'Ask A Question' Meme and De-Hiatus~

Jul 05, 2010 14:20

"ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or that, or general thoughts on my characters or canons or what, who I might consider topping you into apping, etc ( Read more... )


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Comments 131

speeeeeeeeeed July 5 2010, 23:07:12 UTC
Nana's first impressions on Tommy and how he's waltzed into the mad life of Yuki Eiri?


littlestsoldier July 5 2010, 23:52:44 UTC
Nana approves of him! He reminds her a little of Tatsuha, and Yuki could really use Tatsuha in camp right now. She is also glad that Yuki seems to have more people looking out for him and knows he could use more friends in camp, so she's really hoping Tommy sticks around. He seemed to handle all the crazy drama well at least. She worries a little about making a bad first impression, since she wants to be able to get along with him. Anyways, she's glad the he's able to tease Yuki a little and joke with him and give Yuki someone to be grumpy at who won't take it too seriously. Tommy seems pretty chill and level and like an overall good guy.



speeeeeeeeeed July 6 2010, 00:08:48 UTC
Tommy is slightly confused by the cuddle brigade (Nana, Mikage, and Satoshi) because he's never seen so many people put so much effort into one person before. He thought Nana was Eiri's girlfriend until he figured out that Eiri also has a thing for Satoshi, and was honestly shocked when Nana said Shuichi was Eiri's actual significant other. At this point he's just sort of thrown up his hands and is figuring Eiri's a pimp.

His impressions of Nana are all positive--she obviously cares a lot about Eiri, was on pretty much the same page as he was re: the auction, and then offered to spend time with Tommy teaching him things without any kind of prompting or real reason. He's going to take her up on the guitar lessons. Plus, she's a rock star and that's just cool. Nana's probably someone he could come to trust a lot with time. He wasn't quite as calm as he seemed with all the drama, but being trusted straight off without having his motives questioned helped a lot.

If you had to pick one of your canons to pimp to me, which would it be?


givesyouareason July 6 2010, 00:22:52 UTC
My two Ai Yazawa canons (Nana and Paradise Kiss) for sure. Between the two, probably Nana. In both cases though, the characters are really well developed, which is something I always love and find appealing about a series. There's someone for everyone in Nana, each of the characters is unique, fleshed out and full of quirks and facets that makes them fascinating in my opinion. Plus, PUNK ROCK MANNNNNNN. And pretty icons.

How is Tommy feeling about camp in general?


inurakuma July 6 2010, 01:17:14 UTC
Love me Nana love meeee

Also Satoshi and Nana are going to have to talk now :|b


littlestsoldier July 6 2010, 01:26:57 UTC
Nana loev Timothy. She's really come to care about him and it hurts her that he has to go through all this shit despite being a kid. More than anything she just wishes she could take him home with her after camp and keep him safe, but she knows running away never solves anything :( Really though, it kills her that his life is so shitty and she wants to cry. You are so strong, lil brudda.

And yes, they do!



inurakuma July 6 2010, 01:43:27 UTC
Nana is kind of like a mom to Timothy. He never had one (canon says he had a dad who got sent to jail, but he went to an orphanage after that so it's safe to assume there's no mom in the picture), and the only mother-figures he ever had were nuns who were busy taking care of 20+ little kids all Timothy's age. He never had the one-on-one he gets with Nana, and he just sucks it up like a sponge. And the tough love Nana gives is just what he needs, too: he would probably walk all over her if she didn't push back haha ( ... )


gettin_fired_up July 6 2010, 01:57:25 UTC
It would be insanely awesome. She's totally getting him a leather jacket in camp and teaching him to play :(b If he came home with her, the band would totally take him in and he could be raised around the awesomest band ever and go to all their shows and they would teach him everythingggggg.

What would he say if she did offer?


goofalot July 6 2010, 01:40:21 UTC
Out of all your characters, which one would miss Camp the most?


littlestsoldier July 6 2010, 01:42:59 UTC
Prooooobably Ohno? Because here is a lot more exciting than home. Not to mention that people seem to like her more here and they don't think she's weird. She has friends here! She's not weird! All of her favorite characters are real!!!!

Which character is the easiest for you to play?


goofalot July 6 2010, 02:23:21 UTC
I would definitely have to say Crow; I've been playing him for a longer amount of time, and I'm much more self-conscious about how I play Goofy on account of the fact that he's a childhood icon.

Out of all the canons you play from, which one's your favorite?


givesyouareason July 6 2010, 02:25:15 UTC
Uhhh....my Ai Yazawa canons (Paradise Kiss and Nana) just because the characters are so amazing.

Who do your characters want in camp?


I AM LATE judgenotlest July 12 2010, 07:14:56 UTC
Michael's thoughts on Uriel?


gettin_fired_up July 12 2010, 07:23:32 UTC
Uriel confuses Michael, man. Uriel used to be so fun and then he went crazy with a guilt and got all boring. Why would you willingly become such a mopey mc emo pants?! Does not compute. Still, there's the whole connection and understanding thing that the archangels have among each other. Since the archangels are kind of like siblings, he does have some level of affection for Uriel. So while Uriel isn't one of his favorite people, he is more fond of him than he is of other angels that aren't Raph or Khamael. He remembers Uriel used to be fun, and he kind of wishes Uriel would return to that, but knows it probably isn't going to happen. Still, he hangs around. He also realizes that he (Michael) is hard to get along with and realizes that Uriel is pretty good about putting up with his crap, so... Basically? Uriel is confusing, but Mika is somewhat fond of him and would probably like him more if Uriel managed to get Mika to open up. Did that make sense? Feel free to ask for clarification or elaborationg.



judgenotlest July 12 2010, 07:42:02 UTC
Uriel has an easier time dealing with Micheal than with most other people. He doesn't really have to worry so much about losing control around Michael because Michael...will...like it. Though it's also a little awkward because Michael seems to prefer it when Uriel breaks things, and Uriel himself doesn't. And also if he DOES lose control sometime with Michael around the damage is likely to be increased by quite a bit because Michael will think it's a party. BUT STILL. Michael was always the most accepting of him, so he's generally more comfortable around him than he is around most other people.

Uriel's a little worried about Michael since that thread where he seemed kind of crazy and was plotting to torture and murder someone. Though he seems kind of normalish now, so that's good? He's not really sure. They should thread again, though. They haven't in awhile.

Mika on Itachi? If he has any new thoughts since their magical tea adventure with Hatter.


gettin_fired_up July 12 2010, 07:52:28 UTC
Feel free to tag any thread of mine, even if it's oldish. If you see Mika out in an post, go for it. I'll remember to tag Uriel if I see him out too.

And yeah, Mika murdered someone. Over and over and then he buried him alive.

Mika doesn't really have many thoughts on Itachi. He was getting alongish with him, but then he found out about Itachi and Raph so he basically considers Itachi to be Raph's friend, not his. That in and of itself is a road block to them ever REALLY becoming friends unless something major happened to make them close (which I doubt will happen). To be fair, there are only like...five people Mika considers a friend. He does see how they could get along sometimes and Itachi seems like he would have some interesting stories, but "Raph's friend". Mika has possession issues when it comes to important people.

Reverse? Also, any thoughts on the Mika/Shika thing?


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