Diary of a DadMan

Nov 14, 2006 11:29

Kai and I were outside yesterday. I was working on starting a fire (to burn trash and fallen branches). Kai started squealing and then shouted, "Come back!". I turned around to find him chasing the cat with a hand full of dirt. He was trying to cover the cat with dirt. He chased her all over till she ran under the car. I couldn't help but laugh. It also reminded me of a hilarious Monty Python skit. I couldn't find the video, but did locate the script.

MRS. CONCLUSION Graham Chapman MRS. PREMISE John Cleese

Mrs Conclusion: Hello, Mrs Premise.

Mrs Premise: Hello, Mrs Conclusion.

Mrs Conclusion: Busy day?

Mrs Premise: Busy! I've just spent four hours burying the cat.

Mrs Conclusion: Four hours to bury a cat?

Mrs Premise: Yes! It wouldn't keep still, wriggling about howling its head off.

Mrs Conclusion: Oh - it wasn't dead then?

Mrs Premise: Well, no, no, but it's not at all a well cat so as we were going away for a fortnight's holiday, I thought I'd better bury it just to be on the safe side.

Mrs Conclusion: Quite right. You don't want to come back from Sortonto to a dead cat. It'd be so anticlimactic. Yes, kill it now, that's what I say.

Mrs Premise: Yes.

While looking for the Python video, I ran across something really cool from YouTube. Why Do You Wake Up Each Day? work safe
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