1. Allergic Reaction
"All That Matters"-PG
2. Amputation
"Finding Balance"-R
3. Broken Bone
4. Bruises
"Every Quiet Moment"-PG
5. Cancer
"At Any Cost" PG
6. Cold/flu/fever
"Fever" - PG (Sheppard/Beckett UST)
[Sequel to
"Lucy",followed by
7. Concussion
"Head Trauma and Halos"-R
8. Crushing Injury
9. Drowning
10. Electric Shock
11. Frostbite/hypothermia
"Cold Warmth"-R
12. Heat exhaustion/stroke
"Torrid Chill"-R
Sequel to
"Cold Warmth" 13. Infection
"Convergence"- R
14. Minor annoyances - papercut, hangnail,
stubbed toe, motion sickness
15. Neurological disorder - epilepsy, spinal cord
damage, stroke, migraines,
clinical depression...
16. Puncture/Laceration - bullet wounds,
stabbing, impalement
"Slip of the Knife"-PG-13
17. Psychological trauma
18. Sensory loss/impairment
Silent Darkness- PG-13
19. Skin disorders - boils, pox, rash, poison ivy...
"Making Un-Plans" - PG-13
20. Sleep disorders - sleep dep, narcolepsy,
jet lag, snoring
"Waking Nightmare"-PG
21. Sprained or Strained muscle
22. Surgery (routine) - tonsils, appendix,
plastic surgery
23. Writer's Choice
"Home Treatment" - PG [Burn]
24. Writer's Choice
Title: Silent Darkness
kyrdwynRating: PG-13
Spoilers: "Progeny"
rosewildeirish gave it a quick lookover
2dozenowies Prompt: 18. Sensory loss/impairment
He didn't know how long it had been since he'd returned to Earth. He knew he was on Earth, the three weeks of metallic smells of the Daedalus having given way to the smells of home, of Scotland. The familiar medical smells had let him know he was in an adult care facility, probably the one near his hometown. His grandfather had spent his last years there, and Carson knew the staff was competent and caring. He'd been told it was six months since he'd returned, but he had no frame of reference to judge the truth of that.
Sitting up on his bed, Carson sighed. His hearing and vision were gone, lost in an attack on Atlantis by the Pegasus replicators. A surgeon who couldn't see or hear was useless, and Carson was sure that while Elizabeth had been appropriately sympathetic to his desire to stay on Atlantis, she'd decided that Carson should return to Earth. Of course, Carson could only presume that Elizabeth had been sympathetic. He'd not seen or heard anything.
But he'd been able to smell and feel things. John's hands on his, John's lips on his skin, John's scent as he held Carson close. John had been one of the few people Carson hadn't been embarrassed about asking for help with personal functions when necessary. John had seen everything before, and Carson knew it.
Carson carefully made his way across his room to his small refrigerator and found a bottle of juice. He made it back to his bed without running into anything. The staff knew not to move anything in his room. Carson and his rehabilitation specialist had worked on getting comfortable with the layout so Carson had a degree of independence. They were working on his grasp of tactile sign language to allow him to communicate with others who understood the language.
A familiar smell reached Carson's nose and he set the bottle down on his bedside table. He sniffed, mentally breaking down the smell: aftershave, hair gel, gun oil, sweat, and the faintest hint of salt water.
There was only one person with that smell.
The smell came closer, and Carson held out his hands. Warm hands grasped his, skin caressing skin. One left his hand to stroke his cheek as warm breath caressed his face. Carson sighed, leaning into the face next to his.
John turned Carson's hand over and signed as his lips formed the words against Carson's cheek.
"I love you."
Carson leaned into John further. He didn't know John had learned to sign, but the fact that he had warmed Carson's heart.
"I left Atlantis," John said, both with sign and with his lips. "I had to, because my husband-to-be lives in Scotland." John's lips moved to brush against Carson's in a soft kiss. "Assuming he says yes," he signed.
Carson followed John's cheek to his ear, swallowing and getting the courage to speak aloud, something he rarely did anymore. But John deserved to hear the answer to his unasked question.
"Aye, love," Carson said. "I'll marry you." He didn't need sight or hearing to be happy, he realized. All he needed was John.