'Ask A Question' Meme and De-Hiatus~

Jul 05, 2010 14:20

"ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or that, or general thoughts on my characters or canons or what, who I might consider topping you into apping, etc ( Read more... )


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lipstickittoyou July 5 2010, 22:15:11 UTC
I'll do both!

Shuichi on David- Shuichi thinks David seems nice and kind and kind of sweetly awkward in his own ways. He likes to take care of/keep an eye out for the socially awkward ones. What can I say, the man has a soft spot. He'd like to get to know David better and get to be friends. At the same time though, he gets the feeling he should just stay on pleasant terms since David seems like "one of Pell's" kind of like Ludo is "one of Pell's". In that, those are Pell's friends and he wouldn't want to encroach on that friendship.

Michael on David- Michael is very prickly and hard to get close to. He doesn't open up to very many people because of his past and all. He's gotten better since he's been in camp, but he's still very abrasive and closed off. It's not that he particularly dislikes David or anything. In fact, he's rather curious about David and appreciates the respect David pays to Michael and his position. That fact that David was interested in his weapons and fighting and such pings Michael. But...at the same time, David is "Raph's friend". David started the relationship off by mentioning Raph and relating everything to Raph and thanking Michael on Raph's behalf and that....rubs Michael wrong. He wants people to talk to him for wanting to talk to him. Not because of Raph or anyone else. So he's very cautious around David and especially prickly because of that. Michael also doesn't have patience for people that don't understand that Michael is how he is. So the fact that David was so offended by Michael acting the way that he did about the mistletoe and seemed to take it personally just made Michael chalk it up to "this person doesn't get me and won't ever get me". Because it wasn't personal, it's just Michael trying to be tough and being irritated over camp. So, yeah. Michael makes things impossible and is his own obstacle in making relationships and it takes a very persistent or understanding person to be able to get through.

Reverse? You don't have to do both if you don't want to.


watchmycannon July 6 2010, 01:41:47 UTC

Shuichi -- David likes him and finds him charming and friendly. He is doing mostly the same thing, where he's going "this is Pell/Taiki's friend", but enjoys the time they spend together all the same. David is also ridiculously weak to people like Shuichi; he is pretty much nothing like anything or anyone David has experience with (besides Rush, and that's... yeah), so he ends up just... happily going along with whatever he suggests -- he is almost always out of his depth, but really, it's sort of exciting and it's not like Shuichi asks anything more difficult of him than 'relax a little'. HE WOULD DO WHATEVER YOU SUGGESTED BASICALLY. /is so easily topped by people who don't care that he's marquis, so long as it's a friendly not-caring.

Michael -- David does like Michael for who he is, as much as he can (in that, he really knows nothing about him except from the very little they've interacted, what he knows from Raphael, and what he knows about The Archangel Michael because he's been doing reading), and his mentioning of Raphael is his way of trying to ...give Michael context for why a stranger would be interested in him, I guess? David is... not used at all to people liking him for him either -- either they want something from him, because he is marquis, or they were Rush's friends and so his friends by proxy; of the two, he much prefers the latter. It wouldn't have occurred to him that Michael would not. That Michael is heaven's general and knows how to fight with all sorts of weapons makes him pretty incredible, in David's opinion -- most especially the part of him that is less marquis and more a 19 year old boy who has been raised to warfare. There is the tiny immature part of his heart going "so cool".

The mistletoe was... awkward and uncomfortable, mostly because David does respect and like Michael, and knows what "I'm a friend of Raphael's" must mean to people, and really does not want Michael to think he is after something similar from him. David also just gets really testy when he's misunderstood. :x

I think they should find something no one would miss and blow it up sometime. Everyone likes explosions don't they >->; I guess they'd have to be getting along better first though.

This is less an essay question and more just a question-question but how good is Michael at like... seeing people's souls?


littlestsoldier July 6 2010, 01:49:51 UTC
There's a section in canon where Setsuna soul was in Alexiel's body and did not fool Michael. Alexiel is an honest to god woman, so even if Michael had great trapdar, Alexiel is a woman. However, he knew Setsuna was a man because he saw Setsuna's soul was male and that there was a gender disjoint between the body and soul. So yeah, he can tell during deages, genderswitches and such.

What is one thing David wants more than anything else?


watchmycannon July 6 2010, 02:17:17 UTC

Hmm... would he be able to tell that David's soul is incomplete/being eaten/bonded to something?

He would say "Athlum's freedom", but he got that shortly before coming to Camp, so would probably default to something like 'for all of his friends to be happy and safe'. If he had to sit down and think about what he, personally, wanted with every selfish desire in his heart it... would probably be a mix of those two things, with an added "and for Rush to stay with me and also I'd like it if my family weren't dead and while I'm at it a pony and a rocketship to the moon". :x

What does Michael think about his duties to heaven?


givesyouareason July 6 2010, 02:21:32 UTC
Yup, probably. If he bothered to actually look :|a

Michael doesn't feel like he owes anything to Heaven. Especially since God ran off and Heaven is run by a lot of political douchebags now. He doesn't like following orders, he doesn't like being used or being treated as a tool, and he doesn't feel like they deserve his cooperation after shunning him for so long in favor of Lucifel. Michael enjoys running the army and continues to do so, but as he likes, and separate from big government. He fights because he enjoys fighting and because he hates demons, not because it's his duty. He feels responsibility towards his men, but not towards the goverment and higher ups.

David's opinion of camp?


watchmycannon July 6 2010, 03:10:44 UTC
Haaaaa, that is honestly very similar to how David feels about the situation back home, just with a lot more manners layered over the top of it |Da

Honestly, David loves Camp. There are times when he really hates it -- like when it steals people's memories or makes them sick or otherwise miserable -- because he hates feeling powerless and not getting his way, but he also knows that it's been really good for people. People who were dead, or lonely, or persecuted for no particular reason other than being themselves -- here he's seen them be happy, and so he can't... really stay mad at Camp, for that.

Same, for Michael?


givesyouareason July 6 2010, 03:14:34 UTC
Michael hates it :| He's used to being able to roam around Heaven as he likes, coming and going as he pleases, never staying in one place for too long. He's used to being able to fight demons, kill demons and just do as he likes. Here he's stuck in one place with nothing to do except being stuck around humans and slowly lose who he was. He's changing as a person and he hates it (angels dislike change). He's getting closer to more people, people he's just going to lose and he also hates that. He's lost Raph pretty much and he just wants to be able to get out of here and try to reclaim more of his old self. Because to be honest, he's insanely unhappy here and he hates it.

David's favorite person?


watchmycannon July 6 2010, 03:30:12 UTC
Rush, hands down. Rush changed so much about David's outlook and situation, and is just a wonderful person in every way, if you ask David's completely non-biased opinion, except well maybe he could try thinking ahead a little more but it's honestly part of his charm. Rush taught David how to (start to) do things just because, and how to make friends and etc etc. David is really unhappy, now that Rush has left Camp for the second time. Every time he does he feels a little more at a loose end for it.

Is there anything that WOULD make Michael happier about being in Camp, or is that just a lost cause?


whenurgood2nana July 6 2010, 04:17:45 UTC
Khamael showing up would help. Most of his unhappiness is relationship and personal type stuff, which won't really change anytime soon though.

Uhhh I'm blanking questions wise.


watchmycannon July 6 2010, 04:19:34 UTC
8|b I rarely do question meme stuff because I am TERRIBLE at coming up with questions. I have to spend long minutes to come up with things more meaningful than YOUR CHARACTER IS TRAPPED IN A ROOM WITH A BALL OF TWINE, A FORK, AND SOME KETCHUP what do they do.


whenurgood2nana July 6 2010, 04:22:30 UTC
Haha, same. I tend to prefer the anything goes meme.


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