So I have a dilemma

Jan 29, 2006 22:36

After tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy, I am just SO TORN about what currently running show to call my favorite. I mean, Veronica Mars will always be Veronica Mars. But I mean, excluding the most current episode and Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner, this season has, dare I say it, sucked the big one. (oh look, I dared ( Read more... )

fandom: general, tv: veronica mars, fandom: grey's anatomy

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Comments 30

equestrian19 January 30 2006, 04:47:28 UTC

my two favorite parts:

creepy new resident lady: "am i hurting you?"
cristina: "no, you're touching me."

AND (in the bar)
drunk george: "wait, that's my riiide."

i. love. george. he's my favorite ever and he's adorable and I WANT HIM.

and i can't wait for next week. WTF IS A CODE BLACK!?! IDK BUT I HAVE TO KNOW. NOW.

where do you dl it online? i've only seen like 4 episodes and i need to know what's actually going on.


eckeltricity January 30 2006, 04:51:56 UTC
I go to, you have to have bittorrent to download it, but I have definitely downloaded the whole first season online, just because I never watched it when it was first out. And now I can't get enough of it. huh.


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 05:20:27 UTC
I have an LJ community I go to that lets you download without having to use torrents. I'll IM you the name.

I love George too!

ACK CODE BLACK I DON'T KNOW!! I'm thinking maybe some sort of dangerous infectious disease??! I'm really excited!


bitter_crimson January 30 2006, 05:23:25 UTC
It means someone has a bomb.

Roommate looked it up.


eckeltricity January 30 2006, 04:50:23 UTC
LOVED it tonight.

How can you not like Meredith and Derek? They are so perfect together, it's crazy. And then Addison. She just needs to leave. I'm sure she's a perfectly nice person, but she's messing up the Derek/Meredith. And he so loves Meredith, and he is only with Addison because it's The Right Thing To Do.


I do agree with you about teh awesomeness. I loved the syphillis thing. This episode made me love George. Yeah, he's a spaz, but he's so nice... He's like the really smart Neville of Grey's Anatomy.

This may be the longest comment in history.


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 05:36:32 UTC
Oh god, Kirsten. You're going to make me rant, are you? I'm sorry for the following outburst, but I have to say it ( ... )


eckeltricity January 30 2006, 06:09:12 UTC
And then he has the balls to keep saying that she took advantage of HIM.

Haha, I think it's supposed to be a joke. She did take advantage of him, but in a drunken state. He's joking. Being an ass, because on tv, girls like assholes. It's a shame, I know. But still.

I think he's funny. Addison still pisses me off though.

Is it weird that we are so obsessive about a TV show?


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 07:03:49 UTC
I know that it's supposed to be a joke, it just annoys me arg. She didn't take advantage of him though, and he didn't take advantage of her. It was a freaking one night stand. *kicks him*

I think I've had so much practice with Buffy and Veronica Mars that it's weird for me NOT to obsess.


Re: Kirsten's above comment bitter_crimson January 30 2006, 04:58:44 UTC
How can you not like Meredith and Derek? They are so perfect together, it's crazy. And then Addison. She just needs to leave. I'm sure she's a perfectly nice person, but she's messing up the Derek/Meredith. And he so loves Meredith, and he is only with Addison because it's The Right Thing To Do.


Remind anyone of the majority of another fandom? *raises an eyebrow*

(I'm going to post an actual comment below.)


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 05:39:30 UTC
Oops, I kind of went nuts on Kirsten. And yes, yes it does. At least this pairing doesn't have a really annoying ship name. Like .. MerDer or something. Oh god, I just made myself sick.

It makes me REALLY glad I wasn't in the Buffy fandom from the beginning, or I might have ended up being so annoyed with Buffy/Angel shippers that I wouldn't have even watched his spinoff.


bitter_crimson January 30 2006, 06:09:47 UTC
Yeah, I read your rant.


That's why I've decided to stay out of fandoms from now on as much as I can. Except for Doctor Who, maybe, 'cause that seems somewhat more sane so far. Then again, I haven't been into any of the more GENERAL discussion forums, so maybe it's worse there. Hmmm.

But I'm sad that veronica_mars made me hate Veronica/Logan. 'Cause I used to like it! ...remember?

That was a long time ago. Heehee.


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 07:08:12 UTC
I used to too! I wish I had taken out the community before it got this bad. I might be able to like the show a little more.

I haven't really been in the fandom of Doctor Who either. I only really had one person on my friendslist that was in the fandom besides you. I think I would be annoyed by the "BUT THE DOCTOR DOESN'T GET INVOLVED WITH ANYONE" people because from when doyle_sb4 linked to a general board, those were the most annoying people. But then, you never know. I might have gotten really annoyed with Doctor/Rose shippers. I'm not risking it. I'll just quietly obsess in my own little world.


abunchofcrap January 30 2006, 05:01:38 UTC
I am SO MAD at Veronica. I think she's been a complete moron this season.
The only characters I even like anymore are Logan and Weevil. And then Veronica's dad is ok, and Veronica just lied to him and played him, yo.


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 05:42:29 UTC
Veronica really was pissing me off earlier, but I think this last episode was MUCH more like her old self. I actually had compassion for her.

Keith is amazing. And I love Wallace. I never really loved Logan or Weevil, but I don't hate them.

As for the playing Keith, it was so sad to see his reaction, but I really liked it. Because it was the way that it had to be. And she did it before, in the last season. And it showed that Veronica has faults, besides the really really stupid ones she had before.


abunchofcrap January 30 2006, 21:30:48 UTC
I'm mad at Wallace. BE A MAN, WALLACE!
Veronica is having too many faults for me haha. So, is Duncan gone now?


bitter_crimson January 30 2006, 05:22:49 UTC
I think it's a good dilemma. *thumbs up*

I got my mom hooked after only one episode.

Roommate and Sheree and I watched it together tonight. Sheree gets really passionate/violent about these things. Heh. And yells in my ear when I'm sitting between her and roommate, or her and empty space, or, you know, anywhere. Awwwww... <3

At this point in time, I love all the characters on the show. Seriously, all of them. It makes me very happy.

Roommate and Sheree do not love Alex, and that is sad.

Also, I love Cecily/Halfrek. A lot.


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 05:48:40 UTC
I would love watching this show with you guys. Sheree and I would both get really passionate and hurt your ears on either side of you ( ... )


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