Scans: Batman: Brave and the Bold, Red Robin

Dec 11, 2010 17:54

All-New Batman:  Brave and the Bold 26:  Written by Sholly Fisch;  art by Rick Burchett
Red Robin 17:  Written by FABIAN NICIEZA; Art by MARCUS TO

It's no secret that I adore the Batman:  Brave and the Bold cartoon, but it suffers from a sad lack of Superman in it.  That made sense early on, when the focus was on teaming up Batman with less-known ( Read more... )

ch: dinah lance, ch: bruce wayne, scans: s/b, ch: cassandra cain, ch: clark kent, ch: tim drake, scans

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Comments 50

kirax2 December 11 2010, 17:10:03 UTC
Is it just me, or does the GIANT KEYHOLE and the "We *compliment* each other" remind you of that infamous Worlds Finest issue with the tentacle creatures?

Maybe it's just me, but when I saw that keyhole juxtaposed with those phrases, all I could do was to continue the phrase in my head: "We hand and glove." *giggles like a twelve-year-old*


tabru December 11 2010, 17:46:10 UTC

Not to mention Superman scoping Bruce up into his blazing passage cape. To keep him warm, of course. XD


mithen December 13 2010, 02:55:04 UTC
You know, it really does seem at points to be referencing that comic! I approve. ^_^ Also, I do not mind they cut out the freaky worm things sexing each other up. *grin*


seiberwing December 11 2010, 18:24:18 UTC
...the guy's name is seriously Etrog?


mithen December 13 2010, 03:28:20 UTC
It...looks so? What, he doesn't remind you of a kosher citrus fruit? ^_^


seiberwing December 13 2010, 03:40:19 UTC
He does seem a bit fruity.


mithen December 15 2010, 11:41:04 UTC
*falls over giggling*


dovewing December 11 2010, 18:31:05 UTC
I surreptitiously went into a comic store (because I'm broke) and read that issue of Red Robin. My first thought was brain short circuiting with fangirlish delight. The next was "Oh man, mithen's gonna love that." And then I went back to squeeing.

I have wanted to watch Brave and the Bold, but we have no TV and I have no DVD budget. But OMG this looks so awesome. And SHIRTLESS! I was entranced by the panel where Superman's putting his shirt back on and all you see is his stomach. Guh.

Hooray for manly bonding! I'd never let Clark live down 'invisible criminals' either. And I wish I had any image editing skills, because I WANT an LJ icon of that facepalm.


mithen December 13 2010, 05:14:01 UTC
Red Robin was so wonderful! It made me so many different kinds of happy...

BBATB is a great show! It's all-ages but there are a lot of funny little canon nods, plus there are some honestly wrenching moments in there as well, and a surprising amount of character death. They have a retelling of the Wayne murders that really got to's incredibly minimalistic and effective.

My photoshop skills are nil, but I'm hoping I can tempt someone into making that face palm into an icon, lol! An exasperated Suoerman is a great sight...


verito295 December 11 2010, 18:40:40 UTC
OMFG *fangirlish flail*
The hug between Bruce and Tim is just vkjsdhfsj *flails again* so freaking awesome and snuggly and guh! Tim needs lots of hugs and I'd like to point out that Bruce doesn't get anywhere near the recommended yearly quota of hugs :D
The full page hug is nearly more squee worthy than the one between Tim and Kon a while back (sorry not sure exactly when since I only saw scans) and it might be a good thing that one is not a full page one because I might have imploded messily had it been :D
On the other hand the Brave and the Bold scans were also awesome! LOL and aww at Supes wrapping Batman in his cape for the flight north :D


mithen December 13 2010, 05:17:45 UTC
It's true, Tim Drake and the Red Robin title have the two greatest hugs of 2011! Go Tim!

Hee, I love the nod to the old World's Finest title in the cape wrapping! Clark needs to do that more often...though can you imagine canon Bruce letting him? It would be hilarious... :)


verito295 December 13 2010, 05:54:03 UTC
LMAO I just pictured Bruce's face at Clark's attempt to wrap him up in his cape :D Depending on the mood there might be kryptonite involved together with the Batface :D

*giggles* The thing that totally made me go awww about the hug between Tim and Bruce is how *tiny* Tim looks next to him :D He looked kind of short when compared to Kon when they hugged but Bruce's size makes him look about 12 :D He's so adorable :D


mithen December 15 2010, 11:43:54 UTC
LMAO I just pictured Bruce's face at Clark's attempt to wrap him up in his cape :D Depending on the mood there might be kryptonite involved together with the Batface :D

I'm imagining Clark standing there with the cape held up, with the realization slowly dawning on him that this might have been a bad idea... :D

And yesss, tiny tiny Tim! :D So cute...


starsandsea December 11 2010, 19:15:37 UTC

Batman: Brave and the Bold was SO. MUCH. FUN!! :D I loved Clark and Bruce's banter - the invisible criminals, hee!! And shirtless Clark, yes! *hearts them*

And Red Robin!!!! RED ROBIN THE HUG THE HUG THE HUUUUUUUUGGG!!! *squees* I loved those pages so SO much. Bruce and Timmy being all adorable together! And going off to have some fun!!!!!! :D :D :D And Cass too!!!! That issue has got to be one of my most favorite ever. :D


mithen December 13 2010, 05:23:09 UTC
I think Fisch got the bantery feeling just right! I love when they can tease each other a bit and it's all just part of the friendship...

I might have liked the line about having fun maybe even more than the hug! Bruce! Having fun! It's wonderful! :)


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