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Comments 404

[Action] vulcanblazer April 23 2011, 02:29:53 UTC
[Adell will be around the festival grounds, on patrol and making sure that everything's as it should be. Of course, six robed individuals making a phalanx around an individual? Surely must be the Malnosso's leader, here to pay a visit. So, he takes it upon himself to approach, waving to Sir Catherine.]

Hello! And good morning!


[Action] takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 02:52:50 UTC
Tally ho, Mister Adell!

[Bil waves a hand for his entourage to stop, then turns to Adell, looking quite pleased with himself.] It's been too long, my boy!


[Action] vulcanblazer April 23 2011, 02:56:06 UTC
It really has, Sir Catherine. It's great to see you again. Was your trip safe?


[Action] takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:01:49 UTC
We had a bit of trouble with a rather angry mother goat, but the lads here took care of that! [He chuckles a bit at that.] I've heard you all had a bit of a nasty Shift a few days ago.


chikaidestroyer April 23 2011, 02:47:39 UTC
[Sir Catherine was in the village. There always seemed to be a small entourage with him, more rigid and quiet than the bodyguards he and his cousin employed. It did seem necessary when there were bound to be unhappy sentiments amongst some villagers due to the war, but it doesn't stop Albert from beginning to approach the group.

He pauses as he sees the girl at Sir Catherine's side, frowning slightly in confusion at her presence; it's been half a year since last he saw her. Then he continues forward to at least offer greetings and well-wishes to the ground as a whole.]

Good morning. It is always an honor to have you among us.


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 02:58:54 UTC
[ Her spine stiffens when she hears his voice.

This stupid costume. This stupid festival. She hates this. She hates everything about all this idiotic pomp and circumstance, the idiotic sheep that--


Very quietly ]

Hello, Albert. S-S-S-Sir Catherine is ... b-b-b-busy. [ Looking at silly things, like the silly idiot he is. ]


chikaidestroyer April 23 2011, 04:20:07 UTC
My apologies. I'm sure you have many things to look at. [He sounds sincere and yet bored, nodding at her comment. Sir Catherine indeed looked ... busy.] This is the first Great One's Festival you have attended, correct?


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 04:22:30 UTC
[ She gives him a brief, inscrutable look, then simply nods. ] Yes. It's very ... f-f-f-folksy. [ ... it's the highest compliment she can pay. ] Are you e-e-e-enjoying y-y-yourself?


NPC THREAD - Post Festival takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:03:10 UTC
[That evening, Bil and his procession will be on their way towards the Battle Dome. They haven't had much of a chance to speak, given they've had people nearby all day, but now is a chance for some private discussion.]

Such lovely people, all of them. Don't you agree, my dear?


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 03:07:55 UTC
... they don't kn-kn-know. They just h-h-h-h-h-- [ a pause, and a breath ] --have no idea.

[ ... is that sympathy? Her face is a mask, but the set of her mouth and eyes lacks the same anger they have held all day. ]


takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:10:32 UTC
Yes, yes. [He glances back towards the plaza. The fireworks are going off about now and they briefly illuminate what might look like a bit of reluctance in his expression, but it's soon replaced with his usual jovial expression.]

It's all quite unfortunate for them, but it was quite necessary, I'm afraid.


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 03:14:51 UTC
[ For a second her whole body tightens, as if winding up for a great lashing out. Even her expression goes tight -- and dark, so dark with rage.

Then abruptly it's gone, like it never happened at all, and she nods, blandly. ]

M-M-M-Many of them are.... lovely. [ she casts a sideways glance in his direction. ] ... you are c-c-certain we'll b-be ... s-s-s-s-safe.


consultmybooks April 23 2011, 03:07:53 UTC
[If Sir Catherine and Molly should happen to approach the concert area, they might see Giles there alone, sitting onstage and practicing his part of their duet for later that afternoon.

He notices the phalanx of droids out of his peripheral vision easily enough, and from there it's not hard to guess who they're guarding.

He just carefully lays the guitar down and gets off the stage to carefully approach the formation.]

Sir Catherine. And, um, miss. [He nods politely to the unfamiliar intern.] Always nice to have you with us. Is everything looking all right so far?


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 03:12:25 UTC
It's Molly.

[ quiet, very quiet ]


consultmybooks April 23 2011, 04:47:42 UTC
Molly, then. It's very nice to meet you. Welcome to our village.


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 04:55:09 UTC
... [ slowly, she drops a curtsy, one-handed though it is. there's something almost sarcastic about the gesture, especially in the way she neither smiles nor looks away. ]

Th-Th-Thank you. I-I-I-It's very nice here.


I always wondered if Bill was really blue. goldenglasses April 23 2011, 03:08:08 UTC
[Vash was trying to put the finishing touches on the flower stand, and getting the flowers ready to be sold, but he stops and smiles when he sees the group approaching.]

Well, hey there! A little early for the festivities, aren't you?


He really is! takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:12:24 UTC
[Oh goodness! Look at that spiky blonde hair. Bil heads over in that direction instead.]

Goodness no! I fear we might be a little late.


I'm disapointed. I was hoping for tie-dye for all of five seconds ago. goldenglasses April 23 2011, 03:16:01 UTC
A little late, huh? Well I don't think too many people are completely set up just yet, things will be much more exciting soon! Will you be able to stay for most of the festival? Everyone needs a vacation now and then, after all!


takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:21:11 UTC
Naturally, my boy! I plan to stick around for quite a bit, actually. I'm not entirely sure when I'll leave!


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