I'll Be Chapter 1 (part 1)

Apr 24, 2010 05:54

Title:  I'll Be   (1/30)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Benji/Joel
Summary:  Benji Madden is turning 23 today.  He is starting a new job on Monday at the Lakeview County School System as the Administrator for all the buses, routes, and busdrivers in the county.  Life is finally getting on track and he is just as happy not having to put up with the bother of a relationship.  However, tonight, his friends have set him up with a very special birthday surprise...Joel Combs is turning 18 today.  He is the reigning Chess Champion in the state of Maryland, three years running now, soon to be four.  All his life, he has never fit in and is a terminal geek.  When two of the most popular guys in his senior class offer to help him celebrate his birthday, how could he reisist...As the paths of these two men cross unexpectedly, will they be just another love suicide, never revealing their depth?  Or will they be able to see that they belong together...and become the greatest fan of each other's life?  (AU and Twins are not related...so no guilt, lol)

And cue the Disclaimer:  I don’t own or know the Madden twins. This never happened. I have not, did not, and will never ever make any money off of this. The story is purely a work of fiction.

Notes:  This is in answer to a song fic challenge issued by luvmeanspain for Edwin McCain's "I'll Be".  therefore, it is likewise respectfully dedicated to her as well.  I hope that she and all of you, enjoy reading as much as I did writing it.

Chapter 1 - I'll Be Your Crying Shoulder (part 1)

“Hurry up, Brandon!”

“I’m working here, Tyler. It’s not like they are handcuffs!”

“Whass yoo doo-un?” Joel mumbled his words, his body feeling like it was on fire but his mind felt hazy. He was very confused. This was his birthday celebration…or was that just a dream?

“He’s coming to, Ty,” Brandon hissed, running his fingers nervously through his blonde hair. “It’s time to split, dude!”

“Almost done,” Ty snickered, tossing his head so that his stringy brown hair flipped back and out of his eyes. “Hey, do you have the pacifier and the tape?”

“Um, I couldn’t find any tape but I got a couple of shoe strings,” Brandon said handing it over. “If you tie it tight enough around his head, it should stay in.”

“What about the other thingy?”

“It’s on there nice and tight,” Brandon squirmed uncomfortably, trying not to think about what he had had to do to Joel‘s nether regions.

Tyler shoved the pacifier into Joel’s relaxed mouth and looped the shoestrings criss-cross around his head, and back through the little holes on the side. Knotting them impossibly tight, he stepped back to admire his handiwork. Satisfied that Joel wouldn’t be able to speak, much less move, he grinned at Brandon.

“Gimme that camera,” Tyler chortled and he begin to snap photos rapidly. “This was just too easy. That fucker never once questioned why in the world we would want to celebrate the birthday of a geeky loser like him. I just wish the rest of the team could have been here to see it. Damn them and their underage asses.”

“Yeah,” Brandon said absently, checking the door after he threw the rest of the stuff in his book bag. “Dude, I think we better blow this joint. The rooms are starting to fill up and it’s just a matter of time before they get to this one. I don’t wanna be here when they find him.”

Reluctantly, Tyler agreed. “Okay. He was such an idiot to trust us! The E we slipped him won’t wear off for a while, so he is going to hate being male for the next few hours; especially while he’s ‘all tied up.’ Unlike your cowardly ass, I really wish we could be here and watch when he gets found. Oh well, at least we have it documented.”

“Will you really be able to get some of those pictures in the yearbook?” Brandon asked, awed, and slightly horrified.

“Oh yeah,” Tyler nodded, patting the camera as he slipped it into his pocket. “What good is it to be fucking the yearbook editor if you can’t submit a few photos for the publication?”

Brandon raised his eyebrows and tried to continue pretending that he was enjoying this. It was starting to get more difficult. This wasn’t as much fun as he thought it was going to be.

Slapping Joel’s bare ass, Tyler laughed when Joel groaned and jumped. “Thanks for the memories, Joelene. Oh and here‘s your glasses!”

Tyler broke the glass in two and dropped them on the floor halfway between them.

“Won’t he need those?” Brandon asked, feeling a twinge of pity. “I mean the guy is blind as a bat without them.”

“Yeah and bats have radar or some shit,” Tyler shrugged. “Let him use that. Come on.”

Brandon and Tyler exited the low-lit room. Sultry music blared as scantily dressed men gyrated to catcalls and unsubtle invitations. Brandon swallowed his bile down, determined not to let his disgust and nerves get the best of him. Tyler easily ignored everything around him. It was nothing he hadn’t seen before having been there too many times to count. He led the way as they nonchalantly headed for the door.

They were almost to the exit, when Tyler overheard a man named Paul, asking for a room from the overseer, Billy. His eyes widened when he heard the requested specifics and the fact the room was wanted on an indefinite basis. An evil smile spread across his face and he walked over to the man.

“What are you doing?” Brandon said in alarm as Tyler watched the guy named Paul, wait at the bar.

“This will only take a second,” Tyler assured his friend. “Just chill.”

Waiting until the overseer was distracted, Tyler sidled up to the beefy, brown haired Paul. “Hey, are you Paul?”

“Uh, yeah,” Paul said looking the young man up and down. “Do you work here?”

“I’m the owner’s nephew,” Tyler smiled innocently, offering his hand which Paul took. “Anyway, the overseer, Billy? He told me to let you know that room 17 is all ready for your use and needs.”

“Wow! That was quick!” Paul smiled.

“My uncle believes in offering the best customer service. That’s why we are number one,” Tyler lied. “That will be $500.”

“Billy, said it would be $750,” Paul said, raising his eyebrows.

Tyler didn’t miss a beat. “Discount for the birthday boy: that’s how we roll.”

Paul nodded. “I am impressed.”

He counted out 5 crisp one hundred dollar bills into Tyler’s hand. “There you go!”

“And we do thank you sir,” Tyler smiled, shaking Paul’s hand again. “Your entertainer tonight goes by the name ‘Joel’ and he is waiting now for your friend, in room 17. Hope he enjoys himself and please tell him Happy Birthday from all of us here at Sticks ‘n’ Stones.”

“Will do,” Paul smiled and headed up the stairs to the VIP level to rejoin the party and his friends.

Pocketing over half the money, Tyler walked back to the bar. “Sylvia?”

The female bartender walked over to him, smiling as she saw who had called her name. “Yes, Tyler?”

“Uncle Dean wants the birthday boy to be well taken care of tonight,” Tyler indicated to the VIP section. “I’m sorry but I forgot his name.”

“Oh you must mean the Madden party,” Sylvia nodded, as Tyler handed her the remaining $200. She had only been employed for about a month, but she knew this young man was highly favored by his uncle. For that reason, she was eager to please him in hopes his uncle would hear about it. Nothing wrong with sucking up and moving up.

“Yep, that’s the one. He has room 17 at his disposal for the rest of the evening,” Tyler nodded sweetly, leaning his head to one side and making Sylvia giggle. “You know I swear you are the hottest bartender he has ever had in here.”

“Tyler, you do know I am almost 10 years older than you,” Sylvia pointed out, but looked him up and down just the same. This was turning out better than she had planned. She was not above sleeping her way up the ladder. Especially with a hot, athletic high school senior like Tyler.

“Older women turn me on,” Tyler lied smoothly, lowering his lashes over his dark blue eyes and making the blonde haired woman catch her breath. “Anyways, I wanted to make sure to let you know that it’s all taken care of now. There was some high school kid in the room a while ago, but he finished up and left. Just tell Billy that Uncle Dean authorized it earlier today, it just slipped his mind, okay?”

“Sure, Ty,” Sylvia smiled. “It was so nice to see you.”

“Likewise,” Tyler blew her a kiss. “I’ll be at Liaisons until last call tonight. Come see me when you get off.”

“Maybe,” She flirted knowing she had every intention of doing just that.

“I’ll be waiting,” Tyler flirted back as he was leaving, knowing he wouldn’t be there.

“Tyler, that wasn’t cool man,” Brandon whispered as they opened the door.

“What do you care?” Tyler shot over his shoulder as they exited. “That little nerd has it coming to him. And since I had to be his pimp, we got paid. Now shut off your annoying conscience and let’s go make it rain where there’s some pussy.”

“So which club are we going to?”

“Any of them…except Liaisons,” Tyler answered under his breath as the door slammed behind them.

Billy had just gotten back and noticed customers were leaving. “Have a good evening,” He called but received no response from the exiting young men. He could have sworn he knew one of them but he didn’t get more than a glimpse of him. Shrugging, he walked over to Sylvia.

“Anything I need to know?”

“Yes, sir,” Sylvia said, showing him the room roster. “Mr. Butterworth sent word about the Madden party and wants you to know he already has them set up in room 17. He meant to inform you earlier.”

“Room 17?” Billy repeated, his brow furrowing. “Huh, that was let out to a Joel Combs about an hour ago. I thought it was for the rest of the evening.”

“Oh yeah,” Sylvia remembered. “The young man got finished and left already in less than an hour.”

Billy shook his head. “These rich little high school kids, I swear. They turn 18 and think they can go all night. Either that or they think we are some kind of male brothel instead of erotic entertainment. It usually only takes a couple of lap dances in private to finish them off. That’s why I really hate taking their money for an entire evening when I know they will be down for the count in less than an hour. A good porno they could keep forever and it sure as hell costs a lot less!”

Sylvia laughed and shook her head. “Maybe we should open a video store? Partner up.”

“Now there’s an idea for sure,” Billy smirked. “Okay, Syl, I am going to be up in the office since all the rooms are occupied. If you need anything, ring me. Otherwise, I will see you in a couple hours at midnight when your shift is up.”

“See you then,” She grinned, thinking happily of how she couldn’t wait to get to Liaisons.

Billy climbed the steps, heading toward his office. As he passed the Madden birthday party, he smiled. It looked as though they were having a good time and Billy was glad. He saw the cake sitting before what must be the birthday boy and Billy’s smile widened. Shaking his head, he unlocked his office door. The rousing chorus of Happy Birthday was beginning just as he shut the door to his office.

Paul stood up and conducted their friends to the song.

“Happy Birthday dear Benji…Happy Birthday to you!”

Applause broke out as he blew out his candles.

“Thanks everyone,” Benji laughed, his hazel eyes sparkling. “And as for the cake you shouldn’t have…you really…shouldn’t have.”

Laughter tittered around them as Paul slapped him on the back. “You are now an old man of 23. We wanted to make sure you got some ‘cock’ and had a ‘ball’.”

Benji shook his head as more snickers occurred. The cake before him was in the shape of a large erect dick and nice round testicles. “Well this particular ‘package’ looks sweet and delicious.”

“Which piece do you want?” Paul asked, grabbing a knife.

“Circumcise it,” Benji grinned. “Cause I really want to have some ‘head’ tonight.”

“You are gonna get that and a whole lot more,” Tony laughed. “Wait until you see your last present!”

“Don’t spoil it, Tone,” Paul said, glaring at him. “Here you go, Benji. Bon appetite!”

For the next few minutes, cake was being inhaled by them all. In spite of its questionable appearance, it really was excellent. Benji toyed with his, not really wanting to hurry. He was certain that the guys had ‘hired’ him some entertainment and he was kind of dreading it. Running his fingers through his dark hair, he leaned back in his chair, contemplating what he should do about it. His friends meant well, they just didn’t understand. Sure, getting some ass had been nice in college, but that had been over two years ago for him. A day didn’t go by that he didn’t jack off, sometimes twice. That was a lot safer and easier to do than have sex with random people and chance getting an STD or worse, dying.

Life had also been quite hectic for him as well. Graduating early and struggling to find a good job even with a degree, Benji had found himself too busy to bother with relationships as well. He knew he wanted one someday. Right now, it really was all he could do to take care of himself. Finding his soul mate was at the very bottom of his list, if it even made it on the list at all.

“So, the new job starts day after tomorrow, Sunday huh?” Paul asked, eating another bite of cake.

“Yeah,” Benji nodded. “Lakeview County School System.”

“Why do you have to go in on a Sunday?” Paul asked, curious. “I thought schools were a Monday thru Friday thing.”

“They are,” Benji answered him, toying with his cake. “But seeing as I am coming in right at the end of the year, the last nine weeks, I need to hit the ground running on Monday. The Assistant Superintendent agreed to bring me up to speed and Sunday was the only day he could do it.”

Tony shook his head. “You know Benj, if you wanted to be a school bus driver, why the hell did you get a degree?”

“I’m the School Bus Administrator,” Benji corrected him, a bit annoyed. “I coordinate all the busses, drivers, and routes for the county’s schools.”

“So, what if somebody doesn’t show up to drive?” Tony said, trying to be smart.

“Then I call in one of the subs,” Benji folded his muscular arms over his broad chest.

“Aha, but what if there are no more subs?” Paul pointed out, not at all serious like Tony.

“That isn’t going to happen,” Benji chuckled.

“What if it did though?” Tony wouldn’t back down. “What would you do?”

Shaking his head and rolling his eyes he decided to give in to what Tony was driving at. “Well then, I guess I would be honor bound to help out…but that isn’t going to happen!”

“I don’t know Benji,” Paul laughed and grimaced. “Lakeview is known for its incompetence. If I were you, substitutes would be the first area I checked into.”

Stretching, he decided it was time to change the subject and get his friends’ ‘surprise’ over with. “Okay, fellas, what’s my last present?”

Paul set down his glass and grinned. “You are gonna like it.”

“Mmhmm,” Tony smiled smugly. “I took a peek. This one will be ‘hard’ to pass up. He’s feisty, like a rock, and sexy as hell. After you see him, if you don’t want him…”

“Of course he’s gonna want him,” Paul smacked Tony’s arm. “Quit trying to talking him out of it. And please remember…you are taken.”

Benji sighed. “Which room?”

“Room 17,” Paul grinned. “He goes by ‘Joel’, and you have until closing, with the room and him, which happens at 4am.”

“Glad to see you guys have faith in my ability to be long lasting,” Benji shook his head at the absurdity of having a room that long. It was only ten minutes past 10pm. “So, I take it this is where we all part company?”

“Yeah,” Tony said, taking Paul’s hand in his own. “We’ll say goodnight to everyone for you. Oh and here! You might need this for now…and later.”

Tony tossed a small tube of super glide lube and a 6 pack of ribbed rainbow colored condoms, to him. Benji rolled his eyes and laughed. He stuck both in his back pocket.

Paul squeezed his lover’s hand and smiled. “Be sure to come over tomorrow and let us know how it went.”

Benji nodded, sighing again. “I am sure there won’t be anything to report, but I’ll be over later in the afternoon.”

“Good, cause I need my beauty rest,” Tony smirked, squeezing Paul‘s hand back. “And if you are going to be lame-ass boring about this, at least conjure up a good story to tell us tomorrow!”

“I’ll do my best for you, Ton,” He leaned over and hugged the lanky, blue-eyed man. “Thanks for everything guys.”

Paul hugged him too. “You are welcome, Benj. Now go and at least try to have some fun. You only turn 23 once!”

“Yeah, after that, it’s all down hill,” Tony said with a straight face.

“Later guys,” Benji said and started down the stairs.

Once he was on the main floor, he glanced around. The sign above the doorway in front of him next to the bar, stated that rooms 1 through 20 were straight ahead. Cracking his knuckles nervously, Benji walked down the hall. He really hoped the guy just wanted to earn his money tonight and wouldn’t mind having a chat. It had been a really long time since Benji had seen a guy he was truly interested in and places like this had never really appealed that much to him. This had clearly been Tony’s idea: having his birthday at Sticks ‘n’ Stones of all places. Benji would have had just as much fun at home with his best friends.

Pausing at room 17, Benji drew a shaky breath. This was so ridiculous! Good money wasted on a guy that probably wouldn’t even be able to get hard for him, let alone be able to get him hard. Dancing could be erotic, yes, but Benji craved the rougher side of the coin. He liked bondage, S&M, and his true love in life was being a switch. Sometimes he was quite dominant; and sometimes, not. This coupled with his fetishes and quirks, made the idea of a handsome, air-headed stripper seem even less appealing. Oh well, at least he would be able to use his hand later tonight when he got home.

Opening the door, he stepped inside and closed it behind him.

It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the low light. As his eyes dilated, the scene before him became clearer and clearer. At first, Benji thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. When he realized that the vision before he was very real, his mouth fell open.

A square bondage frame, made of steel PVC pipes, was in front him, fastened permanently to the wall and ceiling. One could easily walk around it and even through it. The 7 foot tall frame had places all over the top and sides to hook restraints, slings, or other equipment, all with the sole purpose of allowing you to be in complete control of another bound person.

But that isn’t what made Benji gawk.

It was the gloriously naked man-boy attached in the middle of the frame that fascinated him.

The young man’s wrists were manacled with metal-leather cuffs and fastened at a perfect 90 degree angle. Each wrist was connected via chains, to the top corners of the frame. His ankles were likewise connected to the bottom of the frame. From the tension of the chains, Benji suspected he could move very little if at all. But the most stunning pieces of work, were on his face and in between his legs.

The young man’s dark hair had what looked to be white shoe laces tied around his head, holding a pacifier, firmly, in his mouth. They were tied very tight, and Benji briefly wondered how long the man-boy had endured it. It looked downright painful.

Between the boy’s legs, a cockring had been attached. His young, hard dick stood up straining as though it was going to burst. Precum dotted the head and shaft, and the balls had been stretched down ward with another leather ring. He panted as he rolled his head, looking Benji dead in the eyes. The little bit of movement the young man did have seemed to be in his hips. He rolled them at Benji as they gazed at each other. Benji had never seen such expressive eyes, filled with need and lust.

God, he was gorgeous.

In spite of his earlier thoughts, Benji felt his dick getting hard. Arousal spiked through his veins as he continued to stare into the young man’s soul. In one quick decision, Benji threw his ‘unwritten rule’ out the window about sex. Spontaneity ruled him and he just went with what he wanted which was…whats-his-name. Sifting around in the information in his brain, Benji managed to remember what the young man’s name was and he said it out loud.


Joel’s eyes widened and he nodded slightly, whimpering. His nearly blind eyes strained to make out the man in front of him. In all of his 18 years his body had never felt so alive…and so out of his control. Just knowing another person was there, fired his blood. His young, lean body was still reacting to the ecstasy he had been given by his new ‘friends’. However, there was something about his strange man too. Joel could scent his cologne and even the soft sound of his footsteps affect him. The overwhelming feelings made his eyes roll back as he waited to see what would happen.

“Uh,” Benji’s mouth went dry. “I’m Benji…um, I am here about the uh, birthday…thing?”

Joel nodded vigorously, moaning and straining against his bonds. He didn’t know how this Benji knew about his birthday but right now it didn’t matter. His cock was hurting terribly and all Joel wanted was to get a hand free so he could relieve the horrible pain. He just wished he could see this Benji. Without his glasses on, the only thing he could really make out about the man was his shape. The broad shoulders looked very nice and that voice felt like a cool caress to his heated skin, making his shiver.

Looking at Joel’s raging hard on, Benji ached to touch it. “So since this is supposed to be a celebration, I guess you won’t mind if I help you out? Is that okay?”

Again, Joel nodded vehemently. If he couldn’t use his own hand, he would gladly accept this stranger’s in order to relieve the agony he was experiencing. The thought of having the man who had caused this sensory nirvana touch him, made Joel start to tremble. Thrusting his hips in the stranger’s direction, he heard this Benji groan appreciatively. That groan went straight to Joel’s over-sensitive groin.

Benji felt lust rip through him at the sight of Joel frantically jutting his hips toward him. Walking boldly up to the young man, Benji rain his hand over his naked chest. Joel’s body stiffened under his touch, but as he got lower, Joel moaned and threw his head back. Benji didn’t stop until he had wrapped his fist around the young man’s dripping, way-too hard dick.

“You like this, Joel?” Benji asked, his hand starting to pump Joel up and down. The feel of this hot young guy’s cock in his palm, made Benji involuntarily move his own hips. The power he had over him was intoxicating. In all the bdsm scenes he had ever participated in, this by far was the strongest he had ever felt that desire. “Do you need to get off, baby?”

Nodding, Joel gave off a higher pitched moan and started moving his hips. The endearment Benji used affected his wild, uncontained emotions and tears welled in his eyes. All of his life, he had wanted was to belong. He didn’t fit anywhere. Not with his family or the kids at school: Joel was a misshapen piece in life’s puzzle. To hear this sexy, sublime male refer to him as his, indirectly though it was, made Joel feel euphoric.

Reaching back with his free hand, Benji grabbed his ass. Joel went wild, bucking between Benji’s two hands. Stilling his movements, Benji waited until Joel had stopped moving as well. Leaning into toward Joel’s ear, Benji licked the shell of his ear and was rewarded with a low sexy groan.

“I can’t believe how fucking hot you look,” Benji said sincerely. “And what is more, I can’t believe how fucking hard my dick is right now.”

Joel whimpered. Wanting more and more of everything about this man. Leaning his head into Benji’s, he brushed his cheek lightly against his face.

Benji inhaled sharply. That gentle touch, given in spite of all the efforts someone had gone to in restraining Joel, really meant something. He looked at the boy’s closed eyes and Benji found himself moving in closer. The childish, yet effective gag, was starting to annoy him. He wanted to kiss Joel. Exhaling, Benji fought the urge to remove the gag. Kissing was so very personal, intimate. This was starting feel like oh so much more than just a random lay. The gag would have to stay in so that he didn’t put out more of him self than he could ever have returned back to him.

“I really want to be inside of you, Joel,” Benji rasped in his ear, squeezing Joel’s swelled cock. “Would you like that?”

Joel’s body screamed yes and his confused mind agreed. He wasn’t sure if this were a dream or a nightmare. All he knew was that a vague shape of a man with a very sexy voice was making him feel more than he had ever felt in his life. Surrendering to the feelings to this strange man, Joel nodded, letting him know that he did indeed want to be fucked by him.

Benji looked down at the portable half steps. Moving them on either side of Joel’s feet, he was pleased to see that Joel had just enough slack in his leg chains to stand on them.

“Here, put your feet on these,” Benji stated.

Joel looked at him blankly. Without his glasses, he really couldn’t see anything there.

Exasperated, Benji reached down and put each foot on the blocks. “Now leave them there.”

Moving swiftly behind the young man, Benji didn’t waste any time. This needed to be done fast for two reasons. First, he knew that the ‘bonds’ would need to come off soon. Second, he was fighting to view this as it really was: just a release, nothing more. If he didn’t get this over with soon, he was in danger of losing that battle. Not sure how long the young man had been this way, Benji worked quickly. Slicking up his fingers, he slid them inside Joel, one after the other with a short pause in between.

Joel pushed back against Benji’s hand. Virgin though he was, he had used his own fingers, experimenting, for several years now. The feel of Benji’s digits was much different. His fingers were larger and stronger. Joel felt him add a third finger, and discomfort followed it for the first time. The most he had ever put inside there with his own hand was three and that was rare. Whimpering, he continued pushing back, his body wanting Benji to hit that spot deep inside him. Suddenly, he felt Benji spread his fingers wide and he cried out in pain. His protest was gone unnoticed due to the gag and Benji repeated the action many more times. Just when Joel was certain he could no longer stand it, he felt Benji’s wrist twist and those strong fingers were massaging his spot.

A smile spread over Benji’s lips when he heard Joel squeal. He like watching him frantically bouncing on his fingers and it pleased him that he had hit his pleasure point. In the back of his mind, Benji began to have a doubt about doing this. The kid seemed awfully tight. There was no way he could have been a virgin, but Benji felt a sliver of unease at the thought maybe the guy was tensed up because he really didn‘t want to do this. Telling himself he did not want this to ever be considered rape, Benji made the decision to undo the gag. He wanted Joel to tell him with his own voice that he wanted this.

Using his free hand, Benji reached behind Joel’s head and moved the painful, constricting shoe laces upward. Joel yelped as some of his hair pulled and blood rushed into his previously bound cheeks. Taking the pacifier by the ring, Benji gently pulled it out.

“Th-thanks,” Joel stuttered.

Benji nodded moving his face more to the side so Joel could look down at him from his perch on the blocks. Firmly, he began rubbing Joel’s prostate again. A hot cry escaped the boy’s lips and his body trembled.

“Do you want this Joel?” Benji asked him, applying more pressure, fearful he might say no.

He didn’t even think twice as he closed his eyes. “Yes! Oh yes!”

Benji’s cock spasmed hard in his pants. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to fuck me,” Joel gasped out, pushing back on Benji’s fingers. “I want you to mark me, make me a man. I fucking need you…I’ve waited for you for so long.”

Joel’s words seared Benji like a hot brand. He knew the virgin thing was just an act but he couldn’t help but play along because he really liked it. “You’ve waited for me, baby? How long?”

“18 years as of today,” Joel moaned out with tears lacing his voice, his emotions starting to get the best of him again.

This kid was good: pretending it was his birthday too! “Why did you wait so long, baby?”

“Because,” Joel said thickly, two tears rolling down his cheeks that were still marked by the strings. “I don’t belong anywhere.”

The simple statement, filled to the brim with deep emotion, tore at Benji’s heart. He reached up with his free hand and wiped away each tear. “Look at me, Joel.”

Opening his eyes, Joel looked down blindly in the direction of that voice.

“Tonight,” Benji said, giving the only thing he could. “You belong to me.”

Joel half sobbed as Benji twisted his wrist, punctuating his movement by deeply massaging his prostate. “Beg me to make you fully mine.”

“Please,” Joel sobbed. “Please! Take me, make me yours…tonight…I want to belong to you in every way!”

“You will,” Benji rasped, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. He pulled back quickly, not trusting himself.

Sliding his fingers out of Joel, Benji ignored the whine of protest. Undoing his black pants, he pulled out his rigid cock and reached for the condoms. After putting one on, he lubed up his shaft as he leaned up to whisper in Joel‘s ear. “I’m going to fuck you now Joel.”

Joel bit his lower lip. “Please, I want you to so bad!”

“Bend you knees,” Benji instructed. “I’ll guide your hips on to me.”

Doing what he was told to do, Joel felt Benji’s stiff, bulbous cockhead at his entrance. Apprehension ran up his spine as he realized by the feel, how large Benji was and how much this would hurt. He needed to tell him to go slow. “Benji, I…”

Closing his eyes, Benji grasped Joel’s hips like a vice and thrust into him in one quick, deep thrust.

Joel felt like he was dying. His mouth opened in a soundless scream because he was completely robbed of breath. The pain was made worse due to his drug enhanced senses. Try as he might, it was near impossible to fully regain his breath so that he could scream. Hoarse cries left his lips instead. Tears flowed down his face as he felt Benji pull halfway out, only to slam back into him.

“God, you so fucking tight,” Benji groaned, his pleasure unrivaled. “And you’re mine, tonight, you are all mine.”

The words penetrated the agony in Joel’s soul and left a soothing balm. That beautiful feeling of belonging swept over him. Any amount of pain, Joel would have gladly endured at that moment, to ensure that this glorious feeling of finding his place in the cosmos, stayed forever. Knowing it was just for tonight, made Joel weak, yet strong. If this was his moment, and no other would ever come, then he would enjoy this to its fullest…even the pain. His tense body relaxed as he accepted the thrusts without any more willful resistance.

Benji felt Joel give in to him. Knowing that Joel would keep his hips lowered, he released his hold on his right hip. Reaching around his body, his hand found Joel’s granite, hard cock. He matched his thrusts with the strokes of his hand, pressing on the dorsal nerve on the back side of Joel’s prick.

“Ohhh!” Joel cried out, this time in pleasure. The pain faded into bliss as Benji shifted his hips and nailed Joel’s prostate dead on. “FUCK YES!”

Benji grinned. “Like that, baby?”

“Benji,” Joel gasped, starting to move his hips between Benji’s hand and hips. “More…shit, give me more!”

He shortened his thrusts and starting pushing in deep, hard, and fast. “I’ll give…you more!” Benji’s voice broke as he continued to pick up the pace.

Joel met every thrust, shaking hard. “Uhhh, I’m…close…Benji!”

“I want you to cum for me, baby,” Benji panted, his hand reaching down to the cockring. “I’m gonna take this off, and I want you to cum so it will be that much tighter for me.”

Nodding his head, Joel still bucked his hips when he felt his fingers at the base of his cock. “I want…you to cum…deep inside me. Want you…be the first.”

“Oh yeah, Joel!” Benji agree, undoing the leather ring, thoroughly enjoying that Joel was back to playing the virgin role again. “I am going to mark your virgin ass as my own. Gonna cum so hard inside you! But you’re gonna cum for me…right now!”

Swiping his thumb over Joel’s crown, Joel screamed unintelligible words. His body tensed and his stretched balls attempted to pull up, but were denied by the other leather ring. Every nerve in his body fired at once, and Joel started to cum. Bright as the sun, his world lit up and he could hear the rush in his ears. The only thing that existed in the world was ecstasy, also known as Benji. Intense orgasmic spasms gripped him numerous times as his muscles clenched harder and harder.

Stroking Joel as steadily as he could, Benji’s thrusts became erratic as he felt Joel getting tighter. Holding back as long as he possibly could to let Joel make the most of it, he finally could do no more. Letting go of Joel’s still orgasming dick, Benji grabbed his hips and pounded up into him.

The sudden change in tempo and force, had a fantastic effect on Joel. Every hard, fast thrust, pummeled his prostate and lengthened his orgasm. More fluid flowed out and Joel’s eyes rolled back as his body became compliant. Placing his full weight at Benji’s disposal, his high pitched cries, signaled his ongoing bliss.

Slamming into Joel and feeling each involuntary contraction around his cock was too much and after two more bruising thrusts, Benji exploded deep inside of Joel. His head fell forward to Joel’s shoulder and he felt it make contact with his mouth. Biting down, he rode out the earth shattering orgasm, never wanting this to end.
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