Burning Memories - Chapter 5 (Buffy/Dean)

Mar 01, 2007 14:14

Title: Burning Memories
Author: Lisa
Status: Completed
Chapter List: Prologue / Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five / Chapter Six / Epilogue
Rating: R (for violence, language and sexual situations)
Fandom: Supernatural/BtVS Crossover
Pairing: Buffy/Dean
Genre: Angst/Drama
Summary: Illusions are a devils game that blur the black and white lines to gray. Evil is back, but which form will it appear in?
Spoilers: All season of BtVS are fair game along with all episodes of SPN up to “Everyone Loves a Clown”
Disclaimer: Supernatural and all related characters are copyright The CW Network. No infringement intended. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related characters are copyright Joss Whedon and ME. No infringement intended. “To make everything right is for God to just reach out and turn off the light!” is taken from a modern day nursery rhyme by Shel Silverstein, no infringement intended.
Distribution: Not without permission from myself.
AN: Huge thanks to danishafer for beta'ing this chapter for me. Any mistakes are mine. Feedback is love!

Forty minutes later Dean had Buffy locked to the chair and had created a devil’s trap that would effectively keep her caged in. The same devil’s trap that they had used on Meg almost a year ago. A person possessed by a demon, once put inside the symbol couldn’t escape, handy thing to know.

An ugly purple bruise had formed on the spot where Sam hit her in the temple. Dean didn’t even have to look at his brother to know that he was feeling guilty for his actions. Pansy. He had tried telling him that he had done the right thing, but it didn’t do much to soothe Sam’s edginess.

“Find anything useful Sam?”

Sam shook his head, keeping his eyes on the journal. “It’s Dad’s journal alright.” That was practically an explanation in itself. “Man, it’s so full of cryptic messages that don’t mean anything until you’ve cracked his chicken scratched code.” Letting out a heavy sigh Sam slumped back into the chair. Buffy stirred slightly and he leaned forward, swallowing down his guilt at the bruise that marred her golden skin. “Dean.” Sam swatted his brother’s leg and nodded toward their tied up victim.

“Sleeping beauty wakes, no true love’s kiss required.” Dean smirked and waited patiently for a moment before he jabbed her in the side with his shotgun, earning a stern look from his brother.

Buffy winced as shooting pain began to throb in her head. “Oh…” She went to lift her hand to touch what she was sure was a bruise. A frown passed over her features as the cool metal held her hands to the legs of a chair.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Slowly she lifted her head, squinting at the bright light from the hanging fixture. The room came into focus and she let out a sigh as the barrel of Dean’s shotgun starred coldly back at her. “You really know how to swoon a girl Winchester.” The smell of sulfur hit her nostrils and she jerked her head to side, feeling nauseous from the movement.

“Not looking for a date.” His tone was cold, void of his usual humor and cocky bravado.

“Good.” Buffy nodded slightly, still trying to clear the fog that hung in her head. “Because according to my books bondage fun happens after the boy treats the girl to dinner and wine. Flowers, of course, are optional.”

“Never been one to follow the rules.” Swaggering over to her chair he propped his foot next to her thigh. “So what do you know about this demon?” He leaned forward.

“The clown?” Buffy’s eyes twinkled with defiance and she smirked. She knew which demon he was talking about, it was the same one she had been helping John track down after the hell that had occurred in Sunnydale. “About your height, average built, can’t stop smiling and has a Zen to kill. Gee Winchester that sounds an awful lot like you.”

Dean growled with annoyance, fingers tightened on his weapon.

“My turn to ask a question?” Her eyes narrowed as he shrugged.

“You already know where our Dad is. You killed him.” His jaw clenched as he tried to keep his emotions under control. The itch to cock his shotgun and shoot the bitch was getting stronger as she attempted to plead with her eyes.

“Why are you lying?” Buffy swallowed as tears pooled in her eyes, blinding her vision. “No.” Her lower lip trembled before she tucked it between her teeth. “He’s not dead.” Her blonde hair tossed back and forth as she shook her head violently. “The jokes over Dean. I didn’t… I didn’t kill John.”

“Your covers blown.” Dean clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. He watched with interest as she began to violently hit the chains and cuffs against the small wooden chair. “You can try and break those but you’re still not going to get away.” Leaning closer to her ear he whispered, “going to let you in on a little secret, sweetheart.”

Buffy moved her face away from his own, annoyed that he was being so pig-headed. He grinned and she longed to slam her tiny fist into his face. His warm breath tickled her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.

“Devils trap sweetheart. You’re stuck.” Dean watched as her eyes widened in horror before he pushed his foot against her chair. The chair scrapped along the tile until it hit the shag rug and stopped abruptly as he took a few steps back toward Sam.

“Dean, man what if she’s telling the truth? I mean about Dad.” Sam looked around the room, avoiding his brother’s glare of impatience.

“Please Sammy! She killed dad!”

“I loved him.” Buffy protested against the harsh acquisition.

“I’m sure you did bitch!” Dean watched as a tear escaped and ran down her cheek. “Oh this is rich. You’re going to shed a few tears now?”

Buffy took in a shaky breath and tried to blink the moisture away, annoyed that she was letting her emotions come to the surface. His voice was like ice, colder than he’d ever sounded and it stung more than it should. It wasn’t news that Dean hated her, but if he only knew how much John had meant to her.

“She cries. That’s touching. Really I’m moved right now.” Dean threw his head back and laughed.

Spine stiffening at his menacing laugh she pulled at the chains harder. “I don’t make it a policy to kill humans. Though at this moment, I’m thinking of making an acceptation for you.”

He scoffed. “Right back at you babe.”

The motel door slammed shut and all three pairs of eyes darted to the door as a picture of a forest banged against the wall from the force. “Dean!”

Dean felt his heart constrict slightly at the familiar voice. Turning around he looked at his Father who stood in front of the now closed door. “Dad?” He asked, his voice full of disbelief laced with hope.

Buffy’s head shot up quickly and her eyes stopped at the dark haired man that stood starring coolly at her. “John?” Her voice cracked and a small sob escaped her lips. He looked like he had the day he’d left.

Still apparent was his usual five o’clock scruff complete with dark circles under his eye; he never did get enough sleep. He had on a flannel shirt that was un-buttoned to reveal a black t-shirt. His jeans were worn and looked like they had a few bloodstains on the knees.

“No!” Dean roared at her, shooting her a look of pure hatred. “You don’t get to look at him like that!” He felt a warm hand on his shoulder and shrugged it off. “Back off Sam!”

The clip in his voice caused Sam to refrain from holding his brother back.

“Sons you found her.” The oldest Winchester looked at the blonde that was chained, tears racing down her cheeks. “She’s a demon.” His voice was steady but full of accusation.

Dean took a few long strides until he stood in front of his Dad. A few tears fell down his cheeks. “You’re alive.”

Sam clenched his jaw and watched the embrace with longing.

“Think one demon could keep me down. Had to do some fancy shooting but I got back.” John’s hand went to Dean’s neck and gave a gentle squeeze. “It’s good to see you. You did good Dean.” John’s rich chocolate eyes locked with Sam’s and softened. “Sammy.”

“I tried to warn you about this one. She’s like Meg, Dean.” John looked sullenly at Sam, remembering how easily Meg had played Sam.

Dean nodded. “I know.”

“I thought she was dead. Damnit! I should’ve been more careful.” John slammed his fist against the wall. “I knew better than that.”

“It’s okay Dad, we got her now.” Dean patted his father’s broad shoulders.

John nodded. “Yeah. You do. We need to kill her before we go after the demon.”

Buffy stared at him in shock, her jaw dropping a few times before she sputtered his name. “John, it’s - it’s me, Buffy!”

John took a step forward, pulling a knife out of his back pocket. He smirked watching as she tried to scoot the chair back. He paused as he noticed the devils trap and anger flashed briefly across his face. “Dean… you can do the honors.”

“Dude, this isn’t right. This doesn’t feel right.” Sam grabbed at his brother’s arm as Dean reached for the knife.

“Unless you’ve got a vision,” Dean looked at his brother who shook his head, “then she’s dying tonight.” Dean grabbed the knife from his father’s grip.

“You guys, he’s the evil one!” Buffy screamed at Sam. He was the only rational one out of the three.

“Don’t you dare!” Dean walked up to her and slammed his fist into her jaw. A small bubble of satisfaction came as he watched her lip split, blood trickling down her chin. “The only thing that’s evil, is you!”

Buffy sat stunned for a moment; he had hit her. Dean had actually hit her. A wave of anger began to swell inside of her. Snapping out of the daze she spat out the blood from her mouth. “Really? Then why won’t he come and do the dirty work himself? Huh? C’mon John! You let me get away; you should get the honors of killing me!”

Sam looked back at his father. “Dad?”

“Sam it’s me. Look, she’s just trying to mess with us. You need to kill her! Now! I’ll explain it all later.” John urged Dean to go after the blonde.

“Dean, man, this isn’t right.” Sam grabbed his brother. “We can un-possess her. Like we did with Meg.”

Buffy watched the interaction as she tried to get out the tight metal cuffs and chains that bound her body.

“No! She needs to die.” Dean’s voice rose as he shot his brother a warning look.

“Why? We don’t kill humans.” Sam took a small step toward his brother. “You don’t want that on your hands Dean.” Memories of Jessica being pinned to his ceiling while her blood dripped down on his face flashed in his mind. He could almost smell the burnt flesh and he had to forcefully swallow the bile that rose.

Dean paused. “She tried to kill Dad!”

“No!” Sam griped his brother’s hand. “The thing inside of her tried to kill Dad. We can kill that.” Dean was on the edge and Sam watched as he trembled slightly. “C’mon, I have the book in my bag.”

“Damn it! Boys, she needs to die.” John’s fist clenched around Sam’s shirt and tossed him away from Dean. “Look at me Dean. You can do this.”

“Dean, let your father killed me. If he thinks I killed Mary wouldn’t he want the pleasure of getting revenge? John; come and get me!” Bracing herself for the blow, she felt Dean backhand her. She was playing with fire, but there had to be a reason why John wouldn’t come into the devil’s trap.

“Shut up!”

Buffy had noticed the way John’s normally dark eyes flashed yellow for a brief moment after he had tossed Sam “Who the hell are you?”

John smirked before he morphed into the blonde Slayer. “Did you miss me mommy?”

Staggering back in shock Dean looked between the two identical blondes. “What the hell?”

“I’m so glad you could all make it. Sorry for the change in appearance but that whole family reunion was making my skin crawl.” She smirked. “John’s dead Dean. His mortal body is compost and yet you fell for it. I mean you burned his body. The smell of his rotten flesh filled your nostrils. You wanted to puke, but you had to play big brother to Sam.”

The night’s events clicked into place and bile rose up Buffy’s gorge. “You thought I was - was some ‘end the world with dark evil’ Buffy?” She gasped as she starred in shock at the two brothers.

“Well excuse me but she looks a hell of a lot like you!” Dean shot back.

“Pft!” Buffy rolled her eyes. “In what universe would I pant all over you? Or wear that lip color!” Buffy watched The First give an annoyed look at her but chose to keep her focus on Dean. “You do realize you almost got your thing on with the original evil demon that you’ve been trying to kill right? That’s wrong on so many levels.”

“Thank you!” Dean snarled at her.

“Don’t you humans ever shut up?” The First spun around and starred at Dean, her eyes flashing a golden yellow before reverting to the original green. “John’s disappointed in you Dean. Believing he came back from the dead, that doesn’t happen. You humans cling to each like a moth to a flame. Makes you easier to kill, even you Buffy.”

“Dean. Don’t listen to her.” Her voice dipped lower to a whisper. “She’s just messing with you, Dean.”

The First scowled at the blonde that was chained up, effectively holding her hostage until it was time for her death. “She always seems to come back. It’s those pesky friends of her. But… she’s got no friends this time to bring her back.” Pausing for moment it starred coldly at the blonde. “Utterly unknown. Not even John’s boys. You saved his life more than a few times and yet Dean was willing to kill you. Guess the loyalty doesn’t run in the family.”

“I haven’t even started to mess with him - yet. You got handled whether you like it or not Dean. Don’t feel too stupid, I mean it’s not the first time someone looking like Little Miss Slayer over there got some action from her boy-toy.” She sauntered over to Dean. “Remember Riley? ” The First glanced at Buffy and giggled with mirth at the brief pained expression.

“Slayer?” Sam’s curious glance met Buffy’s own annoyed look.

“Yes Slayer.” She bit out the words. “And if you hadn’t been so eager to believe the big ho I could’ve told you.”

“Wait… in Dad’s journal he mentioned something about a demon slayer.”

“I’m not a demon!” She huffed and straightened her shoulders. “Well not in the classical sense. It’s a really long story and not as evil as it sounds… trust me.”

“She’s got essence of demon in her. Mommy’s just like me. It’s what gives her power.” The First smirked. “Of course it’s not enough power to stop me, she’s gonna be a deader than dead in about five minutes. She’s pissed me off for the last time.” The First pulled out the same knife John had held before. “Always playing in things she’s not supposed to. You were supposed to die in the Hellmouth, like your ex-undead lover, Spike.”

Tossing her golden locks behind her she gave The First a pointed look. “You should know by now I don’t die easily.”

“No. But now that I have you all in a nice enclosed space, I’m going to finish it.” Turning, the demon looked back at the brothers. “She was supposed to die before she met up with your father.” The First advanced on Dean. “But your father, he gave us more trouble then he knew what was good for him. He left your little blonde girlfriend before we could kill them. No worries, he’s dead now.” She sighed. “You killed him and now I can finish you all off.”

Dean reached behind him, grabbing his shotgun and shot at the blonde that was advancing on him. His smirk only last a moment before he watched the gapping hole close, leaving no trace of his assault.

“That’s not very nice.” The First pouted.

“She’s not corporeal Dean. She can’t hit you.” Buffy mumbled a string of curses under her breath as she watched The First grab the gun and hit Dean. “Oh shit.”

Sam lunged at The First who spun around and grabbed him by the neck before throwing him to the floor. His body slid along the ground, ruining the devil’s trap before hitting Buffy’s chair with a ‘thump’.

“Yay! Now I can have some real fun.” The First shoved Dean into the wall before she turned toward Buffy. “You Winchester’s are always in my way.” Swinging her foot out, her boot-covered foot connected with Sam and shot him across the room.

“Sam.” Dean groaned, his head spinning from hitting the wall with such force. He struggled to stand before he fell back down. “Hold on.” He began to crawl along the floor toward his brother that lay crumbled on the floor.

“Seems the boys don’t have a clue about you. John must’ve been pretty tight lipped about where you were concerned.” Her fingers skimmed along Buffy’s shoulder like a lover’s caress.

Buffy’s body stiffened as cool fingers ran along her exposed shoulders. “You being all corporeal and all, it’s great, it really is. Means this time, I can really kick your ass. No uber vamps to save you.”

“Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s always the vamps that save you.” The First looked at the boys. “I’m surprised Dean fell for it. I mean you don’t normally go for the living. Mommy’s got a thing for necrophilia, always panting after the undead.”

“Okay when you put it like that, it just sounds gross.” Buffy’s face scrunched up at the imagery and shuddered, wandering if that’s how her friends had viewed her relationship with Angel and Spike. Maybe that’s why they never could deal.

“What the hell is she talking about Buffy?” Dean grounded out the words.


“You mean you didn’t tell him all about Spike and Angel? This is turning out to be a night of debauchery. Isn’t it Buff?”

Shuddering, Buffy heard Angelus’ silky voice rumbling in her ear. “You’re not him.” It turned out more as a mantra to her than a statement.

“Should we show the boys how you like it? How to make you wet?” Roughly, Angelus grabbed her blonde locks and yanked her head to side to expose the bite mark on her elegant neck. “See boys, she likes it rough and dark.” His fangs elongated ,eyes turning from dark brown to amber. He ran his tongue along the sensitive flesh and smirked as he listened to her heart race.

Buffy clenched her jaw and tried to control the moan that was bubbling in her throat.

Angelus’ lips latched onto the spot as he began to suck gently. He grazed his fangs along the flesh, nibbling until the ski split. A savage growl rumbled from his chest as he pulled the potent elixir of her blood into his mouth.

The moan came loudly and she angled her neck more, to give him greater access. She panted, her eyes slipping shut in ectasy as her body stretched upwards inorder to urge him on. She wasn’t disappointed and it was his name that slipped from her lips when his suckling became stronger.

Logically her mind knew it wasn’t Angelus’ lips that were making her insides melt and her brain get foggy. It was The First. Yet, no matter how many times she repeated that fact in her mind her body continued to go willingly to Angelus and his ministrations, begging for more.

Dean grabbed the gun that lay on the floor.

Angelus snarled, blood dripping from his mouth as he fixed Dean with a cold stare. “Do it and I’ll snap her neck before you get your first shot.”

It took only a moment of his lips away from his mark for Buffy to get back some of her will power. “Oh fuck it.” Buffy slammed the back of her head into Angelus’ face. “Undead or not… he had a soul, and that counts for something.” Buffy yanked her arms up snapping the metal. “And Spike…” She looked chagrined, “well I mean from what I’ve read about you vamps, everything is game so I’m sure you understand.”

Angelus roared, flashing his fangs before he lunged at her with anger.

Buffy spun while using Angelus’ own momentum to fling him into the air, his body hitting the wall with a sickening thud. She watched with joy as the drywall cracked from impact. “I’m really gonna enjoy this.”

Angelus hopped up and shook the debris off his clothing. “Bitch.” Spitting out the blood that ran from his broken nose and into his mouth, he snarled at the Slayer. “Buff, you aren’t going to make it out of here alive.”

“Lover, I’ve learnt some new tricks since the last time we danced.” Buffy pulled a knife from behind her back and smirked.

spn, r, buffy/dean, btvs, dean winchester, burning memories, crossover, btvs/spn, torture's sad exchange series, fanfiction, buffy summers

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