DadMan Part Deux

Aug 14, 2004 23:40

I have learned and experienced many new things on this adventure of becoming this "DadMan". First off, I never really understood the dynamics of the instinctual protective nature of being a parent... till now. But I tell you.... I will cut your heart out with a spoon if you try to harm my child. It's an interesting feeling.

One thing I've noticed is that whenever another parent sees you with an object they've thought about buying, you instantly become a walking advert for said object. Many questions are asked. I wonder if I can strike an advertising deal with Babies 'R' Us. They owe me big.  Also, there's something about a baby that makes total strangers want to speak to you. Most of them also have babies, but they all wanna talk.

I've learned that it is difficult to find alternative baby formula. The vast majority of (almost all) formulas out there are filled with so much crap. One thing that they don't tell you is that there is MSG in all the name brands. I would do the soy thing, but some of the latest studies to date are saying that soy isn't that great for babies and may be responsible for early onset of puberty (among other things). It has also been linked to thyroid disorders, ADHD, and has 80 times (one website says 200 times) the amount of manganeese (high levels become a neurotoxin for small children, especially under the age of 6 months) as breast milk. Soy has been banned for babies in the UK (unless there is medically no other choice). There is Rice formula, but it's hard to find. I don't know what type of protein that is used either. One brand that we heard about is by one of the main producers of formula, which more than likely also has MSG in it. Breast milk is still just the best. Still working on the idea of finding something good to suppliment breast milk with.

There are entirely too many chemicals in baby wipes. We've found 2 varieties that are excellent. Seventh Generation and Tushies Wipes (though this one has an un-needed fragrance, but it is cheaper). Both are at Whole Foods (probably also at Alfalfa's, Wild Oats, maybe Sun Harvest and other "natural food stores".

more to come...
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