Last Man Standing Chapter 8

Apr 22, 2010 16:30

Title:  Last Man Standing
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Benji/Joel
Summary:  Benji challenges his other four band mates to test their 'prowess' in a contest.  A lot of money is at stake and all five men are determined to win...just as long as no one EVER finds out...

And cue the Disclaimer:  I don’t own or know the Madden twins. This never happened. I have not, did not, and will never ever make any money off of this. The story is purely a work of fiction.

Notes:  TY to Junior Sanchez for his song which is the title of this chapter.  The 'three stooges' will crack you up while 'double trouble' will redefine 'elevator music'...Hope you laugh your butts off and then have to turn on your fans!  *Wiggles Eyebrows*

Chapter 1 Money Shots   
Chapter 2 Dirty Dream   
Chapter 3 Anything   
Chapter 4 Anxiety  
Chapter 5 Shattered
Chapter 6 TKO 
Chapter 7 EMO Humpty Dumpty

Chapter 8 - Just Like An Elevator

“Why oh why didn’t we get into the other elevator beside this one?” Billy pinched the bridge of his nose in total frustration. “You know you’d think by now someone would have noticed it’s not working.”

“You’d think someone would notice we aren’t working,” Deano retorted. “We had a show to do tonight.”

“Benji and Joel handled it just fine, I am sure,” Paul said, squirming uncomfortably, his face red from trying to ‘contain’ himself.

“We are still gonna get it from them, both barrels,” Deano grimaced.

“Just as long as their shooting blanks,” Paul said, trying to smile in spite of his cramped insides.

“Well we know Joel isn’t,” Billy snorted. “His gun was definitely loaded at least twice.”

“Yeah but Benji’s been around the block quite a few times,” Deano interjected. “So far, no rabbits have died. With all the pussy he has gotten, I find it difficult to believe there weren’t any near hits, at least.”

“He’s always got the safety on,” Paul laughed and then groaned at the pain it caused his belly.

“Either that or his trigger isn’t working properly,” Billy smirked.

Flatulence suddenly invaded the air with a loud, drawn out popping sound.

“Oh my God, Paul!” Deano gasped covering his nose.

“I’m so sorry,” Paul groaned in relief. “I can’t help it guys, I’m dying here.”

“No, Paul,” Billy growled, his hands over his mouth and nose. “Dean and I are the ones that are dying…not you.”

Sweat poured down Paul’s face. “Guys, we are going to have to get out of here soon. I can’t hold this in much longer.”

“Please, Paul,” Deano begged fervently, his hand still covering his face. “Take one for the team and hold that mofo in, pal.”

“I am not going to make it,” Paul panted, closing his eyes.

“I swear on my favorite guitar, Paul,” Billy seethed. “If you don’t hold it back and let it go in here, I’m going to the sex store, buying the largest fucking butt plug known to man, and it’s going to become a permanent part of your anatomy!”

“And I’m going to help him accomplish it,” Deano added, glaring over at Paul.

A whirring sound reverberated through the steel box they were stranded inside.

“We’re moving?” Billy said astonished.

“Yes!” Deano jumped up as Billy started to stand.

“Oh thank-you GOD!” Paul cried out just as the door opened on the floor they had exited hours earlier. Crawling on his hands and knees, he made it out of the elevator and crawled valiantly toward the suite next to the twins room.

Two surprised elevator technicians looked at each other, then at the three men.

“Wow, we weren’t aware anyone was in there,” A short stocky man said as Billy thanked him.

“We’ve been stuck in there since before 5, man,” Deano said shaking his head. “Couldn’t you guys see us? I mean don’t they have cameras in most elevators now?”

The stocky tech nodded. “Yes, most do and so do these, but the camera feed for all the elevators malfunctioned and will be offline until the diagnostic program finishes running sometime tomorrow.”

“Then you guys really saved our lives!” Deano said dramatically.

The tall tech made a funny face. “Saved your lives from an elevator?”

Flatulence again sounded and desecrated the breathable air.

“Holy shit,” The stocky tech grabbed his nose watching as Paul froze in front of a door down the hallway, still on his hands and knees.

“It’s shit,” Billy said disgusted, his hand on his face once more. “But trust me…it’s anything but holy!”

“The door!’’ Paul shouted in desperation and anger. “For the love of my bowels…OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR, MORONS, OR I AM GOING TO SHIT MYSELF RIGHT HERE AND NOW!”

Deano and Billy ran down the hall like it was the 50 yard dash. Dean got there first and started to open the door but Billy stopped him.

“Wait!” Billy yelled, continuing on to the twins’ suite. Swiping his card key, he threw the door open. “Grab him Dean and we’ll let him go in here.”

“Huh? Why?” Dean said confused, hesitating. “I don’t wanna touch him, dude. He might explode all over me!”

“Aw hell, think Deano,” Billy jumped up and down. “It will be no better if he ‘explodes’ in OUR bathroom will it? We’d have to smell it ALL NIGHT LONG…and I just can’t do that. I only have so many nose hairs for filtering the air and Paul’s already burned out most of them.”

“I’M GOING TO SHIT IN THE FUCKING HALL!” Paul screamed. But before Dean and Billy could react, the two elevator techs were already there, hoisting Paul up between them and heading toward the door Billy was holding open.

“Gain way!” The stocky tech bellowed and they charged toward the bathroom with Paul.

After they had disappeared, Deano looked at Billy in amazement. “That sure was nice of them.”

Billy nodded just as impressed and they both followed them to the bathroom in the twins’ suite. Halfway there, the two techs came hurrying out of the master bedroom carrying two towels. Behind them, loud groans of relief, punctuated by horrible blasting sounds mixed with splashing water, echoed all around. In less than two seconds, the odor wafted in and sent all four men running out of the suite.

Billy slammed the door shut. “I don’t envy the twins…but I am damned glad it is them and not us!”

Dean wholeheartedly agreed. “That was quick thinking, Billy. Better them than us.”

“What are you guys doing?” Billy asked the two techs curiously, watching as they rolled the two towels they had swiped long ways.

“Just an extra precaution,” The tall guy said as the stocky one laid the towels down in front of the door, blocking the threshold. “Wouldn’t want any more unnecessary air pollution. We told your friend to give you guys a call when he’s ready to escape out of there and back to your room. That way you guys can remove these and let him out.”

“Dudes,” Deano smiled offering his hand sideways to each of them. “Can’t thank you enough for everything: saving us from the elevator, helping Paul, and even looking out for all three of us still yet. You guys are alright! I‘m Deano by the way, and this is Billy.”

“Pleased to meet you,” The stocky guy grinned. “I’m Jim and this is Bob.”

“Likewise,” Billy also shook their hands. “Why don’t you guys join us for a beer?”

Bob scratched his head. “Well, we were about to call it a night, so what do you say Jim?”

“Okay,” Jim nodded. “Let’s hang.”

Deano opened the door to their suite and they all filed in. Just as they got inside, Bob snapped his fingers.

“Aw crap,” He said heading back to the door. “I’ll just be a minute guys. I have to shut these two elevators down until morning so nobody else gets stuck. If people want to get up here, they’ll have to use the elevators on the other side. Jim? Call down to the desk and tell ‘em to put ‘Out of Order’ signs on these two. They are the uh… north side set.”

“Gotcha,” Jim said and reached for his cell phone.

Bob headed down the hall to the still open elevator. Deciding to leave the recently opened and vacated elevator like it was so it could air out, he went about collecting their tools. After 10 minutes, he shut off the elevators, then headed back to enjoy his beer.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“Hello? Where the hell were they?” Benji exploded on his cell phone as he and Joel started to get off their bus. “Uh-huh…uh-huh…well let them know that I am going to kick all three of their asses for this one. It was Madison Square Fucking Gardens! What? Of course I know they couldn’t control the elevator but still…yeah, well I am still pissed. No, don’t tell them anything, Joel and I are almost up there. I promise I won’t hurt them too bad. We still have more shows to do this week before Europe. Okay, see you tomorrow then. Later. Peace out.”

“Was that Alex?” Joel asked as they headed into the hotel. “I take it he found the guys.”

“Yes and yes,” Benji huffed as they passed the front desk. “Turns out the guys were stuck in an elevator and just got out five minutes ago or so.”

“Why didn’t they call us instead of Alex?”

“Because Billy is a little shit and he knew I’d be pissed,” Benji shook his head as they neared the elevators. “He wanted to give me time to calm down but what he didn’t realize is that we came straight back. He’s gonna have to face the music.”

Joel grimaced. “They so owe us for tonight! That was unreal, performing acoustic only before a crowd that size. I really thought they’d boo us off the stage.”

“Yeah, I have to admit,” Benji nodded, punching the elevator button. “It went off better than I would have imagined. The crowd really seemed into us in spite of it all.”

“Mmhmm,” Joel said looking apprehensively at the elevator. “Hey, Benj, are you sure it’s a good idea using the elevator? Maybe we should just take the stairs instead.”

“And climb 10 flights of stairs?” Benji looked at him incredulously as the door to the elevator opened. “Look, the guys got out, there aren’t any ‘Out of Order’ signs, and I already did my cardio for today. Get in.”

Sighing, Joel walked into the elevator and dropped his duffel bag on the floor. Benji followed him in and punched the button for the top floor. Sliding his own bag off of his shoulder, he let it fall beside Joel’s and leaned back against the back wall.

In a way, Benji was glad the guys had gotten stuck. The crisis had given him and Joel something else to concentrate on other than what had happened in the suite earlier. It bonded them almost instantly when they realized they would have to do the show entirely on their own. Sure, they performed acoustic all the time. But that was the first time they had ever done a whole show, just the two of them, for a crowd that size.

Glancing at his twin, Joel noticed he was deep in thought. He had been terrified of what Benji was going to say after he had come out of the shower before leaving for the show. To his surprise, his twin had acted like nothing had happened. It confused him terribly but he was grateful just the same. All night long, even with the drama of not having the guys for the show, Joel had wondered in the back of his mind if Benji had heard him say his name. Twice, he almost point blank asked him that but he quickly chickened out. The stress was killing him and it didn’t help that his sexy big brother kept turning him on every time he spoke or looked at him. Joel was aching everywhere with desire and apprehension. Slipping his hand to the back of his neck, he massaged the tense muscles there, trying to look at anything except Benji.

The elevator suddenly jerked, then stopped.

“Uh oh,” Joel breathed out, looking at the frozen numbers above.

“What?” Benji asked, coming back out of his head.

“Benj,” Joel shook his head, laughter bubbling up. “We are stuck.”

“Huh?” Benji yelped, looking around. “No, no, no! We can’t be!”

“Afraid we are,” Joel snickered.

“This isn’t funny,” Benji huffed. “We could be stuck here all night.”

“Yes,” Joel agreed, still smiling. “But things could be worse.”

The lights inside flickered and shut off, leaving them in total darkness.

“You mean worse like this?” Benji asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Way to jinx us, Joel.”

“It will get better,” Joel said softly, his humor fading as this new concern weighed on his mind. He wasn’t exactly afraid of the dark…he just wasn’t fond of it either. His breathing increased as he tried to strain his eyes in the blackness. All he wanted was to see something, anything, then it would all be okay again.

A soft light came on to his right. Benji had switched on his phone’s backlight. “This better for you, little brother?”

“Thanks,” Joel nodded in relief.

“Still hate the dark huh?”


A beep sounded and the emergency lights kicked in off of their batteries. They illuminated the elevator about half way, but far better than Benji’s phone.

“Whew,” Benji grinned, closing his cell phone. “Glad that happened. Only had 2 bars left on the ole phone.”

Looking around, Joel noted that the console was dead so there was no use hitting the emergency call button. The small video camera and screen were dark as well. “Benj, the camera isn’t on and there is literally no power at all in here.”

“Well then I guess we should get comfortable cause it’s gonna be a long night,” Benji sighed, plopping down on the floor and leaning against the wall. Patting the space beside him, he said, “Have a seat, Joely.”

Secretly pleased at the offer and the sound of his nickname Benji had given him when they were kids, Joel slid down by his brother. “Any signal on your phone?”

“Nada,” Benji shook his head. “So, are you gonna say ‘I told you so’, cause I richly deserve it.”

Joel chuckled. “I told you would should have taken the stairs.”

“You are just full of laughter tonight aren’t you?” Benji tried to sound angry but ruined it when a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. “Am I that funny?”

“Not really.”

“Ah, so you are laughing at me…”

“…not with you,” Joel finished for him grinning.

“Thanks,” Benji said dryly. “Way to give my self-esteem a boost.”

“Anytime,” Joel leaned his head back against the wall, still smiling, and closed his eyes.

Gazing at his brother’s profile, Benji laid his own head against the wall. Although tonight had been stressful, for the first time in months, Joel seemed more like Joel. Since their talk…and that awkward moment afterwards, his twin had sort of come back to him. There was a bit of color to his face now and Benji couldn’t even remember the last time Joel had teased him like this. Hearing his laughter, seeing his smile: Benji would gladly play the fool for him a thousand times more just to hear and see it again.

Joel’s stomach growled.

“Is it too much to hope for, that maybe you have some food?” Joel asked, rubbing his thin stomach.

“Hmmm,” Benji murmured, grabbing his duffel bag. “Might not be your food of choice, but I have apple cinnamon granola bars. Want one?”


Taking the pro-offered bar, Joel reached over and took out two bottles of water from his own bag. “Water?”


The twins ate and drank in companionable silence for a bit. Finishing his food, Joel sipped his water and contemplated bringing up the subject he most wanted to talk about. Toying with the wrapper on the water bottle, he nervously tried to work up the nerve. Gingerly, his stripped off a piece of the paper.

“You know what it means when you tear labels off bottles,” Benji smirked wickedly.

“What?” Joel asked, not fully hearing what his brother had said.

“It’s a sign of sexual frustration.”

Desire knifed through Joel’s body, making his fingers tremble on the bottle. Here was his opening. Taking a deep breath, he plunged in.

“Benji, about what happened earlier before showering…”

“It’s all good, Joely,” Benji interrupted. “Hey, everybody does it; you know I do it. When it gets too much, we all have to get some relief and it sounded like you haven’t had any in a while.” Realizing he said too much, Benji felt heat stain his cheeks.

Exhaling a shaky breath, Joel nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ve had a lot going on. I just…well, I’m sorry I…um…you didn’t like…hear me or anything did you?”

“Hear you?” Benji raised his eyebrows. “Well, you were moaning kinda loud.”

“No, I mean, anything I said,” Joel rushed out and then tried to cover his tracks. “I tend to…talk a lot when I…you know.”

“Oh!” Benji said, his mind whirring trying to figure out what Joel was afraid he had heard. Coming up empty, he mentally slammed his head against the wall. What was Joel hiding? “Honestly, I didn’t hear anything except you moaning like a bitch in heat.”

“Okay, good,” Joel sighed relieved, unscrewing the cap to his water bottle.

Benji’s eyes widened a bit. Joel just let him insult the hell out of him…and didn’t take the bait. His brother always took the bait. Whatever Joel had said, it was big. Now Benji had to know.

“Of course,” Benji chose his words carefully, watching Joel like a hawk. “There was that one thing you said.”

Joel paused, his water bottle halfway to his lips. “Uh, what thing?”

“You know what thing,” Benji bluffed. He knew he would get it out of him. That was one of the benefits of being a twin: he knew all of Joel’s weak points.

“I said a lot of things, so no, I don’t know what thing you are talking about,” Joel lied. His damned twin knew or if he didn’t he’d soon figure it out. This was one of the things that sucked about having a twin: he couldn’t hide from him.

“Joel,” Benji said in his best shaming voice. “We both know what you said. I mean come on. How could I not have heard you? You were kind of loud.”

Joel swallowed hard. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” Benji repeated, his brow furrowing. Why would he be sorry?

“Dammit, Benji, what the hell do you want me to say?” Joel snapped. “Do you want to rub it in my face? God knows I deserve after all I said to you when we were fighting. So, go ahead, make fun of me about it. Throw my prejudice back in my face and have a laugh. I really don’t give a shit because it was just a slip of the tongue. I was too fucking horny and it just came out; that’s all.”

Benji silently tried to work it all out in his mind. He began going over their fight and tried to remember everything Joel had said. Prejudice? Wait. Is Joel…bisexual?

Taking a huge chance, Benji again kept his eyes trained on Joel for any indication that his guess was right. “You are bisexual. It’s no big deal.”

Joel laughed bitterly. “That’s a helluva way to put it.”

Holy shit! He was right. The possibilities this presented…no, no! Bad thoughts, must concentrate on his brother…not his brother’s dick! Damn, he needed to say something to help Joel in coming to terms with it. “Wanting a guy isn’t that big a thing, Joel. It’s normal. Well maybe not some people’s normal, but it’s our normal. I mean we are twins.”

“How can you be so blasé about it all?” Joel shook his head, truly amazed. “Doesn’t it bother you even a little bit?”

“It’s natural…for us,” Benji insisted. “I know what it is to fight your instincts, to try and convince yourself you don’t want what you want. It sucks, Joel, and it’s not worth it. Fuck what other people say and what society demands we conform to; they don’t know shit about us.”

“But it makes us freaks, Benji,” Joel whispered. “No one would ever accept us.”

Benji shook his head. “You’ve been fighting this a long time haven’t you?”

“Yes,” Joel looked down, his eyes stinging with tears.

“How long?” Benji asked gently, his heart aching for Joel’s plight. He knew how terrible it was not to be yourself, to have to hide who you really are from the world.

“I’m not sure,” Joel said honestly, biting his lower lip. “But the dreams started around thirteen I think.”

“You’ve had those kind of dreams that long?” Benji said astonished, feeling his dick twitch.

Joel nodded, still not looking up. “I couldn’t help myself. It…it always made me…so much harder…than anything else.”

Heat exploded in Benji’s stomach, making his cock rise. The thought of Joel hard while dreaming about guys was almost too much for him. At the same time, Benji wanted to find every ‘dream guy’ Joel had entertained in his mind and kick their asses! Jealousy swirled in his hazel eyes. Joel was his and he didn’t want to share him with any other male!

“I’m terrible, Benji,” Joel whispered, tears welling in his eyes. “There were times with every girl I ever dated…I said their names when I came but in my heart…”

“Joel,” Benji said thickly, knowing he couldn’t let Joel keep beating himself up over this. In spite of his jealousy, he knew he had to help his brother. “You aren’t a bad person. You just want what you want. There’s nothing wrong with that. You need to quit holding back and just let it flow. Try doing exactly what you want to do and feel, for a change.”

Raising his eyes to his twin’s, Joel licked his lips. “Do you really mean that?”

“Yes,” Benji said sincerely. “Tell me your dreams, what you truly want. No one is going to understand that better than me.”

“You want to know about my dreams?” He asked, his groin starting to throb at the prospect of revealing his innermost fantasies about them both to his twin.

“Yeah, I wanna know,” Benji breathed, turned on even though he knew he would hate hearing Joel talk about another guy. “If you can remember it, start with the very first one.”

Joel’s heart rate sped up as the bulge in his pants grew even more. “It’s not very creative.”

“Doesn’t matter. Did it get you off?”

“It…still does.”

Inhaling sharply, lust firing through his body, Benji gazed hotly at his twin. “Tell me.”

“I’m in bed,” Joel began, sweat beading up on his forehead. “My dick is so hard it fucking hurts.”

“I know that feeling,” Benji smirked as he glanced down meaningfully between his own legs.

Joel looked to and his breathing increased. “Yeah, same here.”

“Go on.”

“I reach under the sheet,” Joel rubbed his hands on his thighs, wanting desperately to touch his cock. “And I start teasing my self, rubbing the head and the shaft; squeezing my balls just right. I am so into it, that the sheet slips down, exposing everything I’ve got. I know I should be ashamed and cover it up, but I just start stroking my dick instead. It feels so fucking good, I don’t realize I am not alone.”

Benji’s hand had fallen to his crotch. He palmed his bulge, never taking his eyes off Joel. It didn’t surprise him at all when his baby brother moved his hands from his thighs to between his legs. Joel spread his legs and gave a strangled moan as rubbed the outside of his pants, massaging his cock and balls.

“Suddenly, I feel a hand over my own hand,” Joel panted. “In shock, I let go of my dick and that hand takes over for me. It doesn’t take long before I am past the point of no return. Grabbing hold of the wrist, I look up the arm to see who my helper is, just as my cock begins to jerk and spasm hard.”

Moaning softly, Benji pushed into his hand harder. “God, Joel I can’t take any more of this! Forgive me!” With that, Benji tore open the fly to his jeans and shoved his boxer briefs down. Gripping his leaking, aching prick, he began to pump it up and down.

Joel shoved his own black addidas pants down, freeing his cock, and he stroked it firmly. “Oh fuck! Benji it feels so fucking good!”

“See what you’ve been missing, Joely?” Benji slammed his hips into his hand. “Is this really that fucking wrong?”

“No,” Joel groaned out, his own hips lifting in time with each stroke of his hand.

“Tell me the rest,” Benji rasps, taking in every hot movement of Joel’s wrist and hips.

“If I do,” Joel bit his lower lip hard, closing his eyes. “It’s going to make me cum.”

“Will you cum hard?” Benji asked his voice rough and lust filled.

“Fuck yes!”

“Then tell me, baby brother,” Benji gritted his teeth. “And I’ll cum too.”

For a second, Joel had to fight not to release his cum. Benji’s words almost drove him over the edge. Loosening his grip, he managed to control his desire so that he could finish the dream. “The hand grasps me almost too tightly and the other hand rubs my heavy balls. Our eyes meet and…fuck I can’t hold back anymore…shit I am gonna cum!”

“Finish the dream!” Benji half yelled his own body teetering on the edge. He was waiting for his twin.

Joel’s face contorted and his flat tummy contracted hard. One more stroke and he would be gone. Locking eyes with his twin, he somehow managed to push the words out of his gaping mouth. “Our eyes meet and I’m so fucking glad it’s you, Benji! You stroke my dick and tell me to cum for you. Then you say, my name again and I cum so fucking hard just because it’s you…”

“JOEL?” Benji cried out in surprise at his words and a sudden jolt of whitehot lust ripped through his body and raced up his cock.

“BENJI!” Joel half sobbed out, his ecstasy exploding in his body and out of his orgasming cock. He kept chanting his brother’s name like a mantra as his body expelled ribbon after ribbon of thick, hot cum.

Benji couldn’t breathe, he gripped his cock too tightly for any prayer of an orgasm, no longer stroking because of the shock. His body pulsed and vibrated as he watched his twin cum all over him self, saying his name repeatedly. The dream had been about him and Joel! Joel wanted him! And this was the first dream. His twin had wanted him since he was thirteen!

Coming down from his amazing high, Joel noticed Benji was frozen still. He was a beautiful sight to Joel. Benji’s eyes were dilated fully in the low light and his chest was heaving. The red, swollen head of his cock, poked angrily above his enclosed right hand. A heavy coating of precum was on it and more was oozing over Benji’s hand. Remembering Benji’s admonishment to just go with what he felt and wanted to do, Joel moved to his knees beside his brother. Taking his index finger of his left hand, he rubbed it once over the wet, pulsing crown of his twin’s cock, earning a harsh gasp from Benji. Looking him in the eye, Joel sucked the finger into his mouth. Benji’s face looked like he was in pain as his mouth fell open wordlessly.

Using the same finger, Joel ran it over his own cum soaked cock which was still semi hard and already starting to rise again. Bringing the finger and his cum up to Benji’s gaping mouth, he slipped it inside, letting the tip touch his tongue. With a low groan, Benji closed his mouth around Joel’s cum coated fingertip and sucked hard.

“That‘s it, taste me Benji,” Joel said, his breath ragged.

Crying out, Benji released his twin’s finger and thrust his hips hard and fast into his palm. Joel slipped his hand over his twin’s and thumbed the head. Bowing his body, Benji’s orgasm shot high in the air as lights flashed before his eyes. Screaming Joel’s name, he felt his soul break apart in a million pieces, leaving him shaking and devastated by the immense pleasure.

The glorious sound was music to Joel’s ears and resonated into the depths of his very being.

Floating back down to earth, Benji became aware of a hand still on his own hand. Opening his eyes, he watched as he and Joel released his spent cock, but their hands remained together. Guiding their hands to his cum splattered shirt, Joel mixed their semen together on their fingers. His eyes on Benji’s, he licked their fingers, leaving some of the mixture there. Benji pulled their hands to his own lips and repeated Joel’s action. A slow smile graced Joel’s lips as he watched his brother’s mouth moving over their fingers.

Smiling back at Joel in wonder, Benji said softly, “We taste the same.”

Joel gripped his hand tightly as he looked deep into Benji’s eyes. “I always knew we would.”

Author notes:

A/N2:  Now, if you laughed...if you said 'awww'...if you, ahem, had to fan yourself due to the kind and review!  I really, seriously love to hear from my readers: the good, the bad, and the ugly.  So, readers greatly appreciated, reviewers adored, and cookies for everyone!  Oh and if you want a beer?  Go see Billy and Deano...Paul is still, um, busy...

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