So I have a dilemma

Jan 29, 2006 22:36

After tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy, I am just SO TORN about what currently running show to call my favorite. I mean, Veronica Mars will always be Veronica Mars. But I mean, excluding the most current episode and Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner, this season has, dare I say it, sucked the big one. (oh look, I dared ( Read more... )

fandom: general, tv: veronica mars, fandom: grey's anatomy

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Comments 30

ADDENDUM bitter_crimson January 30 2006, 06:32:11 UTC
I liked the first episode of the second season, too. AND YOU DIDN'T MENTION IT.


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 07:09:50 UTC
Hmm. Perhaps. But I liked those two episodes better than that one. But you're right, that wasn't a sucky episode.


girlxtragedy January 30 2006, 14:51:37 UTC
Grey's Anatomy!!!
I hate that creepy girl that George had that little thing with. Every time she comes on screen I want to punch her in the face. UGHJDS:HJFLDJS. George deserves someone much better than that. And even though Meredith and George would be like the worst couple ever, part of me wants to see it happen. hahaha.


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 18:13:16 UTC
Olivia?! She's IS really annoying. I only can stand her because she usually gets reminded about the syphilis incident whenever she's in an episode.. and usually by Izzie. And I love seeing Izzie be bitchy.

Ack, I really want George to get what he wants, but I really want him to want something other than Meredith. Like Izzie! Make him want Izzie!! PLEASE!


dragonnite55555 January 30 2006, 22:34:17 UTC
Awwww...Ami are her obsessions are cute.

I generally remain really loyal to a series unless it goes on way too long and is still coming out. Like Ranma 1/2. And that's probably why I never got into Inu Yasha.

But this reminds me! I should watch Firefly. much homework do I have?


metalphoenix February 6 2006, 18:33:48 UTC
Yes, you must start watching this newest obsession!! Maybe over the summer, when you have more time.

Ranma was crazy long. It's like comic books, they just keep coming out with more stories. Ack.

Firefly woo!


dragonnite55555 February 6 2006, 22:32:53 UTC
I asked my friends if they liked what they saw of Firefly. They all said yes. Of course, they may have just been too scared to say no. Frankly, either works for me. But Sarah Smith wants to borrow it from me. Which means I should buy it and loan it to her and then convert all of my friends to it by forcing them to borrow it from me. Bwahahahahaha!!! Mine is an evil laugh!


greys anatomy rules! anonymous February 2 2006, 00:58:44 UTC
well ami, i am glad you are enjoying greys anatomy. i knew you would.
i am totally against the meredith n derek thing and in general, don't want any of the characters hooking up. their angst is what makes the show work! he he! and i am glad you made me start watching veronica mars, it is pretty a okay. talk to you soon..vs


metalphoenix February 6 2006, 18:34:47 UTC
I agree, people hooking up in shows usually bothers me. It makes me excited that Veronica will be single for a while now. Thank goodness.


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