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[Action] vulcanblazer April 23 2011, 02:29:53 UTC
[Adell will be around the festival grounds, on patrol and making sure that everything's as it should be. Of course, six robed individuals making a phalanx around an individual? Surely must be the Malnosso's leader, here to pay a visit. So, he takes it upon himself to approach, waving to Sir Catherine.]

Hello! And good morning!


[Action] takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 02:52:50 UTC
Tally ho, Mister Adell!

[Bil waves a hand for his entourage to stop, then turns to Adell, looking quite pleased with himself.] It's been too long, my boy!


[Action] vulcanblazer April 23 2011, 02:56:06 UTC
It really has, Sir Catherine. It's great to see you again. Was your trip safe?


[Action] takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:01:49 UTC
We had a bit of trouble with a rather angry mother goat, but the lads here took care of that! [He chuckles a bit at that.] I've heard you all had a bit of a nasty Shift a few days ago.


[Action] vulcanblazer April 23 2011, 03:14:13 UTC
Like always, it was worse for some than others. People... woke up in the wrong beds, or even houses, often with all their stuff moved. Best we could tell, that's all that happened.


[Action] takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:16:54 UTC
Indeed, indeed. Just as I was told. Still, a nasty surprise, I suspect! Alas, if only we could have prevented it. But no harm done, yes?


[Action] vulcanblazer April 23 2011, 03:20:33 UTC
Well, so long as I don't end up in any more duels about what happened.


[Action] takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:21:48 UTC
Now now, my boy. You mustn't fight amongst yourselves! Especially over something so trivial!


[Action] vulcanblazer April 23 2011, 03:26:59 UTC
[He laughs. He agrees, but he's amused, nonetheless.]

Tell that to Charlotte's family. But that's okay. For the most part, though... we actually get along really well here.


[Action] takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 03:28:23 UTC
Glad to hear it, glad to hear it. If we were lucky, it could be like this here all the time!


[Action] vulcanblazer April 23 2011, 04:08:32 UTC
I wouldn't mind it. I've done a lot of fighting and adventuring in my time, but it's made me appreciate peace more too.

[Though there's the glint in his eye that suggests he wouldn't mind adventuring again. It's in his blood, and he was good at it.]


[Action] takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 04:09:55 UTC
Likewise, my boy! Let's hope The Great One will allow us to enjoy this peace for as long as it lasts!

[This is followed by a lighthearted chuckle.]


[Action] vulcanblazer April 23 2011, 04:21:16 UTC
I'm sure the Great One will. He's been good to us so far.

[For the most part. He's still not thrilled about losing his Mom to the woods. But he's not blaming the Great One for it either.]


[Action] takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 04:29:19 UTC
As he always is.

[He gives a nod, as if to communicate he knows and understand Adell's loss. Or maybe he's just being friendly.]

I hope you enjoy the festival... and I'll be rooting for you in the Tournament!


[Action] vulcanblazer April 23 2011, 04:36:02 UTC
I'll do my best to put on a good show for you! Wouldn't want to disappoint a distinguished guest!


[Action] takesthemblonde April 23 2011, 04:41:51 UTC
Oh ho, I doubt you could ever benefit me, my boy! But I'm afraid I must carry on. Good luck!

[With that, he's off!]


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