Cry Little Sister Chapter 10

Apr 28, 2010 07:00

Title: Cry Little Sister (Taken from song by Gerard McCann)
Author:  Legna_angeLs
Rating:  NC-17, abuse, sex, language
Pairings:  Benji/Joel
Summary:  Sarah sets off a dark chain of events when she catches her 16 year-old brothers innocently enjoying a risqué magazine.
Disclaimer:  Don’t know or own anyone. This is fiction and no money will ever be made from it.
Notes:  If you are following this story - this is the moment you've been wating for.  Thanks to all readers and reviewers, much appreciated ;)

Chap 1 Cry Little Sister   
Chap 2 Thou Shall Not Fall   
Chap 3 A Last Fire Will Rise   
Chap 4 Behind Those Eyes    
Chap 5 Black House    
Chap 6 Will Rock  
Chap 7 Blind Boys  
Chapter 8 Don't Lie
Chapter 9 Immortal

Chapter 10 -  Fear

“Benji,” Joel said softly, as he shook his brother’s shoulder. “Wake up. We’ve got to get ready to go to church.”
Furrowing his brow, Benji reluctantly opened one eye to look at his twin. “It can’t be morning already!”

“Well, it is,” Joel answered ruefully, his voice edgy. “We totally sacked out after you tried to literally crush any hopes I could someday be a Father and have kids.”

Benji snickered and opened both eyes. “You’re gay, Joel. Unless you are planning on doing the impossible and impregnating me, I think you’re safe on the procreating part. Besides, I didn’t squeeze them that hard.”

“My family jewels think otherwise,” Joel whined, sitting up as he winced. “They are still bitching.”

“You poor baby,” Benji pretended to frown, then glanced between Joel’s legs. “So if you are still in pain, why your dick is so damned hard?”

Shooting Benji a malevolent look, Joel growled. “The reason I’m so fucking hard is because technically, I haven’t gotten to really cum yet…or did that tidbit of information slip your mind?”

“Aw, Joely is cranky,” Benji teased. “If you wanted to cum so bad, why didn’t you wake me up during the night?”



“I never woke up until just now,” Joel said sheepishly. “We both must have slept like the dead.”

“And now that means because we were pansy asses,” Benji grumbled. “We missed our chance to fuck.”

“Sucks,” Joel agreed looking down, his shoulders drooping slightly.

Benji felt Joel’s disappointment doubly so. It hurt to see his twin looking so melancholy. He had to do something.

“What time is it Joely?”

“Almost nine. We only have an hour and the walk will take us at least 20 minutes.”


Joel stood up and went about getting dressed. Benji watched him sadly as a dull ached settled in the pit of his stomach. Once again, Joel was on the losing end of their escapades here in the cave. It was one thing for Benji to purposely ruin Joel’s enjoyment for the sake of their sick twisted game. However, it was quite another for Joel to be left unsatisfied repeatedly because of lack of time and such. This particular incident, falling dead asleep, hadn’t been Benji’s fault, directly, but he still felt responsible for it. Sighing, he got up and began dressing as well.

Once they were clothed, Benji turned the heater off and Joel put on his coat. Turning around to the door, Benji stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

“Hey Joel?”


Benji pulled him around so that they were facing each other. “I just wanted to tell you I’m really sorry about falling asleep.”

“Benj,” Joel rolled his eyes and half-smiled. “We both fell asleep. It’s not your fault and there’s no need to apologize.”

“Yeah, well, I still feel bad about it,” Benji said, sliding his hand up his twin’s neck to play with the small curls at the nape. His thumb grazed Joel’s jaw as they stared at each other. By silent understanding, they leaned into each other. The instant their lips met, Benji wrapped his other arm around Joel’s waist. Tenderly, yet with firm pressure, he kissed his twin, showing him instead of telling him, how much his baby brother meant to him.

As their lips parted a bit, Joel leaned his forehead into his twin’s. “I don’t want to leave. I want to just stay here with you.”

“We could always come back here, later this afternoon,” Benji whispered. Joel nodded taking in a shuddering breath as Benji pulled gently on his bottom lip. Trailing his hand down Joel’s torso, he reached down and possessively cupped his growing bulge, making him groan. “And this time, no messing around. We will get the job done.”

“But I never told you what I wanted after my punishment last night,” Joel licked his lips and pressed his hips into Benji’s groping hand.

“Alright,” Benji murmured his own cock starting to ache. “What did you want, Joely?”

“A blowjob,” Joel answered, his hands wandering down Benji’s chest. “The kind of one you offered to give me…with your teeth.”

“You want that instead of me inside you?” Benji asked, rubbing harder between his twin’s legs.

Gasping, Joel ground his hips into his palm. “I want both.”

“I’ll give you both, then,” He promised, removing his hand much to Joel’s dismay. Before he could protest though, Benji slammed his hips into his brother’s and began grinding their matching erections together through their clothing. “Damn, Joel, I want you right now.”

Suddenly, there was the faint honking of a horn.

They stilled their movements, listening.

“That sounds like Josh’s car,” Joel said, turning his head toward the sound as it echoed again.

“I think it is,” Benji sighed, letting go of his twin’s hips, albeit with regret. “Let’s go get this over with. The sooner we do, the sooner we can get back here.”

“Yeah,” Joel nodded, then surprised Benji by leaning in and kissing his cheek. “I’m looking forward to it.”

Benji smiled as they walked out the door. Reaching down like he was going to take Joel’s hand, instead, he smacked his ass making him yelp. “I’m looking forward to it too.”

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Thanks for dropping me off, Josh,” Benji said to his older brother, jumping out of the car. “I’m going to miss you, Shorty.”

“I’ll miss you too!” Josh grinned. “Are you sure Joel will be here? I hate feeling like I am dumping you in the middle of no where.”

Benji glanced around, just making out The Cave through the trees. “Yeah, he’ll be here. He said to meet him here after I made it back from Aunt Paula’s and he’d head over here after dropping the car off at the house like Mom asked him to.”

“Are you guys gonna be okay with Mom heading up to Gramma’s?”

“You know we will,” Benji smiled, not wanting Josh to worry about him and Joel. “Sara is staying with her bitchy best friend, so all we have to do is steer clear of the old man and it will be like fucking summer vacation!”

“Just be careful, Benj,” Josh warned, not sharing his smile. “Don’t split up when he is around. That bastard can be pretty vindictive. I’ve got the scars to prove it.”

Benji sobered. “I know, Josh. And I promise the two of us won’t go looking for trouble. As soon as we meet up in a few minutes, we won’t let the other out of our sight.”

“Good,” Josh nodded, then looked back down the road, remembering something he had left in his old room. Silently, he decided to run by the house, and grab a couple things he forgot there when he had moved and then he would head on down to NC. Best time to do it was now while the house was empty. “I’m gonna get going.”

“Okay,” Benji stepped away from the car. “Hey, if you by chance see Joel walking this way as you’re heading back down this road, tell him I’m waiting on him, alright?”

“Sure thing,” Josh put the car in gear. “Take care of each other, Twink.”

“You know it, Shorty.”

Benji watched he older brother back up and drive off. With excitement, he turned toward The Cave. For the last hour, he had been antsy. When their Mom asked Joel to take their car home after church while they were at lunch at their Aunt’s house, Benji had automatically assumed he would be going with him. However, their Mom had roped him in to helping pack up their Aunt’s car for their weeklong road trip to check on their Grandmother. Thankfully, Sara had already been settled the day before so he didn’t have to put up with her antics. Working fast and hard, Benji still didn’t get his Mother and Aunt on the road for another 30 minutes. Josh had been heading out and had graciously offered him a ride home.

Now what he had been waiting for all through church and lunch, was about to become a reality: he was going to be with Joel in the most intimate way possible. The thoughts of what they had done and what this would be like, made Benji’s body react. He smiled as he felt his dick getting harder…it had been partially hard all morning, or so it had seemed that way. It felt so good to just feel this and want it, without being tense or upset about it. Benji had made up his mind in the car this morning that he was not going to fight his feelings any longer. The freedom it gave him was amazing! Even in church, when Joel had accidentally brushed his hand when giving him a songbook, Benji hadn’t felt ashamed as his body had reacted to the touch. Instead, as they prayed, he thanked God for giving Joel to him and he could have sworn he could feel God smiling down at him about it as they left the building!

Reaching the door of The Cave, Benji glanced down at his almost fully erect cock in his pants. He ran his hand over it lightly, shivering at the thought of what was about to happen. After yesterday and this morning, Benji had decided that Joel would have to wait for his special ‘blow job’ from him. In fact, he didn’t want to do it at all the way they had before. This was their first time and Benji wanted it to be special for them both. There would be plenty of time in the future for them to ‘play rough’ and he fully intended to push that to its limits as he was certain Joel wanted to do as well. However, today, it was about becoming. For over 16 years, they had been separated from each other physically. Very soon, they would be joined back into one being…the way they should be.

Benji shook his head and blushed at the romantic overtone of his thoughts . Still, it held truth to it too. To day, he would give his ‘gift’ something that he could never take back…and would never give to anyone else. Taking his hand off his now pulsing prick, he took the handle to the door in his hand, and slowly opened it.


There wasn’t a response. Benji looked around, and noticed the kerosene heater was on, so it meant his brother had to be near. Walking on in, he shut the door behind him and took off his coat. As he laid the coat on the chair, an uneasy feeling swept over him. “Joel?”


He whirled around, looking for his twin. In shock, he realized Joel was huddled up in the far corner of the room. His body was drawn up in the fetal position and he was shaking.

“Oh God, Joel! What happened?” Benji rushed over to his twin.

“D-D-Dad,” Joel stuttered out as his body shook uncontrollably. He vaguely registered that his older brother was trying to hold him and felt Benji’s arms wrap around him. “Th-there when I g-got h-home.”

Benji’s blood ran cold. “What did he do, Joel? Did he hurt you?”

Joel didn’t answer but started to cling to his twin. Benji gently ran his hands all over Joel’s arms and legs, then started on his back and ribs, trying to determine if he was injured. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, he pulled back to look at Joel’s face. His brother looked scared to death.

“Tell me what he did.”

Some of the shaking had subsided, but Joel was still trembling steadily. “When I got home, he wasn’t there. I went up to our room to get some clothes and stuff.”

Benji nodded. “So, you went upstairs…and?”

“Dad was there.”

“In our room?” Benji’s eyebrows shot up.

“Y-yeah. And he wasn’t alone.”

“Joel if you knew he was there…”

“I didn’t, Benji!” Joel protested. “His truck wasn’t anywhere out front! Somebody must have dropped him off or something. That’s not the problem. Didn’t you hear me? He had someone with him!”

Joel had grabbed hold of Benji’s shirt and was slightly shaking him. Benji looked into Joel’s eyes. “Who, Joel?”

“A man, that I didn’t recognize,” Joel said in a low voice. “They…they were talking about us when I walked in.”

“What were they saying?” Benji asked feeling his skin start to crawl.

“That Josh and I are faggots and Dad didn’t want you to turn out that way,” Joel’s lip quivered. “He was talking about sending me with that man. And…”

“And what?”

Joel looked away. “And I left.”

Benji knew instantly that Joel wasn’t telling the truth. “Bullshit! What?”

“D-Dad asked the man,” Joel whispered, his eyes looking past Benji. “How much…”

“How much…what?”

“How much money I could make for them.”

Dread settled in Benji’s stomach. “Doing what?”

“I…I’m not sure. I-I-I r-ran away,” Joel stammered and tried to pull away from his twin.


“Don’t, Benji,” Joel stopped him from saying anything more, raising his voice. “I was fucking scared and I didn‘t think. I wanted to get away from them and I ran. It was too much for me. All I know is that man looked like…”

“Like what?” Benji pushed, his stomach ready to heave.

“Like a pimp,” Joel choked out.

The twins stared at each other, both now breathing hard. It was no secret to them that their Father knew such men. He had never been that faithful to their Mom but it came as a shock to them both that he would have such a lowlife in their house, let alone discuss his children with him. They didn’t even want to think what kind of ‘job’ he was getting for Joel.

Slowly, Benji shook his head. “I won’t let it happen.”

“How can you stop them?” Joel shook his head. “If they want to do this, the only way to prevent it is for me to run.”

“First,” Benji reasoned, making Joel look at him. “We don’t know yet what he wants to make you do. Second, there are many ways to handle it, including the cops if necessary. Third, and this is the most important part so you better fucking listen to me, I am not going to let you out of my sight. If they try to separate us or hurt you, I’ll do whatever I have to do to take care of you.”

“They could hurt you too,” Joel said, his body rigid in Benji’s arms. “I couldn’t stand that.”

“I won’t give them the chance, Joely,” Benji assured him. “Please, trust me on this okay?”

Taking a deep breath, Joel allowed Benji to pull him closer. “I do trust you. I’m just…scared.”

“I know. I am too,” Benji whispered into his ear. “But I promise you as long as we stick together, nothing can hurt us.”

“Then together we will be,” He answered Benji, leaning into him even more. Joel closed his eyes and pressed his head into the crook of his twin’s neck and right shoulder. Gently, he kissed him and trailed kisses up to his jawbone. Benji inhaled sharply but leaned his head back so Joel could continue. Several kisses later, he pressed their lips together urgently and felt Benji respond in kind.

The next few minutes were a flurry of movement, clothes being removed, and frantic kisses given. Neither was sure how they managed to arrive on their makeshift, sleeping bag and cover bed, naked and tangled up in each other, but they didn’t really care. All that matter was that they were together.

Nipping Joel’s shoulder, Benji made sure to ‘mark’ his brother as his. Joel returned the favor, leaving a trail of love-bites down his brother’s chest. Their hands roamed and caressed. One minute they were rough and impatient, the next they were tender, taking all the time in the world. The fear and pain they both felt translated into passion and something much deeper. Their bond that they had always had seemed to strengthen and take on new meaning with every kiss and touch. Each step they took closer to their destination, the more vibrant and real their connection with one another became.

“Benji, I need you,” Joel gasped out, his body straining as the continued to grind their hard cocks together. “Please, I can’t take this any more!”

“I need you too,” Benji rasped out, as he looked down at Joel, and he reached for the bottle of lubricant.

Taking the bottle from Joel, Benji opened it and put some on his hand. He placed his hand on Joel’s cock and felt his own dick throb hard when Joel cried out in pleasure. As he knelt between his brother’s legs, he continued stroking him with firm, smooth movements. Joel bucked his hips and grabbed fistfuls of the blanket beneath him. Benji admired the view, enjoying watching his brother writhe in bliss.

“Benji! I can’t take it anymore!” Joel pleaded, and Benji stopped. Lying beside Joel, he put more lube on his fingers…and slid his hand between his own legs.

“What are you doing?” Joel asked bewildered. “Aren’t you going to…take my virginity?”

“Yes,” Benji gasp out as his legs parted and his wet fingers touched his entrance. “But you are going to take mine first.”


“Because I want to give it to you,” Benji murmured looking into his eyes. “I…need to give it to you.”

Joel watched, mesmerized at Benji’s probing hand. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Benji as his twin, thrust down on to his own fingers. Benji stretched himself out and winced as he went from two fingers to three. Joel panted hard, loving every moment of the hot display before him.

“I’m ready,” Benji shuddered, taking his fingers from his body.

Joel slid between his legs and brought them to his waist. His hands shook as he placed his cock against the puckered, moist skin of Benji’s entrance. He hesitated, not wanting to cause Benji the pain that he knew he would.

“It will be okay, Joely,” Benji reached up with his other hand and touched his twin’s face. “I want this.”

“I want this, too,” Joel began to shake. “But I don’t want to hurt you, Benj.”

“I know,” Benji smiled. “But you’ll make it end up feeling good for us both. I trust you, Joel, with this: the most intimate part of my body I can give. And I will never give it to any one else…only you.”

Benji knew he was making a promise that he could keep…even if Joel would never be able make the same promise to him. Joel was his gift, and this was the one thing he could give to him and only him in return. He wanted this to be Joel’s. Reaching his hands down, he grasp his twin’s hips, and urged him forward.

Rocking gently, Joel felt the head of his cock starting to penetrate his brother. He felt Benji pulling him in with his hands and legs. Holding his body taut, he gradually gave in and the crown of his cock pushed past the almost too-tight ring of muscles. Benji tensed up and gasped.


“I’m okay, Joely, just don’t stop. Keep going,” Benji shut his eyes, feeling tears sting them.

Joel slowly slid the rest of his cock inside his twin until he was fully sheathed in his tight, moist heat. Nothing had ever felt so wonderful. Wanting to share his discovery with Benji, he gasped when he saw tears leaking from his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Benji! Oh fuck, I’ll pull out.”

“NO!” Benji yelled and locked his legs and arms around him. “Stay with me…I need you inside me.”

Looking in his eyes, Joel did as he asked. He leaned his head down and kissed his older brother lovingly on the mouth. Their kisses became heated and soon Benji was starting to roll his body against his twin. Taking the hint, Joel began rocking in and out, at a gentle pace.

As their passion grew, Joel’s body took over and he drew out and thrust back into Benji, much harder, at a deeper angle.

“YES!” Benji cried out. “Fuck! Do that again!”

Joel complied and thrust back in the same way, only harder. “God, Benji so fucking tight!”

“Joel! Harder! Please, harder!” Benji half sobbed as he cock rubbed hard against their stomachs, giving him just the right amount of friction.

Pushing in deep, short, and hard, Joel felt Benji meet his every thrust. Their bodies raced toward completion.

“I’m…close,” Joel panted out, his body started to shake badly. “Tell me when.”

“Oh Joel…almost…uh…THERE! Oh JOEL!” Benji sobbed out his release, his trapped cock exploding all over their tummies and chests. Bucking his hips hard into Joel, Benji let the stars burst in his eyes and rode the cosmos as his body burst with ecstasy.

Feeling the hard contractions deep inside his twin, Joel thrust deeper, his muscles starting to spasm. When he felt Benji’s cum all over him and saw the unmitigated joy on his face, Joel moved his hips frantically. Yelling Benji’s name, he came harder than he had ever thought possible. Marking his brother with his seed, he couldn’t seem to stop. The orgasm lasted much longer than usual and made him feel a deep-seated pleasure that he knew Benji could feel too.

As their bodies relaxed and their very souls mingled, Joel knew now he had been missing this all of his life. It was everything he needed, wanted, and loved. All else was washed away and nothing else really mattered, except Benji. He was perfectly content to stay like this forever and he knew here, there was nothing to fear.

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