The Weekend

May 14, 2007 15:03

It was a really good weekend. Part of my Mother's Day gift to kulilinei was to let her have the reins over the whole weekend. We would do whatever she wanted. The other gift was

Saturday, we went on a whirlwind shopping adventure. It started off with Taco Cabana and then Saver's. There was lots of good stuff there as always. Just as we were walking out with loot, we ran into both E & S of ensnelson. It was really great to see them and a shock considering that we live out towards Bastrop and they live in San Marcos and we picked the same place (and roughly the same time) to shop that day. It's been far too long. S looked like she was about to pop that little baby right out! We talked and talked till Kai said that he was ready to go... for the 5th time :) We hugged and left for our next destination.

After that we went on to Michael's to get a poster framed only to find out that it never made it back into it's poster tube. There were still things to pick up though. We then stopped by Old Navy, Academy and Home Depot (all fruitless).

Central Market was next. Normally, I love to shop there. This time was not nearly as fun and more on the stressful side. The store was so packed that it was hard to navigate. Not a happy experience. Every time Julie would go look for something, I would have to relocate because tons of people would suddenly need to be where I was standing. It was as bad as going to the one in Houston.

Our last stop was to go to Walmart. We got some much needed items and some great mother's Day flowers for the house. Homeward bound... I made dinner of crab and salmon cakes from Central Market with potato wedges and slices of large "8 ball" squash topped with Italian seasoning, salt, garlic, butter, extra rosemary, and 4 cheese Italian blend tossed in the oven till browned.

Sunday, we hung around the house, let Kai open his B-day toys (pretty much all train stuff), I mowed the lawn and did touch ups on the red wall, Julie made Kai cupcakes and did other stuff around the house and we had a good day.
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