Burning Memories - Epilogue (Buffy/Dean)

May 07, 2007 14:02

Title: Burning Memories
Author: Lisa
Status: Completed
Previous Chapters: Prologue / Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five / Chapter Six / Epilogue
Rating: R (for violence, language and sexual situations)
Fandom: Supernatural/BtVS Crossover
Pairing: Buffy/Dean
Genre: Angst/Drama
Summary: Illusions are a devils game that blur the black and white lines to gray. Evil is back, but which form will it appear in?
Spoilers: All season of BtVS are fair game along with all episodes of SPN up to “Everyone Loves a Clown”
Disclaimer: Supernatural and all related characters are copyright The CW Network. No infringement intended. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related characters are copyright Joss Whedon and ME. No infringement intended. “To make everything right is for God to just reach out and turn off the light!” is taken from a modern day nursery rhyme by Shel Silverstein, no infringement intended.
Distribution: Not without permission from myself.
AN: Huge thanks to moire2 for beta'ing this chapter for me. Any mistakes are mine.

Blonde hair whipped about in a flash of gold. Buffy leaped off the mausoleum, slicing the air before her boot encased feet made contact with the demon’s chest. “Omph.” Landing on her feet she threw a sequence of punches, narrowly missing getting one of the demon’s claws in her gut.

The demon snarled out mucus before it managed to get a clump of the blonde’s hair. Slamming her face into the cold stone of the building he lifted her up before tossing her to the ground.

Her vision swirled and before she could stop it, the demon had her pinned down. “Well, aren’t you eager.”

Grinning the demon tried to hold the squirming body still. “Eager to kill you!” His deep voice filled the silence of the graveyard.

“Sadly, you aren’t the first,” she grunted, using her strength she managed push him off her body, “erm… demon to tell me that.”

Before she grabbed her scythe that had fallen at the beginning of the fight, the demon’s throat was slit. Her green eyes widen as she watched Dean saunter around as it fell to the ground in a heap. “Hey.”

Winchester’s and their shining examples of communication, “Hey back.” She began brushing off the dirt from her clothing, her nose wrinkling at the mucus stain on the sleeve of her shirt. “Stupid demon slobber.”

He hadn’t left yet; she could still feel his presence. The urge to ask him what he was doing in the small town wasn’t going way.

Dean nodded at her comment while he looked at her skeptically. Sam may have been right about her being able to kill the demon but it hadn’t made him feel anymore comfortable about bringing her back on the road with them.

“You know how to find this First Evil?” His tone was all business.

Buffy bristled at his direct question before she shrugged. “Does it matter?”

Rolling his eyes he looked up at the night sky. “You’ve got to make this difficult don’t you?”

“No more difficult than you make it.” She picked up her scythe and wiped the blade on the grass leaving a slick of blood on the green grass. “You weren’t willing to listen to me before. In fact you kicked me out. Not the first time it happened but -- still -- it pisses a girl off.”

“I wanna kill the son of a bitch.”

“And you think I don’t?” Buffy raised the scythe slightly. “He killed John and you may think I have no right to be affected by that, but I am. He was… god he was an amazing hunter and he was one of the first people that didn’t treat me like weapon - even though he had a right to.” Buffy bit her lip. “I don’t believe in accidents. John and I didn’t just stumble into each other. He was looking for me. I should’ve been pissed but he didn’t force me to do his will. I wasn’t treated like something he had the right to own and dictate. He was a good man and knowing I couldn’t stop his death kills me.”

“This mean you’re going to help?” He asked relieved.

“No. I’m not going with you until you ask nicely.” She smirked while looking at Dean, waiting for him to respond.

Smirking he folded his arms defiantly across his chest. “This isn’t prom sweetheart.”

“No, this you retracting your head out of your ass and proving to me that John was right about you.” She watched as he silently asked the question. Buffy didn’t want to tell him that he could be worth risk of her opening her already broken and tattered heart. She had a feeling that he wouldn’t be too receptive of that notion, hell she wasn’t entirely sure either - despite what John had told her.

“That you’d b e worth it.”

Completed April 10, 2007

Challenge Requirements
- Very emotionally unstable Dean
- Buffy trying to keep the fact that she's a Slayer a secret, she's running away from something.
-Buffy Slayerness coming out and Dean thinking she's a demon.
-Buffy knew John somehow, your choice.
-Sam knows Buffy from somewhere.
-Dean and Buffy connect over their losses
-Sam and Buffy talk about Dean.
-Buffy determined to stick close to them for some reason

spn, r, buffy/dean, btvs, dean winchester, burning memories, crossover, btvs/spn, torture's sad exchange series, fanfiction, buffy summers

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