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BETA TEAM splicedsurgeon March 24 2011, 06:21:07 UTC
The submarine leaves the members of Beta Team in a docking facility in what seems to be Rapture's general hospital. They are on the top of what appears to be six floors. The elevators in along the wall are marked "OUT OF ORDER", and are clearly older models; Rapture was built in the 1940s, after all.

This seems to be a sitting area of patients; there is a nurse's station a few feet away. There is no nurse or any other sign of life readily apparent, and the lights down the hall are flickering on and off. As with Alpha Team, there are several normal-looking posters and advertisements for tonics and Dr. Steinman's practice, as well as music that seems to be from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.


Feel free to ignore his attempts at organization here. gumshoewizard March 24 2011, 06:48:59 UTC
"So," Harry was still shaking out his duster from the seawater, "nice place. Very Glenn Miller meets Murder MansionTurning around in the lobby, his eyes scan over the posters, his lips twisting as he tightens the armband on his bicep. Nice, reflective material, new stuff used by hunters and coal miners. Not that, you know, Harry wanted to entertain thoughts about coal mines and safety right now ( ... )


oldfireturkey March 24 2011, 07:57:25 UTC
The first second he'd had the opportunity to do so, Isamu had unsheathed his demon blade, holding the weapon close to him but more than willing to be prepared. It had paid off in the past after all. Hard to disagree with Harry's assessment of the place as he glanced over everyone down there, making sure he had their faces memorised.

"Can do," he replied with a nod, falling back and snapping thumb and forefinger of his left hand to create a small light, keeping it muted enough to avoid attracting too much attention to them at present. Somewhere like this might have interesting pets running around or whatever the hell crawled out of walls or ventilation shafts in the movies.

Promenade had already turned up plenty of things that weren't part of Isamu's world and not applying the same logic to things others had brought with them was stupid and likely to get someone killed.

"Oh, this is going to be a fun night kids." Anyone could feel free to ignore the 'kids' part. Hazard of being an old fart.


magicprogeny March 24 2011, 09:20:11 UTC
This place was seriously giving Billy the creeps, but he pushed past it to focus. Now wasn't the time to be distracted. Not for the first time, Billy wished that the other Young Avengers were here. It just wasn't the same working without them.

He listened carefully as Harry spoke, very pleased (okay, more than very pleased) that he'd been placed in the wizard's group. "Got it," he said, falling back to the rear with Isamu. When the other made his last comment, Billy gave a small short laugh. "Tell me about it," he murmured quietly. "Can't wait to see what else this place might throw at us after what happened the last time."


splicedsurgeon March 24 2011, 09:49:09 UTC
Harry's discovery is exactly what he thinks it is -- a corpse, clothing ragged and stained with blood, having been stuffed into the bottom of the nurse's station. If the body is investigated, they will find that the front of the skull was bashed in with some sort of blunt object -- likely a crowbar. There are also a few shotgun shells and a syringe filled with glowing blue liquid stuffed behind the counter.

As soon as Billy finishes speaking, the lights flicker and go out. There is a distant sound like movement, footsteps and hushed voices, and the unmistakable sound of an automatic door opening and closing before there is a sudden shout. Then, the lights return.

Nothing appears to have changed at first glance, but a closer examination will reveal that almost all of the doors in the hall are now locked. The end of the hall now has another corpse resting in the center, spread-eagled, with more of those syringes sticking into her body.

Down the right side of the hall extending off the end of this one, something clatters.


gumshoewizard March 24 2011, 10:22:39 UTC
First thing he'll do is announce that there's a body here. Secondly, after dreaming up a pair of rubber gloves, he'll turn the corpse's head and close the eyelids if they already aren't and cross the arms over the chest. The person may have been long dead, but it didn't preclude someone from the proper respect. Harry leans forward and gently, with the utmost caution, picks up the blue hypodermic, keeping is fingers and anything else far from the pointy end of the needle. 'Unsanitary' didn't even begin to cover the range of problems that might compromise his health by sticking that thing in his skin. Not to mention that the pretty glowing blue stuff in the vial itself didn't look too healthy.

Then the power went out.

The suffused glow of the necklace didn't cast much light, but the half-spherical glow of the shield bracelet snapping into existence helps push back the shadows. When the lights flicker back on, the locked doors and the fresh corpse with a bed of draining syringes like the one in his hand now there.

"Hell's Bells."


oldfireturkey March 24 2011, 10:54:20 UTC
"Don't get eaten," Isamu deadpanned back to Billy, right as the lights went and he groaned, because even though he'd volunteered, it didn't mean he was likely to enjoy a single second of any of this. "Subarashii sutāto o ofu.Even though he was meant to be bringing up the rear, he moved closer, casting an eye back every few seconds just to make sure nothing was going to follow them and try to pick one of them off whilst they were occupied with a corpse. The healer in him frowned; always a shame when it was far too late for anything to be done and blunt force trauma was a bad way to go. The blue crap - whatever it might be - was intriguing but even with his healing, he didn't feel like risking catching something that it'd take his magic time to deal with so he moved back to where he was originally meant to be ( ... )


bloodhounding March 24 2011, 18:52:00 UTC
Meanwhile, 5624-A's remained silent throughout this entire thing, just watching and alert for any other movement besides their own. It's not uncommon for her to see corpses, she's made several people into them, after all. As a protector and an assassin, it doesn't even phase her to see the amount of blood or the dead here or there- but the flickering of lights and sudden change in scenery leaves her wary.

Hand is wrapped around her small combat knife and the other by the pistol strapped to her leg. She won't use it unless by necessary means, and she's a sure shot when it comes to firing a gun. Still, eyes are looking forward and watching for anything out of the ordinary. It may not be like the missions back home, but this was still considered a job, and one she had to take care of. Promenade was an odd place, and she had no choice but to cooperate and treat these residents like her teammates, at least for now.


failatskypirate March 24 2011, 19:33:28 UTC
The more he looked around, following his new cohorts, the more the air pirate found himself wishing he hadn't volunteered for this mission. It's not that he hadn't seen a dead body before, it was that the ones he'd seen had died in far cleaner ways than these had. At least he wasn't feeling ill over the idea -just modestly revolted. Not to mention just reasonably unsettled, but so far, not to the point where his composition would break. This was a rescue mission and he'd been on enough of those to know that he absolutely needed to keep his head together ( ... )


splicedsurgeon March 24 2011, 21:35:00 UTC
The voices, the fresh blood, and the fact that almost all of the members of Beta Team seem panicked is drawing something closer to them. None of them reacted to the clatter down the hall, and so whatever it is thinks this will be easy. It would be wrong, of course -- but it's bringing friends.

The lights go out again. There is more movement, more voices.

"Honey, is that you?"



A single light over the nurse's station comes on, illuminating Beta Team. There is silence, the blue liquid in the hypos glinting under the lights, and then the once-locked doors open. Out rush the Splicers, faces deformed and clothing ragged, armed with lead pipes and pistols. More of them are coming from the end of the hall. All in all, there are about thirty of them. All of them are hostile.

"Keep away from my patients!"

"We have rules here!"

"You did this to me! You!"

A shot in the head or the heart won't stop them right away, and your visibility is limited. Good luck.


failatskypirate March 24 2011, 21:53:24 UTC
The lights abruptly going out made him feel ridiculously panicked on the inside. Not that anyone could see it in the dark, but his eyes went wide as the hairs on the back of Cou's neck stood at attention. To reassure himself, he took the safety off on his pistol, glad that he'd been practicing after that monster had gotten loose shortly after his arrival ( ... )


oldfireturkey March 24 2011, 22:04:28 UTC
"Yeah, no fucking shit," Isamu snapped in reply to that because if anyone planned on running off then they were going to get them all killed. It was going to be strange, fighting with a group again, but there was nothing like a baptism of fire to foster some team spirit ( ... )


gumshoewizard March 24 2011, 23:22:36 UTC
"We can ask that question later!"

Harry hefted his staff towards the rushing onslaught of deformed monsters with human shapes, thundering towards them in a frenzied, bloodthirsty froth. The sudden tense quiet became bedlam as the oncoming horde fired off the first shots. Moving that shield up between the pointed muzzles and himself and as many team mates as he can, the hypo gets dropped and the amulet slides back down to his wrist as he hefts the staff in the direction of their enemies.

His will snaps down through the staff with the whipcord suddenness born of logical fear. Adrenaline pounded in his veins and his heart crashed against his ribcage as he twisted that fear and red-hued, jibbering terror into force, light, and heat.

"Fuego!" snarled out of his throat as the end of his staff produced a torrent of red flames that fanned wide across the hallway.


splicedsurgeon March 24 2011, 23:45:37 UTC
The splicer that Cou fires at, a woman,screams as the bullets hit her. "Oh Jesus, what'd you do to me?!" The pipe she's holding swings, only for Isamu's sword to slice through her arm. The arm falls, and the electricity stuns her, her entire body tensing as it runs through her. Harry's fire finishes her off.

The additional light reveals nothing but the group of splicers, some of those in the front now injured or electrocuted by Isamu's sword. It is these that the fire has the most effect on; stunned, they can't get out of the way. As soon as they can move again, they are screaming, racing toward the group even as their bodies burn. Some of the others who were lit, however, shriek and run elsewhere, only to return wet; there is a water source somewhere, likely a leak, and they've used it to douse the flames.

Some of the posters that were on the wall are now burning, providing extra light as the splicers press forward again.


bloodhounding March 25 2011, 00:44:42 UTC
And she's moving. While the fire and electricity are running, she's already running, crouching low and using the new ability gained just before she had arrived in this strange city. Closing her eyes, she suddenly disappears, gone in a shadow of what looks like smoke, but feels too cold to be so ( ... )


magicprogeny March 25 2011, 02:18:34 UTC
Once the creatures started running at them, Billy was on guard, hands glowing with a blue aura of magic as he prepared to do a spell. Harry's fire seemed to be doing good, but Billy noticed that Isamu's lightning made them freeze for a moment.

Good news for him. He took careful note of where the others were, not wanting to electrocute them. Billy's eyes glowed blue as he let a lightning bolt lose, blasting into a few of the things.


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