'Ask A Question' Meme and De-Hiatus~

Jul 05, 2010 14:20

"ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or that, or general thoughts on my characters or canons or what, who I might consider topping you into apping, etc ( Read more... )


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lipstickittoyou July 5 2010, 22:03:20 UTC
Nana feels incredibly shitty about the way she blew up at Shuichi. She had really strong feelings about that situation though and when she feels like that it all tends to build and just spew out in a bad, big way. She really is torn because she really wanted to be friends with both Shuichi AND Yuki, but she kind of realizes now that....you can't really be super and equally close with BOTH of them. At least she can't anyways. Because when Nana gets close to someone she gets extremely protective of them. And since Yuki and Shuichi hurt each other all the time it seems...she'd end up mad at both of them all the time. And since Shuichi was gone so long, and since during that time Yuki and Nana took care of each other so much and got so close and have a lot of the same issues, she's gotten closer to Yuki during this time. Plus it seems to her like Yuki could use her friendship more. She really wants to go apologize to Shuichi, but she's also still kind of mad and she doesn't want to hurt Yuki by doing that and....yeah, torn. She realizes ( ... )


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lipstickittoyou July 5 2010, 22:50:18 UTC
Nana thinks Tommy seems like a good guy and sort of reminds her of Tatsuha a bit? He's teasing, but still seems to care, even though he doesn't remember Yuki and just got to camp. So she approves of him. Satoshi she doesn't know well enough to get an opinion of, but she can tell Yuki more than likes him as a friend? So she's going to try and dig more about him because she doesn't want Yuki to get hurt more. As for Mikage, she approves of him because he was a big help with Yuki while Shuichi was gone and helped Yuki cope and deal. So those are the only ones she's super aware of? She's not sure how much she approves of herself...

Which of your characters likes camp the most? The least? And why.


watchmycannon July 5 2010, 21:53:26 UTC
...idk Thoughts? For either Shuichi or Michael, I guess.

...ps I never know how to refer to people from Japanese-speaking canons either ICly or OCCly it looks like. Derp.


lipstickittoyou July 5 2010, 22:15:11 UTC
I'll do both ( ... )


watchmycannon July 6 2010, 01:41:47 UTC
\o ( ... )


littlestsoldier July 6 2010, 01:49:51 UTC
There's a section in canon where Setsuna soul was in Alexiel's body and did not fool Michael. Alexiel is an honest to god woman, so even if Michael had great trapdar, Alexiel is a woman. However, he knew Setsuna was a man because he saw Setsuna's soul was male and that there was a gender disjoint between the body and soul. So yeah, he can tell during deages, genderswitches and such.

What is one thing David wants more than anything else?


welcome_summer July 5 2010, 21:59:30 UTC
How does Ebi feel about camp at this point?


lipstickittoyou July 5 2010, 22:22:05 UTC
Ebi likes camp when it isn't doing things that hurt people. Ebi likes the people she's met in camp and the friendships she's made. She'll be very sad to go because she really will miss Zero and Mayu and everyone. But...she's very worried about Akiha and she misses her work. Not to mention she's never been away from Akiha this long since before she met him, which was YEARS ago. She's a strong woman who doesn't necessarily NEED him or who will fall apart just because they're separated for a bit. But....god does she miss him. Ebi doesn't cry very often, but she was watching Funny Face recently and it made her tear up a bit which she realized was silly but...yeah. Ebi enjoys being in camp and is fine being here since she has friends and knows it's temporary, but she misses home.

How often does Mayu think about Hatori?


welcome_summer July 5 2010, 23:03:08 UTC
Mayu thinking about Hatori... doesn't really happen that often. She's used to being apart from him- that year-span they were in camp together? It was the longest continuous time that they've been in contact with each other. So currently it's like, a return to the status quo: those 2+ years of radio silence. A lot of the time, when she thinks about him, she's thinking about how she's "second-place"- Ayame has precedence, he's had feelings for Hatori forever. With the curse and his duty towards Akito/the family in general, she feels like if she tries to compete against them, she'll lose! And while she has enough flexibility concerning relationships to be somewhat okay being the "other person", she HATES losing, fears being considered inadequate ( ... )


littlestsoldier July 5 2010, 23:37:06 UTC
Momiji travels and continues to practice the violin, eventually playing in his own concert. |Db I'd elaborate, but still braindead from AX.

A day in Mayu's camp life! What is her day like?


touch_sensitive July 5 2010, 22:24:28 UTC
Talk to me about Shika :)


lipstickittoyou July 5 2010, 22:51:27 UTC
Anything specific I should touch on? Or should I just ramble?


touch_sensitive July 5 2010, 23:13:01 UTC
Rambling is fine?


littlestsoldier July 5 2010, 23:41:16 UTC
Mika.....feels like shit about the whole situation. He knows he hurt Shika with the mistletoe conversation and he knows he's been unfair and had double standards and been jealous and difficult. He really doesn't feel like he deserves Shika or Chizu-nee and he's scared to death of losing everyone he cares about. He wants to apologize, but he doesn't really know what to say. And there's nothing he can do to make things better, he thinks. He knows he needs to sort out his shit. He appreciates that Shika is willing to wait, but he doesn't think waiting is fair to Shika or that he deserves it. Mika wants to spill all the crazy things going on in his brain, but he doesn't want Shika to get tired of him or think less of him. Basically Mika is confused about what to do or how to act toward Shika or anyone right now :\ HOW DOES I FIX SHIT?

Ramble back?


skinofakira July 5 2010, 22:47:48 UTC
What's it like living with Nakatsu these days?


lipstickittoyou July 5 2010, 22:53:55 UTC
Nakatsu's a little down lately, but in true Nakatsu fashion is just pushing that down and trying to carry on normally. He's been bugging people to try running with him in the mornings and bringing whatever he makes in the kitchens back to the cabin and trying to get everyone to eat more in general because you're all so damn small. He's been checking in with everyone and making sure to ask how they're doing and just keeping tabs and playing the big brother role as best he can. He's probably been out of the cabin a lot more lately since he's picking up more hobbies and helping around camp more.

How's Yoi-te doing since Joshua left?


skinofakira July 5 2010, 23:04:58 UTC
Lololol. Thing is, I am not actually sure Yoi-te knows that happened! The way his relationship with Joshua went the second time around was basically massive trolling first thing, and then almost no followup. Every now and then they would come across each other. Yoi-te would tense up and be prepared for an attack and Joshua would just... walk away from him. In its own way, it was actually a very effective strategy and reminded Yoi-te of where how invisibility was all (or more than) he deserved.

But... yeah. Uh. As far as Yoi-te knows, Joshua is out there ignoring him still :(

What's he down about?


littlestsoldier July 5 2010, 23:44:10 UTC
Mmm, trying to figure out after camp, still feeling guilt about losing his memories, feeling a little loney, missing home, missing soccer, questioning whether he's really best for Pell, feeling bad because he knows Pell kisses other people, feeling bad about feeling bad about that because he knows it doesn't exactly mean the same thing....etc.

What draws you to a character?


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