So I have a dilemma

Jan 29, 2006 22:36

After tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy, I am just SO TORN about what currently running show to call my favorite. I mean, Veronica Mars will always be Veronica Mars. But I mean, excluding the most current episode and Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner, this season has, dare I say it, sucked the big one. (oh look, I dared ( Read more... )

fandom: general, tv: veronica mars, fandom: grey's anatomy

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equestrian19 January 30 2006, 04:47:28 UTC

my two favorite parts:

creepy new resident lady: "am i hurting you?"
cristina: "no, you're touching me."

AND (in the bar)
drunk george: "wait, that's my riiide."

i. love. george. he's my favorite ever and he's adorable and I WANT HIM.

and i can't wait for next week. WTF IS A CODE BLACK!?! IDK BUT I HAVE TO KNOW. NOW.

where do you dl it online? i've only seen like 4 episodes and i need to know what's actually going on.


eckeltricity January 30 2006, 04:51:56 UTC
I go to, you have to have bittorrent to download it, but I have definitely downloaded the whole first season online, just because I never watched it when it was first out. And now I can't get enough of it. huh.


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 05:20:27 UTC
I have an LJ community I go to that lets you download without having to use torrents. I'll IM you the name.

I love George too!

ACK CODE BLACK I DON'T KNOW!! I'm thinking maybe some sort of dangerous infectious disease??! I'm really excited!


bitter_crimson January 30 2006, 05:23:25 UTC
It means someone has a bomb.

Roommate looked it up.


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 05:50:17 UTC
Oh.. well, that's still exciting. Especially since it was said in an operating room, so I'm pretty sure that it was inside someone.


bitter_crimson January 30 2006, 05:23:57 UTC
I was thinking infectious disease at first as well.
I think that'd be cooler.


metalphoenix January 30 2006, 05:51:39 UTC
It would be. Maybe they'll save that for the finale!


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