[Fight Club] Round 2.0

Aug 24, 2011 17:21

Who: Folks on this list. Tag your characters in!
What: Open Log for those who want to thread their fights out ;D
Where: Mount Koifushi ( Rukia's Place of Solace )
When: 8/24/2011
Warnings: Violence, both graphic, and fantasy and swearing? More to be added if needs be!

An Explosion of Catastrophe )

billy kaplan [wiccan] : marvel, elijah morgan: original character, portgas d. ace: one piece, *kurosaki ichigo: bleach, tim drake wayne: dc comics, teddy altman [hulkling]: marvel, oerba dia vanille: final fantasy xiii, *emily madsen: original character, jack: bioshock

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Comments 166

vs Tim Drake rightdownrighta August 24 2011, 22:46:44 UTC
[Bowing to her opponent!]


detectivegenius August 25 2011, 01:01:22 UTC
[When Tim arrives, he's already scoping out the others there, hanging back by himself and just observing. He doesn't know who his first opponent is going to be so he's making mental notes on everyone. Some he recognizes from seeing on the network, others he doesn't.

He's wearing his bodysuit, slightly changed so it's all black, boots and gloves, as well as a black waist belt with various things in the pockets. He's left the cowl and cape behind, along with any recognizable Red Robin symbol. A domino mask he feels would be too obvious so his face is bare.

When called to fight, Tim keeps his eye on his opponent, taking in every little thing he can as fast as possible. Just because she's female doesn't mean she won't be a challenge. All he has to do is think of Cass, Barbara, and Stephanie, and know he's not going to underestimate her.

He bows respectfully in return.]


rightdownrighta August 25 2011, 01:22:28 UTC
[Straightens up and takes her stance. Arms out, palms facing Tim, legs in enough that she can move quickly, but not moving yet.]

I am Li Mei. Before we begin, may I ask your name?


detectivegenius August 25 2011, 03:28:24 UTC
You can call me Jackson. [Subtly implying that that isn't his real name but he's not going to give it out just yet.]


Portgas D. Ace vs. Madsen savior_n_black August 24 2011, 22:46:53 UTC
scorchingheaven August 25 2011, 04:19:59 UTC
[And with a stretch, Madsen's already rolling a shoulder, grinning a bit. It was going to feel great to get some of these kinks out of her system.]

You want me to keep the swords or ditch 'em? I'm good either way, so it's honestly up to you if you want to be working around weapons or not.

[Nithal, on the other hand, was going to be staying in standby for the time being in case things got heavy, but they doubted it would get that bad that fast.]


daienkai August 25 2011, 10:44:58 UTC
[Ace hasn't been doing any sort of stretching - it's sort of unnecessary when he thinks about it.]

Up to you - I don't use weapons when I fight, don't need to so it's your choice.

[He knows how to fight people wielding weapons with his Devil's Fruit so he settles into a more comfortable stance.]

Ready when you are.


scorchingheaven August 25 2011, 23:07:03 UTC
[It's more habit than anything else for Madsen, but at his statement, she unclips both swords, leaning them against a nearby clump of bamboo.]

No swords it is, then. I need to work on my hand-to-hand anyway.


Shiro vs. Fenrir savior_n_black August 24 2011, 22:47:50 UTC
vanagandr August 24 2011, 23:52:16 UTC
[ Fenrir has looked far too amused throughout the whole "speech", a toothy grin on his face and his tail lightly thumping against the grass. Fight Club. Heh. Fun stuff. Either way, he likes having the practice -- Thor's arrival rammed the fact that someone like Odin could show up in Promenade, and while he has no real intention of leaving, he doesn't want the one-eyed bastard to ruin his vacation.

Stretching out once Ichigo and Madsen direct him, the black wolf stays in his Promenade-typical form for now. He's still larger than the average wolf, but other than that, he doesn't look like much... for now, at least. ]

All right then.

[ Let's get this party started. ]


holeheart August 25 2011, 03:33:55 UTC
[Shiro is perched in the tree, listening to Ichigo and Madsen give the speech with a Cheshire grin on his face. And then? It was his turn. When Ichigo calls his name, he cackles and drops from the tree, cracking his knuckles and neck loudly]

A dog? Hah! This will be over in an instant.

[Really, what were they thinking? Though, as Shiro casts his senses out, he realizes that this isn't JUST a wolf. He's much, much stronger than he looks. Maybe this will be fun after all. He holds out his hand and the white and black blade, as tall as he is, coalesces from dark energy] Fenrir, is it? Give me a good fight, wolf! Heeehahahahah!


vanagandr August 26 2011, 05:12:38 UTC
[ Dog. Dog. He fucking hated being called that, and it was all Fenrir could do to keep himself from launching at Shiro. Raising his hackles, bristling, Fenrir then pauses. He can feel that sensing, and with a tilt of his head, he snorts. Maybe he can forgive him. Maybe. ]

Don't call me a dog again and I'll even try to behave.

[ Grinning another grin full of teeth, he sniffs the air. It's a good night for a fight. He moves, beginning to circle. ]


Elijah vs. Rebecca Crane savior_n_black August 24 2011, 22:48:42 UTC
feycarved August 25 2011, 00:28:47 UTC
[Truth be told, Elijah had only followed Geir here to keep an eye on him during the proceedings, not expecting to actually be pulled into all this fighting business himself. At the very least his opponent was someone he considered a friend-albeit a friend he knew to be not only a magic-user but also an assassin, but still a friend nevertheless.

He hands off his guns and ammunition to Geir before stepping forward, and sends some preliminary magic rippling through his grimoire, running over and through the lines of his shield and warding spells. It would be cheating to use a bind right off the bat, wouldn't it?]

You ready for this?


needsheadphones August 25 2011, 01:15:06 UTC
[ It wasn't Rebecca's first time at fight club, but it had been a while since the last one, and she'd picked up a few tricks since then. Ollie had been left at the warehouse, happily chewing on a squeaky toy, and Rebecca had left her van somewhere in the city before heading up the mountain.

She hadn't been expecting to see Elijah there, or to be matched up against him, but she gives him a grin as they get ready. Braska's voice runs through her head as she prepares, a shimmer of Haste magic settling over her. She has a feeling she'll need it.

Bouncing on her toes, ready to move at a moment's notice, Rebecca smirks. ]

Are you?


feycarved August 25 2011, 01:42:57 UTC
[Elijah senses the magic settling over her at once and wastes no time in calling up a dispelment to do away with it; he merely keeps that at the ready for now, however, and takes a moment to cast his own wards and shields before smirking right back at her.]

Ladies first.


Rukia vs. Jack savior_n_black August 24 2011, 22:49:41 UTC
snowwhitesoul August 26 2011, 02:13:22 UTC
Rukia steps forward, facing her opponent: a man, still fairly young. She couldn't sense any particularly strong reiatsu from him, so he didn't have any spiritual powers. But he carried himself with a wariness that was familiar. A ready tension she recognized from the Rukongai and Inuzuri. The posture of someone wary and expecting a sneak attack at any moment, eyes that never settled on one particular spot for more than a second, always peering into the shadows. Interesting.

"Kuchiki Rukia," she bows in respect to him. "I am not familiar with your skills, so I will leave it to you to make the parameters of this fight."


WHOOPS corpsecakes August 26 2011, 02:43:40 UTC
His opponent is a young girl. It takes a moment for that to sink in, and Jack even looks around for a moment to make sure this isn't some kind of joke.

"Uh." He raises his hand to rub the back of his neck, until he remembers just where he is and what he's doing, and decides a better use of it would be to draw out the wrench from his back pocket. "Parameters... Right." How does this girl fight, anyway? He weighs the wrench in his right hand and flexes his left, blue electricity sparking down his left arm and wrist as he readies his plasmids. "I don't really know any hand-to-hand or anything, but I've got these...powers. If that's okay with you."


LOL ITS COOL snowwhitesoul August 26 2011, 04:00:13 UTC
She eyes that spark of electricity for the second it appears. That was unusual. As was the choice of weapon, a simple tool that looks to have considerable weight. It would certainly hurt if it connected, it just doesn't need to, then. Drawing her sword, she gives Jack another look over, scrutinizing him.

"I see. In the interest of fairness, I will limit myself to just my sword for now. Does that suit you?"


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