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Comments 301

DOCKS/SHIP chickbro March 24 2011, 06:13:53 UTC
The USS Constellation was currently idling just a little ways from the beach, accessible via rowboat currently tied to the docks along the shore. The owner of said ship was on board helping anyone up to join her and giving instructions and assigning teams.

Any questions? ASK HER. otherwise don't touch anything. Also, mingle and meet your teams.

[ OOC: This will also be used for the on-deck team waiting in the sub! ]


gumshoewizard March 24 2011, 07:28:43 UTC
This is Harry, thinking calm thoughts and staying away from anything remotely mechanical that looks like it could cost more to repair than what he would ever make in his potential three hundred years of life. And thats not counting for inflation.

So he's going to be on deck, since there's no planes flying in or out, he's on the tarmac, sitting on a rail and admiring the view of the ocean, the sun, and the sea air - even if its tainted with asphalt and oil. Oh well, beggars and their limited options.


chickbro March 24 2011, 07:37:55 UTC
Noah was going around greeting everyone, giving what information she could about the newcomers and telling them that if they touched anything and broke it they would be fixing it by hand themselves. Other than that there wasn't really much to do, so she ended up wandering over to where Harry was sitting, propping her elbows on the railing beside him and leaning forward a bit.

"What's up, Magic Stick? Did you meet any of your team yet?"


gumshoewizard March 24 2011, 07:56:56 UTC
He internally cringes at the nickname, slewing his eyes over to her as she takes up the space beside him. He was going to have to find a nickname for her, it was the Law of Masculine Pride Conversion. Or something like that.

"Trying not to blow your ship up," he replied blithely. It was still early in the morning, so the sea was still gilded by the early sun. It was a pretty sight. "I know Billy and Isamu, but none of the others. You gave me a guy with purple hair."


ALPHA TEAM splicedsurgeon March 24 2011, 06:15:44 UTC
The submarine leaves the members of Alpha Team in a dark hallway, lights flickering on and off. From their position, nothing other than the electrical failing and the fact that there was a space in the ground for a submarine to pop up and unload passengers seems out of the ordinary for an underwater city. Music that seems to be from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s can distantly be heard from an area marked "RECEPTION". In the flickering lights, several normal-looking posters and advertisements for tonics and Dr. Steinman's practice can be seen. There is the sound of a security camera moving back and forth in the distance.

For now, everything looks safe.


chickbro March 24 2011, 06:41:55 UTC
The electrical failure could have easily been chocked up to the fact that there was a techbane lurking somewhere in the vicinity, but the thought didn't cross her mind then. She figured it would be creepy beyond all logical thought after the description she had been given from the doctor himself so she just made sure to check, first off, that the radios were all in working order before she stepped forward through the dark hallway, flashlight dreamed up in a matter of seconds and used to light the way properly.

"Everybody check to make sure your headsets are working and keep moving. We're going to want to split up in a bit to make sure we cover all our ground." which, in hindsight, will end up being a terrible idea.


treacletarts March 24 2011, 10:39:26 UTC
Staying near the back (because that's how things usually went), Dormouse found herself reading the posters, as best as she could with flickering lights. They vaguely reminded her of home, though those advertisements were usually for games or mods and upgrades. The one advertisement that mentioned Plasmids made her headtilt, particularly because it apparently included telekinesis. It sounded a lot like a one-use skill item...

"Urm, is it okay if I follow someone else?" Because leaving the medic alone was normally a bad idea, at least in her experience.


xlillackeykitty March 24 2011, 11:25:13 UTC
This guy was not really easily creeped out on the surface. He managed to keep a brave face,glancing around every now and then as he pushed his hair out of his face. Not exactly the greatest interior design in the world but worth a look for the permanently curious Cheshire. Upon hearing Noah's caution, he tapped his headset to check and nodded an affirmative.

Dormouse's statement caught his attention however and he slowed his pace to keep in time with her. Luka remembered her from his rather embarrassing first day in and decided it would be best that he repay the favor of her welcome. "Don't worry. Stay with me and you'll be fine." he said, offering her an assuring smile.


BETA TEAM splicedsurgeon March 24 2011, 06:21:07 UTC
The submarine leaves the members of Beta Team in a docking facility in what seems to be Rapture's general hospital. They are on the top of what appears to be six floors. The elevators in along the wall are marked "OUT OF ORDER", and are clearly older models; Rapture was built in the 1940s, after all.

This seems to be a sitting area of patients; there is a nurse's station a few feet away. There is no nurse or any other sign of life readily apparent, and the lights down the hall are flickering on and off. As with Alpha Team, there are several normal-looking posters and advertisements for tonics and Dr. Steinman's practice, as well as music that seems to be from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.


Feel free to ignore his attempts at organization here. gumshoewizard March 24 2011, 06:48:59 UTC
"So," Harry was still shaking out his duster from the seawater, "nice place. Very Glenn Miller meets Murder MansionTurning around in the lobby, his eyes scan over the posters, his lips twisting as he tightens the armband on his bicep. Nice, reflective material, new stuff used by hunters and coal miners. Not that, you know, Harry wanted to entertain thoughts about coal mines and safety right now ( ... )


oldfireturkey March 24 2011, 07:57:25 UTC
The first second he'd had the opportunity to do so, Isamu had unsheathed his demon blade, holding the weapon close to him but more than willing to be prepared. It had paid off in the past after all. Hard to disagree with Harry's assessment of the place as he glanced over everyone down there, making sure he had their faces memorised.

"Can do," he replied with a nod, falling back and snapping thumb and forefinger of his left hand to create a small light, keeping it muted enough to avoid attracting too much attention to them at present. Somewhere like this might have interesting pets running around or whatever the hell crawled out of walls or ventilation shafts in the movies.

Promenade had already turned up plenty of things that weren't part of Isamu's world and not applying the same logic to things others had brought with them was stupid and likely to get someone killed.

"Oh, this is going to be a fun night kids." Anyone could feel free to ignore the 'kids' part. Hazard of being an old fart.


magicprogeny March 24 2011, 09:20:11 UTC
This place was seriously giving Billy the creeps, but he pushed past it to focus. Now wasn't the time to be distracted. Not for the first time, Billy wished that the other Young Avengers were here. It just wasn't the same working without them.

He listened carefully as Harry spoke, very pleased (okay, more than very pleased) that he'd been placed in the wizard's group. "Got it," he said, falling back to the rear with Isamu. When the other made his last comment, Billy gave a small short laugh. "Tell me about it," he murmured quietly. "Can't wait to see what else this place might throw at us after what happened the last time."


COMMUNICATOR THREAD chickbro March 24 2011, 06:52:29 UTC
[ Radio transmissions.

If you're talking on the headsets then thread here for less confusion. ]


needsheadphones March 26 2011, 07:08:17 UTC
[ Hi guys. Guess who hacked your signal? ]

Having fun without me, guys?

[ There's a little bit of ':|' here. Assholes. ]


chickbro March 26 2011, 07:09:31 UTC

Yeah! You're totally missing the rainbows and pony rides!


oldfireturkey March 26 2011, 07:11:53 UTC
You sit on a throne of lies.

[B| Noah you owe him so many beers.]


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