Road Trip--Escape to where? 3/9

Apr 08, 2008 14:55

Title:  Escape to where? 3/9
Pairing/Character:  Jensen/Jared, Chris/Steve.  Mentions of Jared/Sandy and Jensen/Tom.
Rating:  N-17
Word Count:  44,000 (nearly over all)
Summary:  Sometimes trying to get away from your life doesn't all make things easier but can often make things better.  Jared runs off for some time alone and the stray he picks up changes his world forever.
Disclaimer:  Oh God, I wish!
Beta:  Thanks to miss_somersault for her support.  To looleebelle for her tireless hard work and confidence in me and prettiful_pout for completely saving my life!
A/N: This will be several chapters long due to LJ size restrictions.  Also, this is my first posted J2 and I'm really terrified, I hope you all like it so please tell me what you think, good and bad?

Written for the Road Trip Challenge on spn_first_time

Chapter Three

Jared shook out his aching fist and glared down at Tom, but only for a moment. Then he turned and hurried to Jensen’s side, helping him to his feet. Jensen brushed himself down as he stood. Without sparing Tom a glance; he stormed right past him and in through the open doorway of the house. Jared didn’t follow, leaving Jensen to survey his old home alone. Instead, he leant against the Audi parked in the driveway and folded his arms to wait. His gaze brushed over the posh car before something inside it caught his eye. Jared tested the door to find it unlocked, and he didn’t hesitate to reach inside and pull out the jacket laying on the seat. A quick check of the pockets revealed a cell phone, a set of keys and a wallet.

Just then, Jensen came out of the house empty handed, his face sullen.

“Everything,” he mumbled. “He destroyed everything. There’s not a single thing left.”

“Except this,” Jared said as he held out the jacket. Jensen’s eyes widened slightly; he marched past Jared and popped the trunk of the car open. Jared watched him smile grimly before lugging out a small suitcase.

“Guess he forgot about these, huh?” Jensen huffed out a small laugh. “In too much of a rush to ruin my life, I guess.”

“Come on,” Jared said gently. “Let’s get you away from this loser.”

Jared handed Jensen his jacket, then he took the suitcase and put it in the trunk of the Impala. Jensen slipped into his jacket and felt in the pockets; satisfied he had his wallet and cell, he took out his keys and moved to stand before Tom. Jared watched as Jensen held his head high and looked down at Tom without saying a word. Tom glared up at him, and for a moment Jared thought he was going to stand, but he seemed to think better of it. Then Jensen tossed his keys in Tom’s lap and turned his back on the smouldering remains of his life. Jared felt a swell of pride in between the waves of anger and sorrow.

“Ready to go?” he asked as Jensen went to the passenger side of the car.

Jensen didn’t look back; he just nodded, climbed in and stared out the window. Jared did take a moment to glare at Tom before driving them away.

They drove in silence for a while; Jensen just sat, gazing out the window. Jared searched for something to say, even though he knew deep down that there was nothing he could possibly say that would make Jensen feel better. He hoped Jensen wasn’t mad at him for getting involved and knocking Tom on his ass, no matter how much they both knew he deserved it.

“Jensen, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have hit him, it wasn’t my place,” Jared finally apologised, shifting in his seat nervously.

“No, thank you,” Jensen said quietly. When he looked over at Jared, his eyes shone with gratitude. “I wish I could’ve done it myself…” He paused. “Guess I’m pretty weak, huh?” He waved his hand to ward off Jared’s disagreements before he could voice them.

It was a while before either one of them spoke again. They were just passing a small lake when Jensen murmured, “Hey Jay - could you pull over a minute?”

Jared simply nodded and pulled the Impala into one of the empty parking spaces. Jensen got out, pulling his cell from his pocket, and stood by the waters edge. Jared went over to sit on one of the picnic tables. The area was pretty quiet; a few joggers and dog walkers went past, but mostly they were alone.

“Don’t worry, Chris, I’ll figure something out,” Jensen was saying into his phone, walking back towards where Jared sat. “You sure you don’t want me to -” He listened for a moment. “Okay, alright. You just give my love to Steve and the family.”

Jensen sat next to Jared on the bench and rubbed his eyes.

“No, Chris, just leave it. I know he’s an asshole, but I just want him out of my life now, so just leave him be, okay? Promise me?”

Jared smiled; he was glad Jensen had friends that were willing to stand up for him.

“Yeah, I’ll call you as soon as I know what I’m gonna do. Yeah, thanks Chris. Take care of my boy alright? Okay, bye.”

Jensen sighed as he flipped his phone closed; he looked over to Jared, offering him a weak smile.

“Your boy?” Jared questioned.

“My best friend, Steve. I was hoping to go to his and Chris’s place, but Steve’s dad’s in the hospital, and they’re not sure what’s wrong with him. They’ve flown out to be with Steve’s family, they haven’t got a clue how long they’re gonna to be gone,” Jensen explained, a concerned frown on his face

“What are you going to do now?” Jared asked softly.

“I dunno,” Jensen spoke to the sky. "Chris said to clear my head."

“Do you have any family, or other friends you can go to?” Jared questioned

“No, no family. What Tom said about them is true,” Jensen said, standing to walk closer to the lake. “Chris and Steve are pretty much my only friends, and they’re definitely the only ones that would’ve taken me in. Everyone else? They’re Tom’s friends. I know for a fact that they’ll side with him over this.”

“I’m sorry,” Jared said lamely.

Jensen shook his head. “It’s not your fault,” he said, his voice cracking.

“Jensen?” Jared asked, concerned by the waver in his voice. When Jensen didn’t answer Jared moved to stand next to him.

“Are you okay?” Jared asked, placing a hand on Jensen’s shoulder comfortingly; he knew it was a stupid question but he honestly didn’t know what else to say.

Jensen shook his head and stared into the distance across the still water. “No Jared, I don’t think I am.”

Jared lifted his hand to Jensen’s chin and gently turned his head to face him. Jensen’s sorrow-filled eyes gradually rose to meet Jared’s, a tear escaping to bore a trail down Jensen’s cheek. Jared used his thumb to brush it away before pulling Jensen into his arms. Jensen didn’t resist, he went willingly into the embrace and allowed himself to be held.

“I’ve lost everything, Jared,” Jensen said, Jared’s chest muffling his voice. “Everything I’ve worked for, everything I own. I’ve got nothing left.”

Jared held him tighter, subconsciously pressing a kiss to his temple. There was nothing he could say to make things better for Jensen - his life had just been ripped apart, and he’d been made to stare helplessly at the tattered remains. He had no one and he had nothing. Jared’s heart ached for him, and at that moment in time he would’ve done anything to see Jensen smile again - to hear him laugh, to take that weight from his shoulders and make everything okay again.

“What am I going to do?” Jensen asked softly, burying his face further into Jared’s chest.

“Come with me,” Jared blurted suddenly.

Jensen pulled his head back to stare at Jared.

“What?” he asked, shocked. Jared thought about what he’d just said and realised that he’d meant it.

“Yeah, come with me,” he said again. “You said you’ve never travelled but you’ve always wanted to. I’m travelling on my own, and it’d be good to have some company.”

Jensen just stared at him sceptically.

“We can go wherever you want. I don’t care where we go, I just want to be on the road, have some time away from my life. We could go visit your friends, you could check on Steve. You know - be there for your boy,” Jared rambled on and on, liking the idea the more he talked about it. “And if you ever just wanted to come back here, I’ll bring you - no problem. Come on, what do you say? It’ll be fun. We’ll sleep in shitty motels and eat dodgy diner food, do the tourist thing in places we don’t care about, drive all night and all day, sleep in the car, wash our clothes in Laundromats. That is, if you think you can put up with me.”

Jared was bouncing on the balls of his feet, getting more and more excited, knowing he’d be crushed if Jensen said no. But Jensen laughed at him.

“You’re crazy, you know that?” Jensen gave him a lopsided smile.

“It has been said,” Jared confirmed. “So, is that a yes?”

“Sounds like the best offer I’ve had in years.” Jensen grinned before he was lifted from the ground in a stifling Padalecki bear hug.

“Man, we’re gonna have so much fun,” Jared babbled excitedly. “We can do what ever we want, nothing to hold us back.” He walked back to the Impala, with Jensen trailing after him, ever amused by Jared’s enthusiasm. He was just about to climb behind the wheel when Jensen stopped him with a hand on his arm.

“Hey Jared? Thank you. For everything,” Jensen said seriously.

Jared stopped his bouncing and gazed at Jensen, an honest smile playing on his lips. “You’re welcome. Now get in the car and let’s hit the road, huh?” He waggled his eyebrows and stuck his tongue between his teeth, before leaping into the car and gunning the engine. Jensen’s door was barely closed before Jared had the Impala spinning out onto the road.


They’d been travelling blindly for five days. They’d agreed that they’d travel without a map, they wouldn’t keep track of where they were and the only time they would ask for directions was when they needed gas, food or a comfortable bed.

It had been so much fun so far that they’d both almost forgotten about the troubles they were running away from - they didn’t talk about their lives, they didn’t talk about what they wanted out of life. They just made fun of each other, laughed at their own expenses and just had a good time without a care in the world. Now they were stopped at a motel, sharing a twin room as usual, and were spending the day washing their clothes, each accusing the other of stinking the worst.

“Okay, seriously man, we need to go out tonight, get a drink, play some pool,” Jensen said as he folded up his clothes, putting them neatly into his suitcase. “As much as I love your car, dude - I’d kinda like a break from it.”

“I think that’s an awesome idea,” Jared grinned. The thought of hanging out in some bar, knocking back a few beers, sounded like heaven to him. “I saw a bar just down the road from here, maybe we could check that place out?” he suggested.

“Jared, my friend, it looks like we have a plan.” Jensen chuckles as they beamed at each other across the bench.


Jared watched as Jensen leaned over the pool table and potted yet another ball. He found his eyes travelling down Jensen’s muscular back to where his shirt hitched up above his waist, revealing a pale slither of smooth skin. When his gaze fell even further to admire how Jensen’s jeans hugged his ass, Jared found himself blushing without warning.

“…kick your ass!” Jensen was saying.

Huh? Shit, he caught me staring and he’s mad! Jared quickly looked over at Jensen, who was casually walking round the table with a smile on his face.

“What?” Jared asked nervously.

“I said, how does it feel having me kick you ass?” Jensen smirked. “Come on dude, you said you could play and I know you’re not that drunk, yet.”

“Sorry, I guess I’ve just got things on my mind,” Jared said, quickly looking away to hide his burning cheeks. Yeah, like your ass, and hands, and lips, the little voice in his head taunted him.

As he lined up his shot, Jared found his mind wandering again. He had no choice but to admit - at least to himself - that over the days they’d spent travelling, his mind kept taking him back to when they’d kissed, and how amazing it had felt. Since then Jensen had made no attempts to re-enact that moment and Jared was surprised to find he was disappointed. But there was no way he could initiate anything himself, he was way too scared of being rejected, or making a fool of himself. Or both.

The shot missed. He perched against the table as Jensen took aim once again.

“You okay?” Jensen asked, looking up from his aim. His face was full of concern and Jared felt a pool of warmth bubbling in his soul at the sheer fact that Jensen even cared if he was or if he wasn’t. “Do you wanna talk about it?”

“What? No dude, no. It’s nothing,” Jared replied, waving his hand carelessly.

Jensen abandoned his shot and walked round the table to lean casually on it next to Jared. “You sure?” he asked softly, bumping his shoulder against Jared’s. “You can talk to me you know.”

Heat seeped through Jared’s body from where they brushed against each other. When he smiled thankfully over at Jensen his breath hitched - the man was truly gorgeous. The soft light given off from the pool table fell on Jensen’s face, and Jared could make out a dusting of freckles over his nose and cheeks. His eyes traced the patterns they made while his fingers itched to reach out and touch them.

“Jen -” Jared leaned a little toward Jensen. He didn’t know what he was trying to say; whatever it was it didn’t matter because his voice refused to form any other sounds anyway.

“Excuse me?”

The other voice startled Jared out of his daze, and they both turned to meet the owner of said voice. On the other side of Jensen was another man, he leaned against the table, and fixed his deep brown eyes on Jensen. Jared dragged his eyes over the guy, scrutinising him. He stood just a little taller than Jensen but shorter than Jared, his short dark hair neatly cropped - making Jared feel self-conscious about his own long messy bangs - and he flashed a million-watt smile, showing off straight, pure-white teeth. Jared couldn’t deny the guy was good-looking.

“My friends ditched me tonight, and was wondering if you minded having a game with me?” the guy asked Jensen, not sparing a glance for Jared.

Jensen looked at the pool table and its remaining balls before shooting Jared a look. Jared’s heart sunk when he saw the hesitation on Jensen’s face, he wanted to play a game with this guy but in the spirit of friendship he didn’t want to hurt Jared’s feelings.

“Well, we were kinda in the middle of one,” Jensen told him apologetically. Jared felt like an asshole - who was he to stop Jensen if that’s what he wanted to do. He sucked in his pride and pushed off the table.

“Nah man, it’s cool,” he forced himself to shrug carelessly. “I’m totally off my game tonight anyway. You two go ahead, have fun.”

“Jared -” Jensen frowned and made to take a step his way. Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome smiled triumphantly and started setting up the balls.

“Hey, you want another beer?” Jared asked, interrupting any well-meant objections Jensen was thinking of voicing.

“Yeah, sure,” Jensen replied, stopping his advance. He looked like he was about to say something else when the guy came up behind him and spoke into his ear. Jensen turned to listen; Jared nodded to himself and hastily made his way to the bar, his mind a whirl of thoughts and emotions. He was lusting after another man, seriously lusting, his veins thrumming with jealously and dismay. Obviously what he’d been feeling had just been a one way thing, and Jared had ruined any chance with Jensen when he’d rejected him the first time.

Jared slumped into a bar stool nursing the remainder of his beer, and waited for the girl behind the bar to notice him.

“Hey handsome. Why the long face?”

Jared turned on his stool and was met with an enormous pair of breasts. Blinking rapidly in shock, he quickly raised his eye to their owner. She was beautiful - a little fake maybe, with her bleached blonde hair and way too much makeup, but her smile was genuine and kind. She stumbled a little and Jared quickly rose and took her waist to guide her onto his stool.

“Whoa there, you okay?” Jared asked, chuckling a little when he saw the glaze in her eyes.

“Ugh, never go out drinking in way too high heels, they’re a bitch to walk in once you get a little tipsy,” she laughed self-depreciably, reaching down to rub her feet, while giving Jared another healthy view of her nicely-enhanced chest.

“I’ll bear that in mind, thanks.” Jared laughed, momentarily forgetting about Jensen and Mr. Handsome, until he felt eyes on him. He turned his head to look toward the pool table and saw Jensen looking at him over his shoulder. Jared saw something in his eyes but at that distance he couldn’t place it. Then Mr. Handsome walked past his line of vision, and all Jared saw was him dragging his hand across the small of Jensen’s back as he passed, standing way too close to Jensen as he spoke to him.

Jared glared, his body teaming with anger and possessiveness, his heart beat too fast as he mentally tried to get Jensen’s attention again. But Jensen wasn’t looking at him anymore - he was leaning into the guy’s touch and smiling into his eyes. Jared went to move away from the bar, but was stopped by the girl behind it.

“What can I get ya, sugar?” she asked, sounding bored.

“Uh, two beers please,” Jared told her, still watching Jensen get perceptibly flirted with.

“Someone moving in on your man, honey?” the blonde next to him asked sympathetically.

“He’s not my man,” Jared said quietly, not taking his eyes off Jensen for a second.

“But you want him to be, huh?”

Jared watched Jensen’s hand drift down to Mr. Handsome’s hip as they stepped even closer to each other, the smile on Jensen’s lips clutched at Jared’s chest and he forced his eyes to look away.

“No, I’m not gay,” he told his new companion. “He can do whatever he likes.”

Two fresh beers were placed on the bar in front of Jared, so he downed the remainder of his old one and handed it to the girl behind the bar.

“Can I getcha anything else?” the barmaid asked.

“Yeah, gimme a couple shots of tequila and whatever this nice lady’s drinking.” Jared forced a smile and nodded his head in the blonde’s direction.

“Thanks, I think I’ll join you for a shot,” the blonde answered as she smiled happily.

“Another shot it is then,” Jared toasted her and downed on of the shots that the attentive bargirl had already poured for him.

“Hey, that for me?”

Jensen’s soft voice startled Jared just as he downed his second shot, the burn in his throat choking him slightly. Jensen’s voice was so close to his ear that he could feel his breath against his neck. Jared shivered; closing his eyes for a moment but keeping his back turned, not daring to look at him.

“Uh, yeah man, sorry, I got chatting with - uh -” Jared faltered, realising he didn’t know the blondes name.

“Charlie,” the blonde offered helpfully, just as Jensen leaned over to take his bottle off the bar. As he did so, his body pressed firmly against Jared’s back, his hand pressing lightly against Jared’s waist to hold his balance. Then it was gone.

“Yeah, Charlie,” Jared confirmed breathlessly, suddenly disappointed that the warm weight had disappeared from his back.

“I noticed,” Jensen said dryly. The tone in his voice caused Jared to turn, a little spark flashing in his heart that it might have been jealously he’d heard. But when he met Jensen’s eyes they were cold and emotionless.

“So, how’s your game going?” Jared bit off bitterly.

“Hasn’t really, been too busy getting to know each other,” Jensen drawled, casting a glance over to Mr. Handsome who was looking over with a blatant look of annoyance and impatience.

“Well, I guess I’d better let you get back to that then, don’t want to make you miss out on anything productive,” Jared almost snapped, staring pointedly over to Mr. Handsome.

“Yeah, right, I guess I will.” With that, Jensen turned and walked back to the pool table. Jared watched him go, and with each step he took, the further Jared’s heart dropped. Dear God, he had it bad, but what the Hell was he supposed to do about it? How did relationships with other men work? Jared was out of his depth and beyond terrified didn’t cover what he was feeling.

“Oh sweetie, you’re gonna need a Hell of a lot more shots if you wanna make it through tonight,” Charlie told him, signalling that this was her round.


Jared’s head was swimming nicely. The tequila, he thought, had definitely been the right move. Jared had tried not to notice that Jensen had been getting closer and closer to Mr. Handsome; that their flirtations had escalated to almost unbearable levels. Okay, so maybe they hadn’t actually made out in front of him, if they had, Jared thought he might have exploded, but they’d come damn close. Always touching each other, laughing ridiculously loud and standing so close they could share breath.

Jared, to play his part, was all over Charlie, his drunkenness had made him horny and she was nice, she was so nice that she’d actually avoided all of his advances, like she knew it wasn’t what he really wanted.

Jared slammed back another shot and chased it with a beer before taking the other shot on the bar and tipping it into Charlie’s mouth. He grabbed one of the limes they had almost forgotten to use and shoved it in her mouth, forcing her to suck it and his fingers. Once she’d managed to take it all down Jared’s face was so close to hers she gasped in shock.

“Jared, baby, what are you doing?” she mumbled drunkenly.

“Kissing you,” Jared replied, just as his hand caught the side of her face and guided her lips to his. He lost track of time as he concentrated on Charlie’s hot, moist mouth.

“Jared!” Jensen’s voice broke through Jared’s tequila haze, startling them out of their kiss. Jared cleared his throat before turning his head sluggishly toward Jensen.

“Jensen,” he replied, emotionless.

“Me and Dave are heading out,” Jensen told him. His jaw twitched uncertainly, but Jared just snorted.

“Yeah, what ever man, just don’t forget we’re leaving early tomorrow,” Jared put his arm around Charlie’s shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

“Oh, I dunno, I might decide to keep him.” Dave appeared behind Jensen, slipping his arms around his waist and nuzzling his neck affectionately. Jensen locked eyes with Jared and leaned back into Dave’s touch, his face blank. Jared fought to keep his breathing steady as an intense hatred toward the man draping himself all over Jensen surged through him. He flicked his attention to Dave for a moment and took in his smug look. The bastard knew exactly what he was doing, he knew what he was getting between and he was loving the fact that he was winning. Dave wanted Jensen and had succeeded in taking him from the man he’d come in with, and now, as he spread his hand over Jensen’s stomach, the tips of his fingers dipping under the waist of Jensen’s jeans, Dave was gloating.

Jared decided to ignore Dave’s comment. Instead, he turned back to the bar and lifted another shot, “I won’t wait up,” he told Jensen flippantly.

“Come on, Jensen, let’s go,” Dave said.

It was a moment before Jensen said anything, Jared’s heart pounded, he wanted to turn back and claim Jensen, say that he’d come with him and he was going home with him. Another part of him waited hopefully for Jensen to choose him of his own accord, to give Dave the brush off so they could go back to the way they were, or could have been.

“Yeah - yeah okay. Let’s get out of here,” Jensen finally said, and Jared fought the tears that threatened to build in his eyes. He wondered idly if Jensen noticed his shoulders slump, defeated.

Jared didn’t turn when he heard them walking away; he didn’t want to watch Jensen’s back leaving him behind. Instead, he turned toward Charlie and forced a smile.

“So, where were we?” Jared drawled, leaning closer and reaching out for her.

“You’re a stubborn son of a bitch, you know that?” Charlie snapped, shaking her head and pushing him away.

“What?” Jared questioned, taken back.

“He didn’t want to go with that guy you idiot, he was just waiting for you to stop him,” she told him.

“Could’ve fooled me,” Jared said bitterly. “The way they were all over each other -” Jared let his voice trail off, and he couldn’t help turning his head toward to exit, just in time to catch the show of Jensen being kissed to death against the wall by the door before being dragged outside. “- like that!” His voice cracked. He turned away and tried to swallow the lump building in his throat.

“Oh Jared, honey. Surely you’re not that dumb.”

“What do you mean by that?” Jared wasn’t sure if he should take offence or not.

“What is it you’ve been doing here with me all night?” When Jared didn’t answer, Charlie continued. “You’ve been over here flirting like crazy just to make him jealous. Right?”

Jared dipped his head, ashamed that he’d been so obviously found out.

“I -” Jared sighed and rubbed his hand over his face.

“What’s holding you back?” Charlie asked the big question.

“I’ve never - I mean - with a guy before,” Jared tried to explain. “I dunno how to - be with a guy.”

“And you’re scared?” Charlie prodded gently.

All Jared could do was nod because that was exactly it - he was terrified. Not only of being actually intimate with Jensen or of the fear of not being any good, but mainly he was scared he’d try and then chicken out. Would Jensen think him a tease if he stopped him yet again when if he couldn’t go through with it?

“What if I can’t do it?” he whispered, peeling the label off his beer bottle. “What if he hates me?”

Suddenly Jared was swept into Charlie’s arms and held tightly, a soft hand carding through his hair.

“Oh sweetie, you really think he’d ever hate you? The guy’s so obviously crazy for you!” Charlie told him gently; Jared tipped his head to look at her shyly.

“You think?” he asked eagerly. Charlie nodded in response and let him go. “But what if I’m using him?”

“What do you mean?” Charlie frowned.

“What if I’m only into him ‘cause he was there when I needed someone?” Jared explained, letting the fear creep into his voice slightly. “I mean, I just caught my girlfriend cheating, again, and broke up with her right then and there. Then I literally find Jensen on the side of the road while I’m getting away. And he’s only just broken up with his boyfriend. The fucker wrecked his entire life, and I mean wrecked it - burnt all his clothes, smashed everything else he owned and lost him his job - the poor guy’s got nothing now. What if we’re just searching for some comfort and then we’ll hate each other later ‘cause the timing was all wrong?” Jared gasped for air before gulping down a large amount of his beer and slamming it back onto the bar.

Charlie looked at him carefully. “So you think that letting you and him get it out of your systems, you know - do the rebound thing - will mean that when you two finally get it on, it’ll actually work out?” she asked, her voice soft and her eyes sympathetic.

“Not sure I ever thought of it that way, but yeah,” Jared replied. “How could that be a bad thing?”

“You really care for him, huh?” Charlie prompted.

“I’ve known the guy for about a week and already I can’t imagine my life without him in it,” Jared confessed, surprising himself with the revelation.

“Well then, let me tell ya, acting the way you did tonight? You’re just pushing him away,” Charlie said softly, putting her hand over Jared’s. “You gotta go find your man and tell him all the things you told me before you lose him for good!”

Fear shot through Jared - it never occurred to him that he may actually lose Jensen over another man. And before they’d even gone anywhere near the realms of a relationship.

Oh God, what if he doesn’t come back? The panic rose in Jared’s throat like a tide.

“Shit - I gotta go.”

Jared stood so suddenly his bar stool clattered to the ground. He checked his pockets, hurriedly making sure he had everything. He took a few long strides almost bolted through the door before he remembered his manners, and he returned to the bar where he enveloped Charlie in a tight hug.

“Thank you, so much.” He squeezed her firmly. “You must be sent from heaven.”

“Aw, sugar. You’ve been fine company tonight and I thank you. Now go get your man, okay?” Charlie hugged him back tightly for a moment, before she started pushing him away.

“You need someone to take you home?” Jared asked, concerned about Charlie walking anywhere alone.

“No honey, this is my local. Anyone here will gladly take me home,” Charlie grinned at him.

Jared faltered at her words. “So, really - how close did I come to getting taken out back and sorted out tonight?” he asked only half joking, as he eyed her carefully before letting his gaze scan the room for any threats.

“Not even close, I didn’t do anything I didn’t want to,” Charlie assured him with a giggle. “Like I said, you’ve been great company and I’m glad to have met you, Jared.”

“You too, Charlie.” Jared took her into another hug before starting to back away. “You take care of yourself Charlie, you’re a real lady.”

Charlie simply toasted him with a shot, gave him a wink and watched him walk away.
Chapter Four

escape to where?, j2, jensen/jared, road trip challenge

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