I'll Be Chapter 3

Apr 29, 2010 09:20

Title:  I'll Be   (3/30)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Benji/Joel
Summary:  Benji Madden is turning 23 today.  He is starting a new job on Monday at the Lakeview County School System as the Administrator for all the buses, routes, and busdrivers in the county.  Life is finally getting on track and he is just as happy not having to put up with the bother of a relationship.  However, tonight, his friends have set him up with a very special birthday surprise...Joel Combs is turning 18 today.  He is the reigning Chess Champion in the state of Maryland, three years running now, soon to be four.  All his life, he has never fit in and is a terminal geek.  When two of the most popular guys in his senior class offer to help him celebrate his birthday, how could he reisist...As the paths of these two men cross unexpectedly, will they be just another love suicide, never revealing their depth?  Or will they be able to see that they belong together...and become the greatest fan of each other's life?  (AU and Twins are not related...so no guilt, lol)

And cue the Disclaimer:  I don’t own or know the Madden twins. This never happened. I have not, did not, and will never ever make any money off of this. The story is purely a work of fiction.

Notes:  This is in answer to a song fic challenge issued by luvmeanspain for Edwin McCain's "I'll Be".  Therefore, it is likewise respectfully dedicated to her as well.  I hope that she and all of you, enjoy reading as much as I did writing it.

Chapter 1 I'll Be Your Crying Shoulder part 1
Chapter 1 I'll Be Your Crying Shoulder part 2 
Chapter 2 The Strands In Your Eyes That Color Them Wonderful 

Chapter 3 -  Stop Me And Steal My Breath

“Coming!” Joel yelled, running through his house like a maniac. He knew it was Benji…at least he hoped it was, rather. The clock read 7 on the dot and Joel had been ready since 6. Trying to pass the time and quell his nerves, he had played a game of chess on his computer at competition level. As always, he became so engrossed in the game, he lost track of time and was startled when the door bell rang. Arriving at the door, out of breath, he threw it open.

Benji blinked at the sudden back draft from the door and then gawked. Joel was wearing a pristine white button down dress shirt and a navy, sleeveless sweater vest. His jeans were faded and tight, with blue argyle socks and penny loafers on his feet. Although he was out of breath, he was smiling big and his dark, curly hair was styled up, haphazardly, giving him an adorable devil-may-care look to his ensemble. It was all Benji could do to keep himself from reaching out and grabbing him. He looked very hot and tempting, and Benji so wanted a taste.

Realizing he was staring, Benji shook his head and smiled. “You look great!”

Joel blushed and looked down bashfully. “Thanks! Sorry I was so long getting to the door. I was playing a game on the computer and was kind of caught up in it.”

“Must have been one helluva game,” Benji teased, walking in past Joel as the door was held open for him.

Letting his eyes roam over Benji, Joel thoroughly enjoyed the view as he walked past him. He had on a black v-neck sweater that fit his broad chest beautifully and it made Joel’s heartbeat pick up. His black jeans hugged his body like a second skin and were finished off with black vans on his feet and silver chain around his neck. Joel admired the way his back muscles rippled as he moved by him. Just as he was closing the door, that wonderful fragrance he had enjoyed 3 weeks earlier, invaded his senses. It was one of the things about Benji that his mind connected with him and only him…and, of course, sex. As the sweet smell of him overwhelmed Joel, he felt his jeans getting tighter in the front.

Benji turned around to look at Joel and smiled. “So, what kind of computer game was it? World of War-craft? Stratagem?”

Joel chuckled, shaking his head. “No, it was…chess.”

“Really?” Benji’s eyes widened as he recalled their first conversation. “You really do play?”

“Yeah,” Joel nodded and motioned for him to follow him. Entering his room, he indicated to the computer screen. “I am on the Chess Team and we are having state finals the last week of April. It‘s important I practice as much as possible.”

Sitting down at the desk, Benji glanced over the game. “Well, it looks like to me you are winning this one.”

“You know the game?” Joel asked, surprised.

“Not all the fancy terms, and such,” Benji shook his head. “But I understand the game.”

“So, you play,” Joel stated, pleased to be finding out such an unexpected but great interest they had in common.

“Used to,” Benji smirked. “When I was a kid, with my Great Uncle Levi.”

“Wow. Did you have fun?” Joel questioned curiously.

“Loads of it, because I got to do it with him. He and I would battle it out every Sunday afternoon,” Benji smiled remembering. “While everyone else gossiped and griped after the family‘s Sunday dinner, he and I would battle it out on his hand-carved, mahogany chess board and set. To his credit, he only let me win half the time. As I got older, he made it tougher, told me I needed to learn to think for myself and that I would learn much more being the loser than just being the winner all the time.”

“I agree with his philosophy,” Joel smiled back. “Sounds like a great mentor.”

“He was,” Benji nodded as he stood back up, his face now a bit sad. “He’s gone now; passed away the summer I turned 15. But I’ve never forgotten what I learned from him and I swear, if there are chess tournaments in heaven, my Great Uncle Levi is only letting St. Peter win, half the time…if at all!”

Laughing softly, Joel reached down and saved his game. “I’m sure you miss him, but I’m equally sure St. Peter is learning a lot.”

“Either that or he is ‘blessing’ the old codger out,” Benji chuckled and his eyes locked with Joel’s as he stood up from shutting down his computer. He gazed at the rich red-brown overtones in Joel’s eyes for a minute before he spoke. “So, you‘re the state champion and about defend your title a fourth time, huh?”

“Uh, yeah, I am,” Joel ducked his head embarrassed. “I forgot I bragged about that to you.”

Benji cocked his head to the side and Joel felt his breath catch in his throat at the gesture. “If you actually did it, it ain’t bragging.”

“Well, I did it,” Joel managed to choke out, his knees weak at the look on Benji’s face. His eyes rested on Benji’s mouth and his next words took on a double meaning. “And hopefully, I can do it again.”

“You will,” Benji murmured confidently, saying it more to himself about the gorgeous boy in front of him. His eyes were resting on Joel’s full, plump lips as his mouth watered. He could just remember their feel and the unique taste that was Joel. Unconsciously, his own tongue darted out, wetting his lips as he wished he could pull him in for a kiss.

The sight of Benji’s tongue sent sharp rivulets of pleasure straight Joel’s groin. His breathing increased as he felt his body moving of its own accord. The distance between them was closing and the heat they were generating, seared his flesh. Everything in his young body screamed for Benji’s touch. It was all he had thought about since they had met. Parting his lips, he saw Benji moving closer to him as well.

Like a magnet, inexorably drawn to precious metal, Benji felt his body irresistibly drawn toward Joel. After an eternity, he could feel his warm breath on his face. Only a microscopic amount of space was left between them. Seeing Joel’s lips part, Benji couldn’t stop and in less than a heartbeat, they were connected once again to each other.

The shrill ring of a telephone, stopped them and jarred them both back to reality. Awkwardly, Joel pulled away and went down the hall to answer the house phone. Benji took in a deep breath and mentally berated himself for his lack of judgment. Adjusting his now quite uncomfortable jeans, he did his best to calm his excited body down. Joel had made him almost fully hard with just a ghost of a kiss. Gritting his teeth, Benji reminded himself and his body that he was no longer a fucking teenager. At 23, he had discipline; and it was outrageous that a boy of 18, barely a man at all, could rob him so completely of that control he’d worked so hard to achieve.

Of course, that had been Benji’s problem from the first night they had met: Joel had caused him to swap his self-discipline for sexual anarchy. What bothered Benji the most was his willingness to do it again, in spite of everything that said he shouldn’t. Explaining the reasons to his mind and dick, one more time, as to why he had to keep his hands off of Joel, Benji hardened his will more than his aching prick and walked out of Joel’s bedroom. He could not compromise like that any more…he had no choice in this matter.

Joel laid the phone back into its cradle and swallowed hard as he heard Benji approaching. The brief, soft kiss had meant so much to him. Feeling and tasting Benji again like that, caused him to want the older man so much more. In all the fantasies he had had about Benji since their Birthday, none of them had felt as good as Benji’s gentle kiss had felt. Smiling, he turned to meet Benji.

“Sorry, that was my Mom,” Joel said softly, his eyes taking in the change in Benji’s demeanor almost at once. “Is…something wrong?”

“Where are you’re parents?” Benji asked a bit too harsh. “Do they know what you are going to be doing tonight? Do they always leave you alone and at the mercy of others?”

“They’re gone a lot,” Joel started, a bit disconcerted at Benji’s demeanor and voice. He read far more into the ’what you are going to be doing’ tonight comment, than Benji had actually meant. “But I’ve gotten used to it. Dad travels due to business and Mom likes to go with him as much as she can. She used to only go a few times a year but, now that I am 18, it’s not like I need a babysitter or something, so she’s been going with him pretty regularly.”

Benji nodded and ran his hand through his short hair, still angry at himself and the fact he couldn’t have what he so desperately wanted. He didn’t know how he was going to be able to withstand being so close to Joel and not being able to take this further. If Joel's damned parents had just done their job, instead of leaving him constantly, he and Joel wouldn’t even be in this situation right now! Closing his eyes, he rubbed the bridge of his nose, already knowing his thoughts were not very rational. Benji sighed and finally remembered, Joel was still standing right in front of him.

“Does this mean I am at your mercy, Benji?” Joel asked quietly, his sad brown eyes trying to understand Benji’s sudden mood swing.

“That didn’t come out right,” Benji said, embarrassed that he had talked down to Joel that way. Folding his strong arms across his chest, he tried to make amends. “I’m sorry. I was frustrated and upset.”


“I’m not good at waiting. I have no fucking patience,” Benji said his eyes conveying his meaning as they raked down Joel’s body and realizing he was still 6 weeks away from being able to ravish it.

“It won’t be long,” Joel whispered, his own body lust ridden as he thought in more present terms, thinking Benji was referring to tonight. “And it’s understandable.”

Feeling terrible for making Joel sad, Benji murmured again. “Well, I still apologize.”

Joel gazed at him for a moment, then leaned in and brushed his lips over Benji’s cheek. “I forgive you.”

Fire shot through Benji’s body and it took all the willpower he possessed not to grab the boy. “We need to go.”

Looking hurt, Joel nodded. “Okay, let me get my coat.”

“I’ll be in the car,” Benji ground out through clenched teeth. Opening the door to Joel’s house, he half ran to his silver Acura and jumped inside it.

Biting his lower lip, Joel did his best not to cry. This wasn’t starting off very well. In his mind, he went over possible reasons for Benji to be mad. Was he upset that their kiss had been interrupted? He pulled up short as he considered the possibility. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Evidently, Benji must have changed his mind about them waiting. That’s why he was even more upset when Joel had kissed his cheek. Benji had probably wanted him to kiss his lips instead. Pulling on Benji’s coat, Joel drew a shaky breath. He wasn’t used to being real aggressive. Obviously, Benji wanted someone who could hold their own, be his equal. Joel wanted to be just that: Benji’s other half. That thought swirled in his mind, causing his face to grow warm. Deciding that if indeed this is what he wanted, then he would have to go after it.

Joel locked the door to his house and walked over to Benji’s car. He was almost there when Benji surprised him, getting out.

“Hold on a second,” Benji said as he walked around to the passenger side. He opened the door. “There, you go.”

“Thanks,” Joel said shyly, his heart racing at Benji’s show of manners.

Benji nodded and looked down at the ground, heading back to his side of the car. Once he was back in the warm car, he decided it would be best to let Joel really know what had been going on inside of his head.

“Listen, Joel,” Benji began, trying to look at Joel without the tumultuous things he was feeling. “When we kissed in your room and then you kissed me in the hallway…”

“Its okay, Benji,” Joel interrupted him with more confidence than he actually felt. “I thought all of that through, myself. I get it. Just…give me some time, okay? This is a big change for me too but I am up to the challenge. I won‘t let you down.”

Benji looked in wonder at Joel, thinking he meant putting the brakes on everything. As much as he knew they needed to do it, Benji was disappointed as well. “I appreciate that, Joel. It means a lot to me that you understand. I’ll do my best not to push it, as well. Take all the time you need.”

The encouragement and the sincerity of Benji’s voice, relaxed Joel. It built up Joel’s true confidence some and he was sure before the night was over, he would be able to make a move on the older man, like he thought he wanted. “I will. You know, you are really awesome.”

Benji blushed. “Nah, just a moody ass at times. I shouldn’t have treated you that way, Joel. You didn’t deserve it.”

“I understand frustration, though,” Joel shook his head. “Believe me! I’ve spent most of my life frustrated.” The double meaning of his words hit him and it was Joel’s turn to blush furiously.

“That’s going to change,” Benji laughed, feeling like now they could somehow navigate through this mess until they could be together after Joel graduated. “All it’s gonna take is a little bit of time and then we can both have what we want.”

“See?” Joel raised his hands up for emphasis, now looking forward to what would soon be happening tonight. “That’s why you are awesome! And I’m…really lucky I met you.”

Benji smiled and set the car in motion. “No, you’re wrong. I am the lucky one, Joel.” As Joel’s hands rested on his thighs, Benji reached over at took his left hand and laced their fingers together. This much, he could do. “You are very unique.”

Happiness coursed through Joel’s veins as he sat there holding Benji’s hand. “So what are we going to do?”

“Well,” Benji smiled turning down the street. “I was thinking we could pick up some food, head back to my place, and then either rent a movie, watch some TV, or maybe just talk.” Until a couple of minutes ago, Benji had changed that plan, feeling it would be too dangerous to take Joel home with him. Now that he saw they were on the same page, he knew they would be fine at his apartment.

Joel’s smile broadened. He had definitely figured this out. Benji wanted to take him home with him and the connotation was not missed by Joel. “I think…I’d rather eat and talk. Get to know each other better, if that’s okay with you.”

“I’d really like that,” Benji nodded still smiling and squeezed Joel’s hand. “Now what do you want to eat? Mexican, Italian, or Chinese?”

“Ooo, I love all three,” Joel gushed excitedly. Everything had been decided now, so he felt he could just enjoy the rest of the evening. “How about Chinese?”

“You read my mind,” Benji laughed, catching Joel’s happy mood.

After picking up the food, the drove back to Benji’s apartment. Eating together, they enjoyed each other’s company, more than they could have imagined. Each had their own ways and ideas but even the things about their personalities that were opposing, they still fit together in an odd, almost poetic, way. They animatedly talked about different things from music to movies to pet peeves.

“I can’t stand it when people mess with my name,” Benji grinned, then continued, wiggling his black sock encased toes for emphasis. “And I don’t want anybody touching my feet. They are ticklish and you will get kicked if you try it.”

Joel snickered. “Guess we can’t play footsie then, huh?”

Benji considered that a moment then gave Joel a lofty look. “For you and footsie, I might make an exception.”

“Let’s test that theory, shall we?” Joel challenged and slid his argyle sock foot on to Benji’s black one. Playfully, Benji rolled his ankle, knocking Joel’s foot off. They both laughed.

“Hey, at least I didn’t kick you,” Benji pointed out laughing. “Now what about you? What do you not like?”

“It irritates me when people interrupt others in the middle of a sentence,” Joel smirked, taking off his glasses and sitting them on one of the end tables. “And I hate tickle wars.”

Benji cut his eyes at Joel. “Oh really…and why is that?”

“Because,” Joel backtracked, not wanting to tell the truth, but a tale-tale smile twitched at his lips. “People are so ticklish and I don’t like to take advantage of them.”

“How considerate of you,” Benji raised his eyebrow, not believing a word of it.

“Yes, isn’t it?” Joel agreed, unable to stop the smile that now spread across his face. “I am quite the gentleman, not taking advantage of the tickle-impaired.”

“Mmhmm,” Benji nodded. “Just one problem with the whole thing.”


“You may be a gentleman,” Benji turned toward Joel and prepared to pounce. “But I am not!”

Springing, Benji knocked Joel on his back. Benji’s black leather couch, squeaked in protest as he began to tickle Joel’s neck and ribs. Joel howled with laughter and attempted to return the favor. The two men poked each other’s ribs and managed to make the other laugh harder with each try. Benji found a particularly sensitive tickle spot at Joel’s collarbone and exploited it. Joel bucked underneath him and Benji started to roll to the ground. Grabbing Joel, he made sure the both met the floor, Joel on top, with a loud thud!

“Ow,” Benji laughed as he felt Joel latching on to his wrists and straddle his hips.

“Serves you right,” Joel stuck his tongue out at Benji and managed to pin his wrists on either side of the older man’s head. “Ha-ha! You, dear Benji, are in an Absolute Pin!”

The term reminded Benji of the night they had met. Smiling, remembering how he couldn’t believe Joel was a chess champion, he played along. “Okay, you got me pinned, Mr. Chess Champion. So what‘s your next move?”

“This,” Joel grinned and leaned down to Benji’s face. “I’m going to taste you.”

Benji’s body tensed up when he heard those words. He fought not to whimper as he felt Joel closing in. His body screamed with lust and he was glad Joel had him pinned. Now he had an excuse to enjoy a few stolen moments with the boy that was stealing his heart. Swallowing hard, he had no inclination to stop Joel at all. He wanted this, even if it would only be for a minute or two.

Joel got within an inch of Benji’s lips, then turned his face and licked his cheek from jaw to temple!

“What the?” Benji yelped, disoriented.

“Oops! Sorry, Benj, but I was bound to miss: can’t see a thing without my glasses. You know you really are delicious, Benj,” Joel smirked down at him.

“You little shit!” Benji laughed, starting to struggle against Joel. “And what did I tell you about screwing with people’s names?”

“Whatever do you mean…Benj?” Joel asked innocently, his eyes glinting mischievously. “After all, I get to play footsie with you and tickle you. Why don’t I get to have my own variation of your name too…Benj?”

“Watch it…Joely,” Benji retorted grinning, his body still surging with hormones.

“Benj, I really think that you…”

“Let me interrupt you right there,” Benji said smugly and on purpose. “I think it’s time you were in an Absolute Pin!”

Bucking up, Benji started to flip them. Unfortunately, he hit the coffee table and their remaining drinks spilled on to mostly Joel and the wooden floor.

“Shit,” Benji looked mortified but Joel snickered.

“It’s okay, Benj,” Joel laughed, making faces as the ice cold liquid soaked in. “Where’s your bathroom?”

“Follow me,” Benji smiled as they helped each other stand. Walking down the dim lit hall, Joel tripped over his own two feet. “Whoa, there, gotcha!”

“Sorry, can’t see,” Joel muttered but as he raised his head up, he didn’t realize they were too close. His mouth and cheek passed over Benji’s lips.

All the air in the house seemed to disappear and Joel stole Benji’s last breath.

Benji stopped Joel's head with his hand, and guided his mouth back to his lips. Hungrily, they started kissing each other. Joel opened his mouth innocently as Benji plundered it for the very first time. He pushed the younger man against the closed door of the bathroom and explored his virgin mouth. Joel writhed against him and his hot moans were lost to them both as their tongues danced wildly with each other.

Sliding his hands down Benji’s sides, Joel grasp his hips. He pulled Benji tight against him and began to grind hard. The intense friction affected both men and Joel felt Benji slip one hand deep into his hair while he reached down with the other to cup his ass. Totally lost in the sensations and each other, neither of them noticed when their hips hit the elongated door handle to the bathroom, pushing it down and causing the door to open.

Joel stumbled into the bathroom backwards as Benji grabbed his hands to keep him from falling. The door swung in wide…and triggered the bucket of liquid that had been rigged above it! Sixty-four ounces of Hershey’s chocolate syrup poured out all over Joel, drenching his head and face, destroying his clothes, and splattering all over Benji, the bathroom, and part of the hall.

When it was over, they looked at each other in shock. Benji grimaced because he didn’t have to reason very hard to see what had happened. He had used his personal bathroom in his bedroom to get ready for tonight. This was the first time the main bathroom had been used today. It took him only one guess to get it right as to who might have done this.

Moving toward the sink, Joel looked at the message written, appropriately, in chocolate, on the mirror, and read it. “Happy April Fools Day.”

Benji growled, as he wetted a washcloth and started helping Joel clean his face. “Joel, I am sooo sorry about this. I promise you, I am going to kill them!”


“My best friends: Paul and Tony. Their prankster asses are grass!”

Instead of being mad, Joel started laughing. “Don’t kill them, Benj!”

“Why not?” He asked not seeing this as funny yet.

“Because,” Joel laughed harder as he licked one of his chocolaty fingers. “I think it was kind of ‘sweet’!”

That did it. Benji burst out laughing. “No, Joely, I think it’s you that’s ‘sweet’!”

“I’ll make you die of sugar shock,” Joel teased, slicking chocolate over his lips, and pop kissing Benji on the mouth.

Benji pulled him back and kissed him again, lingering this time, smacking his lips when he was through. “Then death will surely taste ‘sweet’ too, and I will die a happy man!”

Joel sighed happily and leaned in again for another kiss.

“Death by Joel and chocolate,” Benji nibbled on Joel‘s chocolaty jaw as the both snickered. “What a delicious way to go!”

Author notes:

A/N2:  Soooo...what did you think?
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