Escape To Where? - Master Post

Jul 23, 2008 12:19

Title:  Escape to where? - Master Post
Pairing/Character:  Jensen/Jared, Chris/Steve.  Mentions of Jared/Sandy and Jensen/Tom.  
Rating:  N-17
Word Count:  45,748
Summary:  Sometimes trying to get away from your life doesn't all make things easier but can often make things better.  Jared runs off for some time alone and the stray he picks up changes his world forever.
Disclaimer:  Oh God, I wish!
Beta:  Thanks to 
miss_somersault  for her support, thank you so much honey.  To looleebelle  for her tireless hard work and confidence in me and 
prettiful_pout  for completely saving my life!   I altered a lot after getting it back so all mistakes are mine.

Written for the Road Trip Challenge on spn_first_time

Awesome banner by the lovely mikeyrhcp

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9. Jensen's Dilemma

Sequel Escape To Somewhere starts here Chapter One pt1

escape to where?, j2, jensen/jared, road trip challenge

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