Superman Tonight (20/?)

May 12, 2011 14:29

Title: Superman Tonight (20/?)
Author: lonelyphoenix85
Rating: R overall, mainly for the odd swear-word
Genre: Pre-slash, angst, hurt/comfort
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel pre-slash, Dean/Cas pre-slash, Aziraphale/Crowley slash
Spoilers: through to Changing Channels (5x08)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2114 (this part, 43568 total so far)
Disclaimer: It only belongs to me when I'm dreaming! Bon Jovi owns the song, and the rest is property of the almighty Kripke!

Author's Note: Just wanted to say thanks to my fantastic beta for this story,
of_red_clouds - you're awesome!

Another Note: Sorry for the delay - both myself and my beta have had hectic RLs lately, and I've redone this chapter about four times now, so my lovely beta must have the patience of a saint to be putting up with all my chopping and changing! *grins*

Previous Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |

And now:

"…dy told you, I don't know!"

Dean's raised voice wasn't what Gabriel had been hoping to wake up to.

No, he'd had plans for some hot chocolate, some sugary treats, and some time with his brothers…

*Still,* he supposed, *this is what I get for hanging around Winchesters.*

At the thought, Gabriel's gaze fell down to the very tall, very sleepy Winchester under his arm. He knew the
hunter would need more rest, but he wasn't sure he could've dealt with much more of that memory.

The hours they'd spent there were far less here, but they'd been enough that he felt almost like his old self again, which meant he was more than capable of putting them back under in one of Sam's dreams instead for the rest of the night.

*Well, evening actually,* he thought as he glanced at the fading light through the window. *First thing's first though - best figure out what the commotion's all about.*

He leaned forward slightly, tightening his arm around Sam's chest as he drew close.

"Wake up, Sasquatch," he murmured softly, before using his free hand to snap himself into the room they'd left Castiel and Dean in.

Finding it empty, Gabriel let out a sigh of relief. Castiel was feeling well enough to be up and about already - it was a good sign.

He'd barely taken a step towards the kitchen when Dean's voice froze him in place.

"He just went all weird and took off, Bobby - - - Shit! They'd better find him alive and in one piece, because I'm gonna kill him!"

Castiel was gone? He'd nearly died a few hours earlier, and that thrice damned, stupid, idiotic, careless hunter had managed to send him running already?

He was going to kill him!

With a thought Gabriel was in the kitchen - no need to snap when there was no-one around to see, after all - and bearing down on the irresponsible human who seemed determined to get Castiel killed, one way or another.

"What did you do, Winchester?"

Dean gaped at him wide-eyed as he backed up a few steps - *Good, you should be scared,* he thought viciously - but any response he might have made went unheard as a soft whisper and a tug of Grace caught Gabriel's attention.

Sparing a half-second to glare at the hunter, Gabriel snapped his way back to the living room.

"…dy told you, I don't know!"

Sam blinked blearily as he felt the arm over him shift slightly, pulling him back towards the couch as it tightened in a way that, instead of making him feel restrained or trapped, left him feeling safe and secure, protected…

Before his sleep-addled mind had chance to try and make sense of that, a soft voice broke the silence following Dean's outburst.

"Wake up, Sasquatch."

With that the arm disappeared, replaced by a rush of cool air that had him shifting to try and escape its icy clutches.

He wasn't sure how long they'd been asleep, but he'd expected to feel more rested than this when he woke up.

"He just went all weird and took off, Bobby."

He twisted slightly and used the edge of the couch to pull himself to his feet as Dean's voice rang out through the house.

"Shit! They'd better find him alive and in one piece, because I'm gonna kill him!"

Sam felt a flash of panic, followed by frustration and tightly reigned in anger - which made no sense, because he was just tired, what did he have to feel any of those about? - and then Dean's voice wasn't the only one raised.

"What did you do, Winchester?"

"Gabriel…?" Sam muttered softly, wondering what he'd missed in the whole ten seconds the Archangel had been gone.

In a blink Gabriel was there again, one hand resting gently on Sam's arm to steady him slightly.

"Geez Sasquatch, sit down before you fall down!"

A slight push had Sam falling into the old worn cushions of Bobby's couch with a sigh, and he felt his eyes start to drift shut again.

"Oh no you don't!"

Sam felt two hands firmly grasp his shoulders, and he tried to focus on Gabriel's face in front of him as the whole world started to shake…no…wait…it wasn't the world that was shaking, it was him! Gabriel was shaking him…and still talking, Sam realised with a start.

"…to sleep, we've got a situation, I can't do dream-watch right now…how long were we out anyway?"

A few seconds after the shaking stopped, Sam finally managed to focus and he realized that Gabriel was leaning over him, hands still fixed to his shoulders. He was staring down at him with big, hazel eyes mixed with swirls of gold that made them shine in the dimly lit room.

Sam stared drowsily up at them, entranced as the swirls drifted and danced around hypnotically whilst the Archangel's voice washed softly over him.

"Your brother is a pain in the ass you know…Sammy…? Oh for…! Wake up kid!"

Sam felt a warm burst of something low in his chest, and it spread quickly through every inch of his body until he practically leapt from the seat and started bouncing on the rug in front of the couch, Gabriel having taken several quick steps back.

He felt wide awake suddenly - as buzzed as if he'd been mainlining coffee for the last few hours non-stop.

"What did you do?" he asked the now grinning Archangel.

"Gave you a little energy boost Sammy - wasn't sure it would work, but you needed it kiddo. We only managed," Gabriel paused as he glanced at the clock on the wall across the room, "three hours' sleep, and already your brother's managed to scare mine off. Not that you need it, but you can get your beauty sleep later kiddo. Come on, we're in the kitchen."

With that Gabriel grinned and snapped his fingers, and Sam blinked as the living room was suddenly replaced with the kitchen. He raised an eyebrow at the small figure beside him.

"What, we couldn't have walked a few metres?"

"Gimme a break Sammy, after the day I've had I need to stretch my wings."

Sam rolled his eyes and turned to face Dean and Bobby.

"So what's got him in such a flap?" he asked, realising suddenly that Gabriel, for all that he was joking, was in a bit of a state - the panic, the frustration, the anger…he only vaguely remembered feeling them earlier but they were clear as day now, and they were coming not from him, but from the bond…from Gabriel.

"Cas is gone."

Dean's response was short, to the point, and punctuated by an empty bottle being dropped with slightly more force than necessary into the trash as Dean began pacing back and forth. The way Bobby rolled his eyes with a slight head-shake told Sam that his brother had probably been like this since the Angel had disappeared.

"And Deano here was just about to tell me what he did to send the littlest Angel running the second he woke up from almost dying, weren't you Hotshot?"

Sam almost held back a wince at Gabriel's scathing tone, until he noticed the fury on his brother's face.
There was no way in h…no way on earth this was ending well, he thought with a sigh.

Five minutes, that's all he wanted. Five minutes to take a few breaths, sip a nice cool beer, and just relax…was that really so much to ask?

He felt a wave of amusement and looked over to see Gabriel grin quickly, before turning back to glower at Dean.


Dean stopped pacing again, and ran one hand roughly through his hair.

"Cas woke up two hours ago - we talked, I set him straight on a couple of things…"

Sam didn't miss the glance Dean shot him at that. It still hurt to think that Cas had honestly believed he'd said 'yes'.

"…and then he asked why he wasn't dead. I told him you'd saved his life, and that's when he started getting weird."

"Define weird."

"He wanted to know what saving him had cost, and when I didn't understand he started apologising and then took off. End of story."

"What it cost?" Sam asked, confused.

"Don't ask me Sammy…like I said - I didn't have a clue what he was going on about."

"Did you tell him how I saved him?"

Sam glanced away from Dean to look at the Archangel as he felt a burst of exasperation echo across the bond.

"I, uh…what difference does how make? You saved him, isn't that what matters?"

Sam had to hold back a grin at Gabriel's reaction - somehow he didn't think Dean would see the funny side…

"Humans!" Gabriel cursed, not even hesitating as he raised his hand in Dean's direction and snapped.

Where his brother had been standing a second earlier, now there stood a six foot high, three foot wide brick wall.

Bobby spluttered before turning on Gabriel.

"Fix him."


Bobby's face was getting redder by the second, and Sam decided it might be a good idea to intercede before Bobby got on Gabriel's bad side too.

"Uh, Gabe?"

When the Archangel turned to face him, Sam gestured questioningly towards his brother.

"What? I'll get more sense talking to that than your brother Sammy!"

Sam bit back a laugh, and raised an eyebrow. Gabriel was angry, irritated, and afraid for Castiel, but Sam wasn't really worried - he wouldn't hurt Dean seriously, not when doing so would hurt Sam.

"Oh fine, fine…but when he starts shouting again, you can deal with it - I'm going to go find my errant baby brother."

"Your friends have been looking for two hours now, what makes you think you'll have better luck?" Bobby asked churlishly.

"I know Cassie…I've touched his Grace. I can find him, trust me."

"What if you run into trouble? You nearly died Gabe, three hours ago you nearly bled to death and now you want to go out looking for trouble? Surely Cas'll be fine until the others find him?"

Sam couldn't shake the image of Gabriel sprawled on the floor in Bobby's bedroom choking on his own blood. Surely he needed more than three hours of not even vaguely restful sleep to get over that?

"I'm fine kid, I know my limits…"

"Right, you know them so well you nearly got yourself killed earlier…" Sam interjected.

"I know my limits, and yes I nearly died earlier - but that would've been my choice. I chose to help my Brother despite the risks. Now there is no risk - I'm back on the top of my game, so I'm sure as hell not sitting around here while Cassie needs help."

"He ran off…maybe he just needs space?"

"Space won't do him much good when Heaven catches up to him Sammy."

"He's been on the run for a while now and they haven't caught him…I think he knows how to stay out of their way…" Sam pointed out.

"Most of his Grace was locked away then, inaccessible and unnoticeable…almost all of it in fact. Now it's all there for him to use, and for the whole world to see if it doesn't occur to him that he needs to hide it…"

"In which case, wouldn't Aziraphale and Crowley have found him by now?" he cut in quickly.

"It's a big planet, and there's only two of them - there are dozens of my brothers and sisters on Earth at the moment Sammy, all it'll take is one of them spotting him, and then he'll have the whole Host on his ass - he needs to be found, and he needs to be found now. I can do that, so can we please stop wasting time here?"

Sam hadn't even considered what might happen if Michael or the other angels caught up with Castiel, but having it laid out so plainly, he realised that Gabriel was right, they were wasting time they couldn't afford…time Cas couldn't afford. He might have already hidden himself, but if he hadn't…

"Go. Just…fix Dean first please?"

"You sure you wouldn't rather wait until I bring Castiel back, you know, so he's in a better mood…?"

For a second Sam was tempted, but knew there'd be hell to pay later if Dean found out he'd left him like that for longer than necessary. Sighing, he shook his head.

"No, we've got some stuff to sort out, might as well do it now."

"Suit yourself, Sasquatch…won't be long."

With that Gabriel snapped, and was gone in the same breath that Dean started cursing up a storm as he landed in a heap on the floor.

genre: slash, character: gabriel, genre: crossover (go/spn), genre: hurt/comfort, character: sam, genre: angst, word count (story): 40000-49999, character: castiel, character: aziraphale, rating: r, genre: pre-slash, character: crowley, word count (chapter): 1000-4999, pairing: dean/castiel, superman tonight, character: bobby, genre: bonding fic, pairing: sam/gabriel, pairing: aziraphale/crowley, character: dean

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