Banner Request - Escape To Where?

Jul 21, 2008 18:52

Hey everyone.

This post contains spoilers for Escape To Where?

So, as some of you know, I'm about to start work on the sequel to 'Escape To Where?' which will be titled 'Escape To Somewhere!'
Before I do it, I'm going to make a master post for 'Escape To Where?'  and write an interlude for what happened between Jensen, Chris and Steve after Jared left to go home leaving Jensen behind after Jensen refused to go with him.  It was pointed out (and quite rightly) that it needed to be shown what was going on in Jensen's head right then and why he changed his mind to follow Jared, so this will be from Jensen's POV.

Anyway, I was hoping that some skilful person out there would be kind enough to make me a banner for 'Escape To Where?' that I can put on the master post, that will then be posted to other communities, and then maybe make one for the sequel if they so wished and were generous enough.

So, any takers/offers please leave a comment, or if anyone knows of anyone who may be willing to help me out please pass on the message?  I would be eternally grateful.  If I'm lucky enough to have more than one offer people can always choose which story they wanted to create for.

On another slightly different note, I'm also looking for someone to make a banner for my LJ seeing as I don't have one and I'm enormously jealous of all those people who do have one.  I don't actually know how to put one up so I was hoping someone would be able to guide in the right direction.
Ok, so I'm feeling really cheeky and incredibly useless right now *hides*

Thank you to you all in advance, I really hope someone can help me out so I can go back to my writing.  I have tried my hand at banners before but I was always better at animations and I can't figure out how to put those up either. *sigh*

Thanks again.
*hugs you all*
 Lyca x
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