Diary Of A DadMan: Today's puzzle

Sep 14, 2005 15:58

Kai is becomming quite the tool using little monkey. I gave him some Goldfish crackers and placed the container on the bar. He finished eating the crackers. Then, he looked around to notice the box which held more of the delectible treats. But how to reach them? His small chair would do the trick. He grabbed it, placed it at the base of the wall and stood on top. Reaching as high as he could, the box was procured. The first thing he did after that was to look at me to see if I was watching. He knew he was busted. All I could do was smile... and fear the next few months of further cognitive developement. He tried to open the carton, but couldn't. The only back-up plan at his disposal was to bring it to me to open. How could I resist. Just call it a reward for solving the puzzle. Time for me to clean the rest of the items off of the bar.

Oh yeah, Kai is 1 year and 4 months today.
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