'Ask A Question' Meme and De-Hiatus~

Jul 05, 2010 14:20

"ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or that, or general thoughts on my characters or canons or what, who I might consider topping you into apping, etc ( Read more... )


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touch_sensitive July 5 2010, 22:24:28 UTC
Talk to me about Shika :)


lipstickittoyou July 5 2010, 22:51:27 UTC
Anything specific I should touch on? Or should I just ramble?


touch_sensitive July 5 2010, 23:13:01 UTC
Rambling is fine?


littlestsoldier July 5 2010, 23:41:16 UTC
Mika.....feels like shit about the whole situation. He knows he hurt Shika with the mistletoe conversation and he knows he's been unfair and had double standards and been jealous and difficult. He really doesn't feel like he deserves Shika or Chizu-nee and he's scared to death of losing everyone he cares about. He wants to apologize, but he doesn't really know what to say. And there's nothing he can do to make things better, he thinks. He knows he needs to sort out his shit. He appreciates that Shika is willing to wait, but he doesn't think waiting is fair to Shika or that he deserves it. Mika wants to spill all the crazy things going on in his brain, but he doesn't want Shika to get tired of him or think less of him. Basically Mika is confused about what to do or how to act toward Shika or anyone right now :\ HOW DOES I FIX SHIT?

Ramble back?


shadow_bum July 5 2010, 23:49:47 UTC
Hm... bascically, Shika's thought it all the way through, turned it over around and around and upside down and disected the thought a few times before he finally made his confession to Mika. He's looked at all the angles, and this is just one of the possible outcomes, and probably one of the most likely conclusions that he was preparing for. It doesn't make it hurt any less, but he wasn't surprised by it really. He definitely meant what he said about waiting for Mika. He doesn't make quick decisions and once he's made one he tends to stick with it for the long run. Whether or not Mika chooses to come with him after they are allowed to leave or not, Mika is pretty much it. He doesn't think it's impossible for him to love another person, but it would be impossible for him not to always compare them to Mika. The one thing he wishes he could do, and knows he can't, is help Mika work through his problems. That's why he's been giving him so much room lately. He's not going to push things any further. He'll always be there if Mika needs him ( ... )


givesyouareason July 6 2010, 00:15:55 UTC
Mika is aware that Shika doesn't like Raph. In fact, Mika is quite aware Shika hates Raph. He knows why too, since he does know how Raph has hurt him and how he's complained about those times to his friends. He knows Shika cares about him and therefore has no fondness for Raph. Mika knows most of his friends would like to punch Raph. Kill though? Nope, no clue.

How much DOES Shika want to kill Raph?


shadow_bum July 6 2010, 00:42:39 UTC
A lot. If it wouldn't hurt Mika, he would possibly try because that's about the only way he can think of to fix Mika's problems on Raph's end short of giving him a complete brain-lift. It's one of the main reasons Hatter stands out so distinctly. He's the first person that Mika's had issues with that isn't protected by that "he's my bff" barrier. It's kind of a good thing in a way, because all of Shika's pent feelings and plottings will transfer over to the new target and allow him to return to ignoring Raph for a while, as long as he doesn't find new ways to hurt Mika.

Talk to me about Hatter and Mika.


ohno_u_didnt July 6 2010, 00:52:59 UTC
Mika hates Hatter. HATES. Hatter is the one that fucked Raphael up and the one who still has control over and hurts Raphael like no other. Michael would love to kill Hatter over and over and over. A part of him realizes that if Hatter hadn't badtouched Raph than he and Raph probably wouldn't be friends, but he pushes that into a corner and doesn't think about it. Hatter also reminds him of Bal. Here is another angel who chose his brother and fell from grace for him. He doesn't understand people who side with his brother and he doesn't like to think about Bal because it hurts in his heart place. Hatter, for Mika, similar to Shika, is a good target to vent pent up anger and frustration. At the same time though, Mika is afraid of Hatter. Hatter is a strong demon who has powers that have an advantage in a fight against Mika. Hatter also likes to fuck with people's minds and Mika knows he could br fucked with easily. He knows that if Hatter picked a fight on a really off day for Mika, that Hatter could possibly win ( ... )


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