *is dead of cute*


mithen December 15 2010, 11:25:38 UTC
I knowwww. I...I might have made various high-pitched noises when I saw it. :)


willayork December 12 2010, 20:53:00 UTC
these scans still make my day. Thank you.

I particularly loved Bruce's response to Tim's "might be an undercover cop from Hong Kong...might not."

"Hmmm...well, later we'll have to discuss how I deal with Seina"!!!!! OMG, i just giggled/squealed so much at that. I love this new "softer" bruce; one that's able to make jokes, jokes about himself and HUG !!! *melt*

btw, I totally agree with your comments about the inconsistency of the art in Brave and the Bold.


mithen December 15 2010, 11:29:11 UTC
LOL, Bruce being relaxed about Tim and Lynx just made me all kinds of happy. I'm...not a huge fan of Lynx, but the sort of "Oh, a cat-themed semi-villain, glad to see you've got your own now" sort of feeling just cracked me up so much. Bruce is being a lot of fun right now!


willayork December 19 2010, 00:36:01 UTC
"Oh, a cat-themed semi-villain, glad to see you've got your own now" sort of feeling just cracked me up

Yes! exactly!


zolac_no_miko December 12 2010, 21:24:56 UTC
Ahhhhh, I can never get enough of Clark and Bruce snarking at each other! What a fantastic little ode to the awesomeness that is their relationship.

And Red Robin, oh god yes, I adore that comic! I had a similar reaction to you to The Hug.

Bruce: You know I realized... with everything that's going on, we forgot one thing....
Bruce and Tim: *HUG!!*
Me: *literally screams, very loudly*

Oh man oh man, I want that page as a poster on my wall.

Tim really is getting a lot of action from the ladies recently, isn't he? His older brother's charisma must be rubbing off on him.


And those other titles... argh more things I need to read, apparently. I mean, I was going to read Batman, Inc. anyway, but. ...I'm pretty sure that's the same Paul Cornell who has written for Doctor Who. If so, I already know I adore him.


mithen December 15 2010, 11:33:44 UTC
Ahhhhh, I can never get enough of Clark and Bruce snarking at each other! What a fantastic little ode to the awesomeness that is their relationship.

They're just snarky enough to make me happy, too! Male bonding disguised as teasing is one of my favorite things in the world...

Bruce: You know I realized... with everything that's going on, we forgot one thing....

LOL! It was one of the most suspenseful page-turns ever for me!

Tim really is getting a lot of action from the ladies recently, isn't he? His older brother's charisma must be rubbing off on him.

He really is! So far none of the options have really clicked for me, but I have to admit it's kind of fun to see Tim getting flirted with so regularly. :)

Paul Cornell is AWESOME. I swore I would loathe Lex Luthor forever after the end of New Krypton, but Cornell's Luthor...I just have to sigh and say "Obviously the genocide Luthor was a robot or something, because they're totally different characters." And Knight & Squire are fantastic. Cornell is very witty ( ... )


yavieriel December 17 2010, 03:25:00 UTC following up your comment about Tim getting some kisses from the ladies with a scan that starts with "...I almost forgot what it was like to get them from him..."

...yeah. I kind of died laughing, because I'm sure it was unintentional, but, well, a slasher's mind... (not that I ship it. At ALL.)

Also the hug was SO ADORABLE.


mithen December 19 2010, 12:03:59 UTC
...yeah. I kind of died laughing, because I'm sure it was unintentional, but, well, a slasher's mind... (not that I ship it. At ALL.)

*snorks* MUAHAHAHA, you're right, that's hilarious. :D


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