So I have a dilemma

Jan 29, 2006 22:36

After tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy, I am just SO TORN about what currently running show to call my favorite. I mean, Veronica Mars will always be Veronica Mars. But I mean, excluding the most current episode and Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner, this season has, dare I say it, sucked the big one. (oh look, I dared ( Read more... )

fandom: general, tv: veronica mars, fandom: grey's anatomy

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Re: Kirsten's above comment bitter_crimson January 30 2006, 04:58:44 UTC
How can you not like Meredith and Derek? They are so perfect together, it's crazy. And then Addison. She just needs to leave. I'm sure she's a perfectly nice person, but she's messing up the Derek/Meredith. And he so loves Meredith, and he is only with Addison because it's The Right Thing To Do.


Remind anyone of the majority of another fandom? *raises an eyebrow*

(I'm going to post an actual comment below.)


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 05:39:30 UTC
Oops, I kind of went nuts on Kirsten. And yes, yes it does. At least this pairing doesn't have a really annoying ship name. Like .. MerDer or something. Oh god, I just made myself sick.

It makes me REALLY glad I wasn't in the Buffy fandom from the beginning, or I might have ended up being so annoyed with Buffy/Angel shippers that I wouldn't have even watched his spinoff.


bitter_crimson January 30 2006, 06:09:47 UTC
Yeah, I read your rant.


That's why I've decided to stay out of fandoms from now on as much as I can. Except for Doctor Who, maybe, 'cause that seems somewhat more sane so far. Then again, I haven't been into any of the more GENERAL discussion forums, so maybe it's worse there. Hmmm.

But I'm sad that veronica_mars made me hate Veronica/Logan. 'Cause I used to like it! ...remember?

That was a long time ago. Heehee.


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 07:08:12 UTC
I used to too! I wish I had taken out the community before it got this bad. I might be able to like the show a little more.

I haven't really been in the fandom of Doctor Who either. I only really had one person on my friendslist that was in the fandom besides you. I think I would be annoyed by the "BUT THE DOCTOR DOESN'T GET INVOLVED WITH ANYONE" people because from when doyle_sb4 linked to a general board, those were the most annoying people. But then, you never know. I might have gotten really annoyed with Doctor/Rose shippers. I'm not risking it. I'll just quietly obsess in my own little world.


eckeltricity January 30 2006, 06:10:46 UTC
I'm so glad I was never in the Buffy Fandom.

Y'all are CRAZY. <3


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