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DOCKS/SHIP chickbro March 24 2011, 06:13:53 UTC
The USS Constellation was currently idling just a little ways from the beach, accessible via rowboat currently tied to the docks along the shore. The owner of said ship was on board helping anyone up to join her and giving instructions and assigning teams.

Any questions? ASK HER. otherwise don't touch anything. Also, mingle and meet your teams.

[ OOC: This will also be used for the on-deck team waiting in the sub! ]


gumshoewizard March 24 2011, 07:28:43 UTC
This is Harry, thinking calm thoughts and staying away from anything remotely mechanical that looks like it could cost more to repair than what he would ever make in his potential three hundred years of life. And thats not counting for inflation.

So he's going to be on deck, since there's no planes flying in or out, he's on the tarmac, sitting on a rail and admiring the view of the ocean, the sun, and the sea air - even if its tainted with asphalt and oil. Oh well, beggars and their limited options.


chickbro March 24 2011, 07:37:55 UTC
Noah was going around greeting everyone, giving what information she could about the newcomers and telling them that if they touched anything and broke it they would be fixing it by hand themselves. Other than that there wasn't really much to do, so she ended up wandering over to where Harry was sitting, propping her elbows on the railing beside him and leaning forward a bit.

"What's up, Magic Stick? Did you meet any of your team yet?"


gumshoewizard March 24 2011, 07:56:56 UTC
He internally cringes at the nickname, slewing his eyes over to her as she takes up the space beside him. He was going to have to find a nickname for her, it was the Law of Masculine Pride Conversion. Or something like that.

"Trying not to blow your ship up," he replied blithely. It was still early in the morning, so the sea was still gilded by the early sun. It was a pretty sight. "I know Billy and Isamu, but none of the others. You gave me a guy with purple hair."


chickbro March 24 2011, 08:04:41 UTC
"Good plan. If money were even available here I'd make you pay for it if you did, but so far everything seems to be working fine so I think you'll be good."

She offered a small smile and chuckle at that, "Sorry, didn't have much of an option since I already have the giant robot, the nano-machine girl and the pokemon trainer on my team." did she win yet?


gumshoewizard March 24 2011, 08:10:35 UTC
"He has gold armor. Gold."

In the great cosmic battle between his pride and Noah's teasing, yet gleeful jeering, Harry felt compelled to stand up for the awesomeness that was Beta Team.

"We have a super hero, two wizards, and...some guy in gold armor." Wait, just what the hell did those other people do anyway? "Hey, do you have a rundown on my team? Like to know what I'm working with."


chickbro March 24 2011, 15:04:41 UTC
Oh, well if they were going to play that game--

"An Autobot totally outshines wizards, superheroes and dudes in gold armor. Oh, and my healer uses sweet nano machines, and did I mention the POKEMON? I'm basically on a team with everything awesome from my childhood--and my 20's." cough.


gumshoewizard March 24 2011, 23:07:35 UTC
He pondered that for a while, conceding mentally that that was a rather cool line up. Though 'nano machines' went a bit over his head. He figured Rebecca would know about that stuff. And, well, he didn't know what Pokemon was either. Whatever, he already had a snazzy comeback.

"Hnn, man-team have fire. All man-team need to squishy sissy not-man team."


chickbro March 25 2011, 01:59:35 UTC
Noah stared for a second before snorting, only to end up outright laughing at him right after, "That was the worst thing I ever heard in my life. The speech pattern totally fits you though, big guy."


gumshoewizard March 25 2011, 02:39:23 UTC
"Thanks, I have to use all this forebrain for something, right?" He smirked right back, gesturing out to the waves. "So when's drop time?"


chickbro March 25 2011, 02:44:01 UTC
"Right. Glad you're putting it to good use abusing the English language. You must make your mother so proud." She shrugged, leaning back in the railing some, "About an hour. Getting impatient?"


gumshoewizard March 25 2011, 02:46:56 UTC
"Not impatient, just my water breathing potion has a short shelf life." Reaching into his duster, Harry shows her a sports bottle - the cheap, squeezy kind - that sloshes with some liquid inside. "Half to get me down there, half to get me back."


treacletarts March 24 2011, 09:04:08 UTC
Dormouse was on the deck, admiring the ocean. She'd never been on a boat or ship before, since that would require a body of water large enough for one. And even if she was on a rescue mission, she had priorities, which is to say she gets distracted by pretty things. Best priorities, really.


chickbro March 24 2011, 15:01:33 UTC
Eventually Noah strolled on up to her, too, wanting to make sure she had a headcount of everyone that had signed up. She had put a lot of planning into this and to hell if it was going to go wrong now because someone decided not to show up.

"Hey, space cadet. You getting ready to go?" Obviously not.


treacletarts March 24 2011, 17:21:55 UTC
"Oh. Urm," A pause. "I guess not."

Ifn othing else, Dory was pretty honest. She wasn't sure if she even had anythingelse she was supposed to get ready.


magicprogeny March 24 2011, 09:05:14 UTC
While Billy felt it wasn't necessary to show up completely clad in his superhero uniform, it just didn't feel right showing up in just regular street clothes. He doubted there would be many others in costumes, so he decided to show up wearing just his cape and bracers over a simple black shirt with the Star Wars logo on it, jeans, and sneakers. Let people make fun of his cape, that he didn't care about. Nothing could convince him it wasn't cool. At the moment, he also had a pair of sunglasses on.

Once he'd simply flown over onto the deck, he started walking around, looking at everything with wide, amazed eyes.

He looked very much a) like a geek and b) out of place.


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