Fic: "At Any Cost" by kyrdwyn [Sheppard/Beckett, PG]

Aug 13, 2006 20:11

1. Allergic Reaction
2. Amputation
3. Broken Bone
4. Bruises

5. Cancer
"At Any Cost" PG
6. Cold/flu/fever
"Fever" - PG (Sheppard/Beckett UST)
[Sequel to "Lucy",followed by "Match"]
7. Concussion
8. Crushing Injury

9. Drowning
10. Electric Shock
11. Frostbite/hypothermia
12. Heat exhaustion/stroke

13. Infection
"Convergence"- R
14. Minor annoyances - papercut, hangnail,
stubbed toe, motion sickness
15. Neurological disorder - epilepsy, spinal cord
damage, stroke, migraines,
clinical depression...
16. Puncture/Laceration - bullet wounds,
stabbing, impalement

17. Psychological trauma
18. Sensory loss/impairment
19. Skin disorders - boils, pox, rash, poison ivy...
20. Sleep disorders - sleep dep, narcolepsy,
jet lag, snoring

21. Sprained or Strained muscle
22. Surgery (routine) - tonsils, appendix,
plastic surgery
23. Writer's Choice
24. Writer's Choice

Title: At Any Cost
Author: kyrdwyn
Rating: PG
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John Sheppard/Carson Beckett
Prompt: 05. Cancer
Beta: None (well, dark_cygnet and rosewildeirish looked it over, but no indepth beta was done)

Summary: The consequences of doing anything to save someone's life.

"Lit'va Sofi, are Kel'va Sheppard and Na'ma Becket receiving visitors?"

Sofi looked up at Sh'Na'ma Nori from where she knelt, weeding the small garden in front of the residence. "I will check, Sh'Na'ma," she replied, her eyes running over the men and women behind him. She recognized the outfits, and knew who they must be.

Removing her gloves, Sofi hurried into the residence. As she suspected, Na'ma Beckett lay on the recovery couch, Kel'va Sheppard in his arms. Na'ma Beckett turned his head to look at her when she entered, but Kel'va Sheppard was asleep - not unusual for the day after treatment.

"Na'ma Beckett, Sh'Na'ma Nori brings visitors, if you are receiving." She hesitated, and then added, "I believe they are from your home world."

Na'ma Beckett sighed, one hand coming up to stroke thought Kel'va Sheppard's hair. Sofi couldn't help but smile at the tender gesture. This was the most unusual kel'va-na'ma pairing she'd ever had the honor of helping, but they were also the most attached. Sofi believed their attachment contributed to the rapid recovery of Kel'va Sheppard. He should only need one more treatment before the Sh'Na'ma could declare him cured.

Na'ma Beckett and Kel'va Sheppard had come through the gate five months ago, seeking aid for Kel'va Sheppard's condition. Sofi had been the one to greet them at the gate and take them to the Sh'Na'ma for examination. Many kel'va came to their planet, accompanied by their na'ma, seeking a cure. The na'ma and lit'va would do their best, but they could not cure everything. Those who had been fed on by the Wraith were beyond their help. Children still in their mother's wombs were beyond the reach of their healing powers. There were many they could not save, but Kel'va Sheppard was one of the lucky ones. Sofi was pleased they could help him. He had been a welcome kel'va - not resisting the treatment, helping her around the residence when he could to keep his strength up, and always having a smile for her and for Na'ma Beckett.

"We'll see them, lass," Na'ma Beckett finally said. Sofi nodded and hurried out of the residence. Briefly she thought about lying, sending these visitors away, but she could not do that.

Still, if this visit threatened to undo to months of treatment Kel'va Sheppard had endured, she wouldn't hesitate to throw them out.

Carson shifted on the chaise, careful not to disturb John. He needed his sleep, to help his recovery, and he slept best when Carson was with him.

Sofi entered the room, followed by Dr. Weir. Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, Biro, and Caldwell trailed behind her. Carson watched as they took in the large living/kitchen/dining room, and the doors to the bedroom and bathroom. Eventually they turned to where Carson and John lay.

"Don't get up," Rodney said sarcastically.

"John's asleep. I'm not disturbing him," Carson replied mildly. "Have a seat." He nodded to the chairs in the room. "Lit'va Sofi, would you bring us some tea?"

Sofi nodded and headed for the kitchen. Carson waited for the others to say something, but they remained silent. It was apparent they didn't want to speak with Sofi in the room.

Sofi brought the tea tray to the low table. "Should I stay?" she asked quietly.

Carson shook his head. "We'll be all right, lass, but thank you."

She left the residence, and Carson sighed. "Well," he said. "Come to drag us back to Atlantis, have we?"

"Will that be necessary?" Elizabeth asked.

"If you're going to try to get us to return before John is given a clean bill of health, yes."

"When will that be?" Caldwell asked.

"Two weeks at the earliest." John whimpered in his sleep, and Carson rubbed his back, making soothing sounds. "The treatments can cause nightmares," he told his surprised visitors. "Hence the need for human contact while he sleeps."

Rodney snorted. "Surprised he's not in bed with that Sofi chick."

"Lit'va Sofi," Carson said reprovingly, "is a respected nurse and a patient assistant, but I am John's primary caregiver. Ensuring his rest is undisturbed is my responsibility."

Rodney looked away, and Carson looked down at John, making sure he was truly asleep. Teyla finally broke the silence. "How is he doing?"

"He's doing well. It's not been easy on him, but he will come through it. Better than I had hoped."

"Will he be able to return to duty?" Caldwell asked.

Carson eyed him. "I'm not likely to clear him for duty if he's going to be ordered back to Earth for a court-martial. For that matter, I'm not likely to return to Atlantis if you're going to send either of us back to Earth."

"You stole a jumper and abandoned Atlantis for a medical treatment!" Rodney exclaimed.

"Aye, to save John's life," Carson replied harshly. "I've caused enough deaths in the Pegasus Galaxy, I wasn't about to stand by and watch a friend die when I could prevent it."

"Carson, you did put the city at risk by leaving and not telling anyone what you were doing," Elizabeth said gently.

Carson snorted. "We put the city at risk every time someone steps through the gate, and every time the Daedalus comes and goes."

"You took our military commander! What if the Wraith had come?"

Rodney was in fine form, Carson mused. He sighed and rubbed John's back when John shifted, murmuring in his sleep this time. Carson heard the word 'wraith', but wasn't worried. John's worst nightmares were about Afghanistan, not the Wraith.

"Either way, John was leaving Atlantis," Carson said to the group, pinning them with his iciest stare. "This way he had a chance of returning."

"The Air Force declared him AWOL," Caldwell said. "He's going to be facing a hearing on Earth no matter what. I don't think he'll be returning to Atlantis after that."

"And unfortunately, while I realize you had the best of intentions, I can't keep a Chief Surgeon who pulls stunts like this," Elizabeth said sadly.

Carson regarded all of them calmly, hiding the rage that was boiling underneath. After everything both he and John had done for Atlantis, after everything they'd both sacrificed to keep the city safe, they were being sent away because Carson dared to try to save John's life. A life he'd been losing because of his last encounter with the Wraith, another flight into the corona of a sun, the radiation poisoning his body, giving rise to cancerous tissue. He'd saved the entire city from being culled, and yet he wasn't given the same opportunity to be saved.

"Very well, then," Carson said. "John's last treatment is in one week. A week after that will be his last examination by the Sh'Na'ma. If he declares John to be cured, we'll return to Atlantis."

"We'll be here," Elizabeth said. "To make sure John is well enough to travel."

To make sure we don't take off for another planet and out of Earth's reach, Carson thought. "That's acceptable," he said aloud. Inwardly he was thinking. The Sh'Na'ma did not allow anyone who was neither kel'va nor na'ma to stay on the planet. He'd enlarged the timetable for John's treatment. They could be off the planet before the Atlanteans returned.

Sofi came back in. "The Sh'Na'ma regrets the interruption, but he feels Kel'va Sheppard's rest will be too disturbed if your visitors stay longer, Na'ma Beckett."

Carson nodded. "Thank you, Lit'va Sofi. I believe my guests were just leaving."

"We'll return in two weeks," Elizabeth said. She left the residence, Caldwell and the others following, though Teyla lingered. She came over to where Carson and John lay on the chaise and leaned down. "I believe the children of M76-G77 would be amenable to a visit from you and Colonel Sheppard should you decide to leave here before we return," she murmured. "You have both done much for the city and for my people. You both deserve the chance to be happy. Together," she added with a knowing look. She straightened and left the residence.

Carson smiled and lay there, stroking John's hair. After a while, John shifted. "It would be nice to see Keras and his kids again," John said softly.

"How much did you hear?" Carson asked with amusement.

"I was awake when Caldwell said I'd been declared AWOL," John admitted with a yawn. "I just didn't say anything because I'd probably end up with further charges."

"After everything you've done, you'd think they'd be glad you were going to live."

"Better a dead martyr than a living embarrassment?" John asked with a small shrug. "I say we go visit Keras for a while, and then we'll find some other place to settle down. Maybe we could come back here. I know you'd be welcome, and I think I would make a decent lit'va."

Carson leaned down to kiss John, who kissed him back warmly. "I think you'd make an excellent lit'va," Carson said.

John carefully got up off the chaise and stood, holding a hand out to Carson. "I'm still tired," he admitted. Carson knew that was true - he was surprised John had even awakened during the visit from their former colleagues. "C'mon," John urged. "Tomorrow's soon enough for us to start arranging the universe to suit our needs. Right now, I want to nap in our bed."

Carson stood and pulled John down into a kiss. "That," he said with a smile, "is something I can arrange."

sga: john/carson, 2dozenowies

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