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oldfireturkey March 24 2011, 10:54:20 UTC
"Don't get eaten," Isamu deadpanned back to Billy, right as the lights went and he groaned, because even though he'd volunteered, it didn't mean he was likely to enjoy a single second of any of this. "Subarashii sutāto o ofu."

Even though he was meant to be bringing up the rear, he moved closer, casting an eye back every few seconds just to make sure nothing was going to follow them and try to pick one of them off whilst they were occupied with a corpse. The healer in him frowned; always a shame when it was far too late for anything to be done and blunt force trauma was a bad way to go. The blue crap - whatever it might be - was intriguing but even with his healing, he didn't feel like risking catching something that it'd take his magic time to deal with so he moved back to where he was originally meant to be.

"Noah didn't say anything about requiring strong stomachs from the get-go on this thing."

Hopefully everyone here had seen a corpse at least once by now. If not...well they could cross that bridge when they got to it.

[[ooc: Subarashii sutāto o ofu - Off to a great start]]


bloodhounding March 24 2011, 18:52:00 UTC
Meanwhile, 5624-A's remained silent throughout this entire thing, just watching and alert for any other movement besides their own. It's not uncommon for her to see corpses, she's made several people into them, after all. As a protector and an assassin, it doesn't even phase her to see the amount of blood or the dead here or there- but the flickering of lights and sudden change in scenery leaves her wary.

Hand is wrapped around her small combat knife and the other by the pistol strapped to her leg. She won't use it unless by necessary means, and she's a sure shot when it comes to firing a gun. Still, eyes are looking forward and watching for anything out of the ordinary. It may not be like the missions back home, but this was still considered a job, and one she had to take care of. Promenade was an odd place, and she had no choice but to cooperate and treat these residents like her teammates, at least for now.


failatskypirate March 24 2011, 19:33:28 UTC
The more he looked around, following his new cohorts, the more the air pirate found himself wishing he hadn't volunteered for this mission. It's not that he hadn't seen a dead body before, it was that the ones he'd seen had died in far cleaner ways than these had. At least he wasn't feeling ill over the idea -just modestly revolted. Not to mention just reasonably unsettled, but so far, not to the point where his composition would break. This was a rescue mission and he'd been on enough of those to know that he absolutely needed to keep his head together.

"What the hell happened here?"

The general condition of the hospital they'd been dropped into was mind-bogglingly awful to say the least. The odd music combined with the flickering lights and those posters really weren't helping him feel terribly comfortable in the least. Flashlight in hand, he sticks toward the front of the group -feeling that this was something he needed to do for both the person they were rescuing and himself. He'd spent practically the entirety of his journey in his world depending on Ren's power -rather their combined power, to see both of them through. And now that he was on his own; his hook, a combat knife in his boot and the pistol holstered at his side would be what combines with his older skills to help out now.


splicedsurgeon March 24 2011, 21:35:00 UTC
The voices, the fresh blood, and the fact that almost all of the members of Beta Team seem panicked is drawing something closer to them. None of them reacted to the clatter down the hall, and so whatever it is thinks this will be easy. It would be wrong, of course -- but it's bringing friends.

The lights go out again. There is more movement, more voices.

"Honey, is that you?"



A single light over the nurse's station comes on, illuminating Beta Team. There is silence, the blue liquid in the hypos glinting under the lights, and then the once-locked doors open. Out rush the Splicers, faces deformed and clothing ragged, armed with lead pipes and pistols. More of them are coming from the end of the hall. All in all, there are about thirty of them. All of them are hostile.

"Keep away from my patients!"

"We have rules here!"

"You did this to me! You!"

A shot in the head or the heart won't stop them right away, and your visibility is limited. Good luck.


failatskypirate March 24 2011, 21:53:24 UTC
The lights abruptly going out made him feel ridiculously panicked on the inside. Not that anyone could see it in the dark, but his eyes went wide as the hairs on the back of Cou's neck stood at attention. To reassure himself, he took the safety off on his pistol, glad that he'd been practicing after that monster had gotten loose shortly after his arrival.

Next the pirate heard the voices, his eyes darting in every which way as he subconsciously gravitated toward the closest member of Beta team he could make out in the shadows. He wanted some concept that someone would have his back in all of this. He was also wishing he'd brought a bigger gun.

"Guys? I don't like this."

His voice betrayed his shaken nerves, the sudden light from the nurse's station forcing him to squint after he'd just gotten used to the darkness. Flashlight in one hand, cross-bracing the wrist of the hand he held his weapon in, he was pointing down the corridor when suddenly, all hell broke loose.

"Oh hell, stick together!" It was all he could think to yell, though the odds were high that he'd be drowned out by the group's assailants.

The mob that seemed to pour in from all directions was overwhelming, it was seven of them versus more than he could immediately count in the dark. He freaked out and fear pointed his gun toward the chest of the nearest one as he fired a quick two taps.

[OOC: Going out for a couple hours. Don't have too much fun without me :3]


oldfireturkey March 24 2011, 22:04:28 UTC
"Yeah, no fucking shit," Isamu snapped in reply to that because if anyone planned on running off then they were going to get them all killed. It was going to be strange, fighting with a group again, but there was nothing like a baptism of fire to foster some team spirit.

Thirty of whatever the fuck those things were against a little band of mixed skills - Isamu wasn't liking those odds overly much and he has his nodachi up and ready. Fire magic was out, in his mind at least, until he knew if the blue liquid was flammable or not because a fireball? Not helpful. Earth was out too because this sure as hell wasn't solid ground. And he was pretty confident no one wanted to get soaked and go trudging around, possibly soaked to the bone on slippery floors. Then again, if these things bled, that probably wouldn't matter too much anyway.

"What the fuck are those things?" Anyone could feel free to answer that because they sure as hell weren't demons and that was where his expertise ended. More light balled in his free hand, levitating up and out of the way to let him grip the demon blade in both hands as he fell into a stance he'd known for years and years. Time for a decision and there were sparks along the length of his blade as he lifted and pointed it, sending an arcing shot along as he swung the blade, trying to judge just how much it'd affect them.

They probably should have had some discussion of strategy before all of this.


gumshoewizard March 24 2011, 23:22:36 UTC
"We can ask that question later!"

Harry hefted his staff towards the rushing onslaught of deformed monsters with human shapes, thundering towards them in a frenzied, bloodthirsty froth. The sudden tense quiet became bedlam as the oncoming horde fired off the first shots. Moving that shield up between the pointed muzzles and himself and as many team mates as he can, the hypo gets dropped and the amulet slides back down to his wrist as he hefts the staff in the direction of their enemies.

His will snaps down through the staff with the whipcord suddenness born of logical fear. Adrenaline pounded in his veins and his heart crashed against his ribcage as he twisted that fear and red-hued, jibbering terror into force, light, and heat.

"Fuego!" snarled out of his throat as the end of his staff produced a torrent of red flames that fanned wide across the hallway.


splicedsurgeon March 24 2011, 23:45:37 UTC
The splicer that Cou fires at, a woman,screams as the bullets hit her. "Oh Jesus, what'd you do to me?!" The pipe she's holding swings, only for Isamu's sword to slice through her arm. The arm falls, and the electricity stuns her, her entire body tensing as it runs through her. Harry's fire finishes her off.

The additional light reveals nothing but the group of splicers, some of those in the front now injured or electrocuted by Isamu's sword. It is these that the fire has the most effect on; stunned, they can't get out of the way. As soon as they can move again, they are screaming, racing toward the group even as their bodies burn. Some of the others who were lit, however, shriek and run elsewhere, only to return wet; there is a water source somewhere, likely a leak, and they've used it to douse the flames.

Some of the posters that were on the wall are now burning, providing extra light as the splicers press forward again.


bloodhounding March 25 2011, 00:44:42 UTC
And she's moving. While the fire and electricity are running, she's already running, crouching low and using the new ability gained just before she had arrived in this strange city. Closing her eyes, she suddenly disappears, gone in a shadow of what looks like smoke, but feels too cold to be so.

The cold depth of the void comes screaming to her ears as she breaks through the time and space continuum, voices reaching for her and arms of shadow grasping at their unwelcome guest. But she pushes past them with ease, mind focused and labeling the places behind the ones running, behind the group overall. It's not a lot of room to work with, but if the rest of the group takes the front, she can hold the rear and fight off until they begin to dwindle down.

A sudden cloud of shadow comes out of nowhere, and with it 5624-A, combat knife aimed at the back of the neck of the nearest splicer, digging against the spinal cord and twisting with ease. If they resisted, she'd just as easily wrap her arms around their head and twist- if damaging didn't work, breaking was the alternate option.


magicprogeny March 25 2011, 02:18:34 UTC
Once the creatures started running at them, Billy was on guard, hands glowing with a blue aura of magic as he prepared to do a spell. Harry's fire seemed to be doing good, but Billy noticed that Isamu's lightning made them freeze for a moment.

Good news for him. He took careful note of where the others were, not wanting to electrocute them. Billy's eyes glowed blue as he let a lightning bolt lose, blasting into a few of the things.


failatskypirate March 25 2011, 02:59:16 UTC
Admittedly, standing there fighting with a handgun as he hugged the walls to avoid the fire and lightning blasts made Cou feel woefully inadequate. It was this sort of thing that made him wish he could use Noctus Chord or Zephyrus Art on his own. But he wasn't the sort to dwell on such things -not right now. As soon as he figured it was safe to move again, he skirts across the hallway, his flashlight guiding his aim as he gave a couple taps for each of the once-human monsters rushing toward them.

Finding the wall, he took aim again and pulled the trigger -finding himself disappointed to feel it click empty. Hastily, he pulls back behind his allies, crouching a few feet behind and to the side of the nearest one as he dropped into a crouch.

The pirate took a precious few seconds to release the empty magazine and pocket it before slipping out a fresh magazine and slapping it into the pistol. Cocking the gun and feeling ready to roll, he stands up and resumes firing.


splicedsurgeon March 25 2011, 03:12:54 UTC
The Splicers, surprisingly, are used to teleportation -- Houdini Splicers teleport and throw fire. The unlucky splicer that 5624-A targets shrieks and tries to get away, flailing with its pipe. Another two splicers rush her, one firing with a pistol and one aiming for her head with a lead pipe.

Each of the splicers that Billy electrocutes freezes in mid-step, twitching as the electricity runs through their bodies. The provide easy targets for Cou while they're stuck in place. There are still more, though, and many of them are still on fire and doing their best to get all the front-line fighters to join them in their pain. One of them, a woman with dark hair and dark eyes, tries to grab at the long fabric of Harry's duster and cape. "You! You did this to me!"


lamb_of_gold March 25 2011, 03:27:16 UTC
The slightly more distant splicers would find their paths blocked by...what seems to be nothing at first, but closer inspection would reveal to be a faintly incandescant barrier.

Towards the back of the group stood Mu, a faint golden glow outlining his form as he maintained the barrier. While he took no active part in fighting himself, Mu watched the battle carefully, erecting the invisible barriers wherever needed to prevent attacks landing on his teammates.


gumshoewizard March 25 2011, 03:33:38 UTC
Heaven bless Karrin Murphy. Cause it was only upon her insistence on hours of staff training with her at her dojo that Harry has the inclination to swing the big oak staff - cut from a lightning split tree on Hog's Hollow farm in Missouri - right into the woman's knee, then rebuffing her with the blunt plane of the shield bracelet. Inside, something in him twists, angry and sad and guilty. This woman was, or had been, a human being.

"I'm sorry..." he muttered as he swung his staff from left to right, shouting Fozare! as a whip of kinetic force, as thick as an arm, slammed through the next wave of attackers that continued to boil over them.


failatskypirate March 25 2011, 07:58:52 UTC
Another set of quick taps at the immobilized Splicers and Cou found himself hoping that the numbers thinned out soon. In the panic of the moment, he's momentarily forgotten that there's an easy way to remedy this, but he knows that he only has about a dozen or so spare magazines tucked away in varied pockets within his clothing or the small backpack he has on over his jacket. And while he was fairly confident about holding his own against these things singly or even in pairs, a mob like this would be entirely overwhelming.

Damn was he missing Cisqua's missile launcher right about now. Not like he'd probably be able to aim the thing without taking the entire floor down with all of them.

His pistol echos another pair of taps -sounds likely drowned out by the significantly more impressive abilities of his teammates. Right now his determination keeps him from following his instinct to run, shifting his focus from the portion of the mob attacking the front of the group to any stragglers or more clever ones looking to attack from the rear flank.


oldfireturkey March 25 2011, 08:26:36 UTC
Why in God's name was Harry apologising to those things? Never mind, he'd bring that up later as he took one hand from the hilt of his weapon and another blast of lightning shot out, a thin wide circle and then he was off and running too, hands on the blade as he moved in, attacks tight and controlled. The lightning wrapped around his weapon cracked and sparking, reassuring as always.

It was as he brought his sword up for another swing to let lightning arc out that a sudden rush of heat caught him in the throat and lower half of his face and he choked and swore because Jesus, thank you so much, he'd forgotten quite how he enjoyed being burned with intent. Angrily, he smacked the whole flat of the blade against the thing he'd been about to hit and it fell back but it had still achieved its goal. The heat was intense and he staggered back, gasping and spitting, already feeling the steady throb because the skin was so much thinner around the throat and sensitive and he let out an angry curse in Japanese as he turned just slightly. Not enough to show the current state of the lower part of his face but just enough to show the small blue flicker around him of his own magic, healing him as he went.

"Brilliant idea, lighting them up like that!" He yelled and to hell with it, dousing those monsters with water would get rid of the burning element and a hand lifted again, thumb and forefinger snapped in the direction of the monsters and a mist of rain descended. Not enough to put the flames out but enough to hopefully dampen them down while they fought so that the side affects of the team's offensive strategy couldn't be used against them quite so painfully.


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