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NPC THREAD - Post Festival takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:03:10 UTC
[That evening, Bil and his procession will be on their way towards the Battle Dome. They haven't had much of a chance to speak, given they've had people nearby all day, but now is a chance for some private discussion.]

Such lovely people, all of them. Don't you agree, my dear?


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 03:07:55 UTC
... they don't kn-kn-know. They just h-h-h-h-h-- [ a pause, and a breath ] --have no idea.

[ ... is that sympathy? Her face is a mask, but the set of her mouth and eyes lacks the same anger they have held all day. ]


takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:10:32 UTC
Yes, yes. [He glances back towards the plaza. The fireworks are going off about now and they briefly illuminate what might look like a bit of reluctance in his expression, but it's soon replaced with his usual jovial expression.]

It's all quite unfortunate for them, but it was quite necessary, I'm afraid.


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 03:14:51 UTC
[ For a second her whole body tightens, as if winding up for a great lashing out. Even her expression goes tight -- and dark, so dark with rage.

Then abruptly it's gone, like it never happened at all, and she nods, blandly. ]

M-M-M-Many of them are.... lovely. [ she casts a sideways glance in his direction. ] ... you are c-c-certain we'll b-be ... s-s-s-s-safe.


takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:20:08 UTC
Oh, indeed. It was a perfect ruse. The company don't realize my little deception with this experiment, nor the so-called Battle Dome. Once they've worked it all out, it will be too little - too late.

[He seems quite resolute on this plan. Her silent rage either goes unnoticed or unacknowledged.]


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 03:27:57 UTC
... they'll suffer. O-O-O-Once the experiment... ends.

[ continuing to look at him sideways, though her gaze is more... intense, now. speaking of that unacknowledged rage... ]


takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:30:37 UTC
[That brings him to a halt and he turns back to her.]

Oh yes, I'm afraid they will. They won't like any of this at all.


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 03:34:45 UTC
[ She keeps her head down, and the curtain of her bangs hides her eyes. But her clipboard is clasped so hard to her chest her knuckles are white. When she speaks, her voice is little more than a stage whisper. ]

I-I-I-It's not ... r-r-r-right. It's not f-f-f-fair...


takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:40:08 UTC
No no, not at all. But once they've been returned home, they won't remember any of it. So I suppose in the end, it doesn't matter at all!

[He chuckles at that and continues walking. Not quite an evil laugh, but he does find the situation to all be a bit amusing in a horrible way.]


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 03:43:19 UTC
[ Molly flings down her clipboard with such violence that it breaks. Immediately she turns away, hands pressed over her ears, as if she can shut out that laugh, that casual cruelty, that callousness...

She hovers there, for a moment. Then, quietly and robotically, she picks up the fallen clipboard and turns to face him again, though her head remains down. Woodenly ]

I ap-p-p-p-ologize.


takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:46:47 UTC
[He chirps and shakes his head.]

You mustn't be so clumsy, my dear. We've important work to do!

[Once again he seems oblivious to her outburst. As they arrive outside the battle dome, he comes to a halt. Two of the droids go in ahead of them to make sure the place is clear. If there's anyone using the chambers, they'll be locked inside for the next five minutes, as the droids lock all Lucetians out of the system.]


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 03:49:18 UTC
Of course.

[ After that she trails after him in silence, only looking up once he stops walking and the droids enter the building. She watches the whole affair blankly. ]

... so this is really ... it. C-C-C-Can we ... ever l-l-leave?


takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:52:24 UTC
[He stares up at the fireworks a bit, tapping his foot impatiently. He hated relying on droids like this.]

Hmm? Oh, I suppose eventually. I suspect we'll grow tired of the scenery soon enough.

[He decides to hum to himself a bit, but soon grows bored with that. Well, they must be quite finished by now, so he begins walking inside.]


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 03:59:13 UTC
[ ... she does not follow. Not at first.

Instead she stays there, outside, looking up the sky... at the fireworks. They're very pretty... the sub-- people must have worked very hard on them. They were all so cheerful, so happy... so kind. Going about their lives as if this world were truly real, putting all their hearts into it...

Molly's jaw tightens, and her fingers curl, and a sour feeling rises in her gut. Without another backward glance she marches into the Battle Dome and catches up to Bil. ]

All that "G-G-G-G-Great One" business w-w-was a nice t-t-t-touch.


takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 04:02:05 UTC
[By now Bil has already reached the main console. He presses his hand to one of the touch screen and after it's been scanned, he begins inputting a multitude of information, typing quite quickly.]

Ho ho ho, yes, wasn't it? Though I suspect he'll be rather cross with me next time we speak! But goodness, he does deserve one festival in his honor, even if no one else will do so!


hatesherjob April 23 2011, 04:04:12 UTC
... y-y-you're the only one who th-th-thinks so. [ ... she actually says this with the tiniest of smiles, audible in her voice, though she remains a foot or two behind him. ]


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