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ALPHA TEAM splicedsurgeon March 24 2011, 06:15:44 UTC
The submarine leaves the members of Alpha Team in a dark hallway, lights flickering on and off. From their position, nothing other than the electrical failing and the fact that there was a space in the ground for a submarine to pop up and unload passengers seems out of the ordinary for an underwater city. Music that seems to be from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s can distantly be heard from an area marked "RECEPTION". In the flickering lights, several normal-looking posters and advertisements for tonics and Dr. Steinman's practice can be seen. There is the sound of a security camera moving back and forth in the distance.

For now, everything looks safe.


chickbro March 24 2011, 06:41:55 UTC
The electrical failure could have easily been chocked up to the fact that there was a techbane lurking somewhere in the vicinity, but the thought didn't cross her mind then. She figured it would be creepy beyond all logical thought after the description she had been given from the doctor himself so she just made sure to check, first off, that the radios were all in working order before she stepped forward through the dark hallway, flashlight dreamed up in a matter of seconds and used to light the way properly.

"Everybody check to make sure your headsets are working and keep moving. We're going to want to split up in a bit to make sure we cover all our ground." which, in hindsight, will end up being a terrible idea.


treacletarts March 24 2011, 10:39:26 UTC
Staying near the back (because that's how things usually went), Dormouse found herself reading the posters, as best as she could with flickering lights. They vaguely reminded her of home, though those advertisements were usually for games or mods and upgrades. The one advertisement that mentioned Plasmids made her headtilt, particularly because it apparently included telekinesis. It sounded a lot like a one-use skill item...

"Urm, is it okay if I follow someone else?" Because leaving the medic alone was normally a bad idea, at least in her experience.


xlillackeykitty March 24 2011, 11:25:13 UTC
This guy was not really easily creeped out on the surface. He managed to keep a brave face,glancing around every now and then as he pushed his hair out of his face. Not exactly the greatest interior design in the world but worth a look for the permanently curious Cheshire. Upon hearing Noah's caution, he tapped his headset to check and nodded an affirmative.

Dormouse's statement caught his attention however and he slowed his pace to keep in time with her. Luka remembered her from his rather embarrassing first day in and decided it would be best that he repay the favor of her welcome. "Don't worry. Stay with me and you'll be fine." he said, offering her an assuring smile.


splicedsurgeon March 24 2011, 11:35:53 UTC
As they walk, the security camera comes into view, mounted on a corner. The light cast from it is green, and when they step beneath it, nothing happens. The entrance widens into an area that looks rather similar to the main foyer, not that any of the team members will know what the foyer looks like.

The reception desk is littered with bottles, cigarette packs, papers, and even a shoe. The owner of that shoe can be seen, just barely, beneath one of the staircases. From the looks of things, she was shot in the back. A small alcove next to the entrance, almost hidden if only looked at peripherally, suddenly makes itself known as the vending machine within it comes to life with an obnoxious noise and an even more obnoxious voice. "WELCOME TO THE CIRCUS OF VALUES~!"


I'm forever slow at tagging so skip me if I don't answer fast or something jazzingitup March 24 2011, 14:27:27 UTC
"Huh. Welcoming."

Jazz hefted his blaster and considered the merits of shooting the vending machine to make it stop the noise and the voice. He had been to a myriad of worlds in his life and this place counted near the top of the list of creepiest places in the universe he kept somewhere in the back of his processors.


chickbro March 24 2011, 14:52:16 UTC
"Sorry, meant to say splitting into groups of two or so." She glanced back to Dormouse with a small smile, "Can't have you running around by yourself anyway, you're not really armed well enough."

She glanced up at the camera first, mentally noting it before they all continued along through the foyer and past the desk. Instinctively she checks everywhere for anything that might help, and that body under the stairs isn't really promising for this mission. "Damn, that doesn't look promisin--" Of course while she's investigating the body, that damned vending machine starts talking, and Noah jerks in surprise, almost cracking her head against the stairs above her. "FUCKING SHIT. The hell was that?"


treacletarts March 24 2011, 18:19:16 UTC
It was reassuring that she wouldn't be alone during this whole thing (unless something happened, but it hadn't really ocurred to her then). She paused whne she realized there was a body beneath the staircase. She'd seen dead bodies before; she'd just...never really thought about it too hard. Which was probably for the best, and so she distracted herself from it quickly.

"I think it's a vending machine." The admittedly kind of creepy vending machine.


splicedsurgeon March 24 2011, 21:45:15 UTC
If anyone cares to take a closer look, the Circus of Values vending machine sells (ridiculously priced) first aid kits, pistol rounds, shotgun shells, machine gun rounds, creme-filled cakes, potato chips, and something called an "EVE hypo".

Of course, anyone taking a closer look might miss the way the security camera doesn't seem to be making noise anymore, or the way the light cast from it has changed from green to white. It's spotted something.


i am so late and i am so sorry-- lunardancing March 25 2011, 00:53:34 UTC
Dawn had stayed quiet for the most part, listening but not talking while she took in the posters and strained to hear the music. She kept one hand on a Pokeball at all times, and even when the body came into view, she kept her eyes off it. Staring seemed... Disrespectful, somehow.


so am I~ jazzingitup March 25 2011, 01:15:19 UTC
Jazz turned his attention from the vending machine. Aside from the obnoxious voice, it doesn't seem to be doing anything but hawking ridiculous noises. The security cameras in the room worried him more. It means someone else in this place could be spying on them at any time.

"Okay, Ah'm gonna start shooting out the security cams. No use lettin' anyone else spy on us with 'em." That said, he began to shoot them off the walls one at a time.


And if I come up slow, skip me too! Just keep goin and I'll pop in every now and then! xlillackeykitty March 25 2011, 01:20:25 UTC
"What... the hell is this place?" Luka muttered, taking a step back and drawing almost protectively toward Dawn and Dormouse. This certainly wasn't a place for young girls and the journalist took it upon himself to make sure they were alright.

He frowned slightly, turning his attention to the vending machine. "At least we know where to get supplies in case we need them."


condorseeker March 25 2011, 01:25:14 UTC
Once she got a closer look at the vending machine, Dawn felt immensely relieved that she'd brought plenty of her own ammunition. She stepped back to double-check the pouch at her hip, setting her shotgun against the machine for a moment...

But she yelped, caught by surprise, when Jazz made the first shot. "A-Are you sure that's a good idea?" she asked, trying not to sound too nervous. "What if Dr. Steinman's using those?"


lunardancing March 25 2011, 01:32:29 UTC
If Luka thought this wasn't the place for young girls, what would he have made of the Distortion World?

Dawn spun to face Jazz with alarm on her face. "What if something hears you?" Granted, she couldn't hear anything, but to be safe... She tossed a Pokeball, releasing Luxray, who immediately pressed to her trainer's side. "It's okay Electra, just keep any eye out."


chickbro March 25 2011, 01:41:11 UTC
"Couldn't tell," Noah muttered sarcastically in response to Dormouse's commment, kneeling down once more beside the body and crawling under the section under the stairs momentarily. She came out once she found nothing of use and the proceeded to look around on top of the desk, then flipped the cushions of the couch and then eventually made her way to the vending machine. Once it screeched out another loud, "WELCOME TO THE CIRCUS OF VALUES" again, she promptly kicked the damned thing, leaving the voice to stutter eerily, "W-W-WEELCOME TO THE C-C-C-C-C-CIRCUS OF VAAALLUUUUUEESSSSShe snorted, reaching into her pocket and tossing it to whoever was closest and giving an order of, "Get what we need, we can't be walking around overloaded with shit in this place." Which was giving her the fucking creeps by they way, and she had played plenty of Fatal Frame and Resident Evil in her life. Anyway ( ... )


splicedsurgeon March 25 2011, 01:46:53 UTC
The security, contrary to Jazz's belief, is friendly; the camera light green until it detects something that might be unfriendly. If whatever that is stays in its sight, it turns red and sends out security bots. It's too late now, though. The camera clatters to the floor, smoking, and that cues the Nitro Splicer out of hiding and into throwing a grenade at Jazz.

Whoever caught that money should be taking advantage of the vending machine's fast output, while whoever was smart enough to follow Noah up the stairs should move faster, because that Splicer is following, throwing grenades at them and behind it to cover its back. From the distance, though it's hard to tell which direction between the explosions and the echo of the room, there are more sounds -- more splicers have been alerted to their presence.


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