[Fight Club] Round 2.0

Aug 24, 2011 17:21

Who: Folks on this list. Tag your characters in!
What: Open Log for those who want to thread their fights out ;D
Where: Mount Koifushi ( Rukia's Place of Solace )
When: 8/24/2011
Warnings: Violence, both graphic, and fantasy and swearing? More to be added if needs be!

An Explosion of Catastrophe )

billy kaplan [wiccan] : marvel, elijah morgan: original character, portgas d. ace: one piece, *kurosaki ichigo: bleach, tim drake wayne: dc comics, teddy altman [hulkling]: marvel, oerba dia vanille: final fantasy xiii, *emily madsen: original character, jack: bioshock

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Elijah vs. Rebecca Crane savior_n_black August 24 2011, 22:48:42 UTC
feycarved August 25 2011, 00:28:47 UTC
[Truth be told, Elijah had only followed Geir here to keep an eye on him during the proceedings, not expecting to actually be pulled into all this fighting business himself. At the very least his opponent was someone he considered a friend-albeit a friend he knew to be not only a magic-user but also an assassin, but still a friend nevertheless.

He hands off his guns and ammunition to Geir before stepping forward, and sends some preliminary magic rippling through his grimoire, running over and through the lines of his shield and warding spells. It would be cheating to use a bind right off the bat, wouldn't it?]

You ready for this?


needsheadphones August 25 2011, 01:15:06 UTC
[ It wasn't Rebecca's first time at fight club, but it had been a while since the last one, and she'd picked up a few tricks since then. Ollie had been left at the warehouse, happily chewing on a squeaky toy, and Rebecca had left her van somewhere in the city before heading up the mountain.

She hadn't been expecting to see Elijah there, or to be matched up against him, but she gives him a grin as they get ready. Braska's voice runs through her head as she prepares, a shimmer of Haste magic settling over her. She has a feeling she'll need it.

Bouncing on her toes, ready to move at a moment's notice, Rebecca smirks. ]

Are you?


feycarved August 25 2011, 01:42:57 UTC
[Elijah senses the magic settling over her at once and wastes no time in calling up a dispelment to do away with it; he merely keeps that at the ready for now, however, and takes a moment to cast his own wards and shields before smirking right back at her.]

Ladies first.


needsheadphones August 25 2011, 01:48:18 UTC
[ Ladies first, huh? Well then.

Rebecca gives him a grin, practically bouncing in place before calling up Thunder, letting the lightning crash down toward Elijah... as she run-jumps backward into the mess of jungle surrounding them, Haste magic boosting her movements. She slips a knife into her palm while she does it; lightning won't keep him in place, if it hit, for very long.

She's fine with fighting face-to-face. She'd just rather sneak around, especially when she knows Elijah's damn good with traps and bindings. ]


feycarved August 25 2011, 02:21:38 UTC
[Well, shit. Elijah easily deflects the lightning with a quickly-cast shield, but the action distracts him from seeing just where Rebecca disappeared to.

Of course, he's had several hunts that started off worse than this. He casts a small trace on the spot where she'd just stood, just strong enough for him to get an idea of which direction she'd gone, and follows after her. He keeps his pace quick, but doesn't start running just yet; he'll need to prioritize caution over speed, at least for now.]


needsheadphones August 25 2011, 02:29:26 UTC
[ Rebecca is likewise prioritizing stealth over speed, even with her added Haste bonus. She hasn't had to fight in a bamboo forest before, but regular forests, cities, and buildings all have their share of things to look out for. She keeps her movements light, picking over sticks and carefully brushing past bamboo plants.

Calling up another Thunder spell, the fact that the lightning comes down to the target instead of coming from her outweighing the possibility that it might give her away, Rebecca sends it Elijah's way, using the crash of thunder to move a little faster before returning to stealthmode. ]


feycarved August 25 2011, 02:50:35 UTC
Son of a bitch-

[Elijah has to physically dodge the bolt this time, and after casting yet another shield to ward off any that might immediately follow, he curses himself for not expecting it. Still, though...

He concentrates, keeping his shield readied as he feels for the source of the magic. If Rebecca keeps using it like that, it should be no problem for him to detect her pattern of movement, and from there things should be a breeze. Right?]


needsheadphones August 26 2011, 05:16:06 UTC
[ Rebecca has enough sense not to keep throwing magic at a man who's used it for much, much longer than she has, but his shout gives her a good clue as to exactly where he is. Readying her knife, she throws it in Elijah's direction before sprinting away. Once she's a safe distance away, she'll go back to stealth and trying not to leave a trail, but she has a feeling he won't appreciate the knife hurtling at him enough to play fair and not bind her in place. ]


feycarved August 26 2011, 05:30:14 UTC
[Fortunately, Elijah's wards alert him to the knife's rapid approach in just enough time for him to duck and be spared a grievous head wound. Unfortunately, the same cannot quite be said of his hat.

That's it. The gloves are coming off now.

He sets out a stronger trace this time, casting about the forest for even the slightest hint of her trail, and casts yet another enchantment to silence his footsteps and hide him from sight before going off in pursuit of her. Sure, those enchantments will fade the instant he strikes against her, but if he can get in just one good hit, that should be all he needs.]


needsheadphones August 26 2011, 05:34:29 UTC
[ The sudden silence is worrying, but Rebecca can't crash through the forest like an elephant; that's going to give him an even easier trail to follow. She forces herself to slow down, to veer in a different direction and pick through the bamboo, heading for a tree with thick foliage. That should do.

Rebecca is relying on the thickness and height of the bamboo to block Elijah's vision, but she also does her best to go around to the side of the tree that she believes blocks her from his view. Either way, she's scrambling up it like a monkey now, swinging up into the leaves. ]


feycarved August 26 2011, 05:54:07 UTC
[Elijah manages to follow that trail right to the tree, moving just quickly enough so that his invisibility wards will still hold. He's positive the trail ends here, and yet...

There-despite the dark, he manages to spot the still-swaying branches and leaves left in her wake. He begins to circle the tree, moving even more carefully now, and readies a spell to shoot her down the very instant he spies her.]


needsheadphones August 26 2011, 05:57:40 UTC
[ She's not surprised, really; trees are never going to be her first pick when it comes to places to hide. Now, if they were inside, in a nice, dark warehouse, that would be something. But she has to make do with what she has, and what she has, at the moment, is a jungle tree.

And magic, which is why she calls up Thunder to strike him once again before jumping down from the tree, knife drawn, to try and tackle him to the ground. ]


feycarved August 27 2011, 02:33:25 UTC
[He casts another shield in just enough time to deflect the bolt of magic, but he doesn't even see her when she jumps until it's too late.]

Shit- [Elijah hits the ground hard, but though he's slightly dazed from the impact, he's not about to let her get the upper hand just like that. He grabs for her arms, trying to force her off and under him.]


needsheadphones August 27 2011, 22:01:03 UTC
[ Elijah, it's a very good thing Rebecca knows you're gay, or else she would give you hell about this forever.

She still has her knife, and while she had every intention of trying to bring it to his throat, grappling like this means that having a blade just became very dangerous for both of them. With Elijah holding her arms, she grips onto him with her thighs and, refusing to be moved under him, instead tries to headbutt him. ]


feycarved September 1 2011, 19:14:50 UTC
[You mean she won't regardless?]

Fuck- [Elijah would be reeling from the hit if he weren't already on the ground. As it is, however, he's still not about to let go of her or stop trying to pin her, even if he is dazed and not entirely sure that she hasn't broken anything.]


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