DadMan says Happy Birthday to Kai.

May 14, 2007 12:17

That's right. Today is Kai's 3rd birthday. Can you believe it!?

It's been quite an adventure the last few years. There have been ups and downs and everything in between. I wouldn't trade this life for the world. And the adventure is really just beginning :)

I am now going to take you on an odyssey almost 4 years in the making (about 13 posts). Starting with the very first post regarding Kai. Before the DadMan and before he even had a name. Several of these are pretty short posts. Feel free to ignore. Feel free to comment on the original posts. Enjoy!

5 things you may not know about me.

Diary of a DadMan *name stuff*

Idealistic notions for the baby.

Breaking News Flash.

Some of the pictures here were lost after a hard drive crash. I managed to find some of them and repost.
Pictures as promised.

DadMan part Deux.


Diary Of A DadMan: Today's puzzle

Diary of a DadMan.

Diary of a DadMan.

This one links back to part one.
Kai to English Dictionary: part deux

Diary of a DadMan

Pictures of Kai.

dadman, kai, 3 years old, birthday

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