Title: Jishin 311
shirayuki1582Pairing: Kame/Jin
Word Count: 10,675
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Notes: This is based on and inspired by true events and people. I adjusted it as far as necessary to go with the story. I recognize the delicacy of the topic but there is no offence intended and it was written with the outmost respect for anyone involved
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Comments 18
This topic is very sensitive and that you decide to write about it, I just feel respect to you and the way you wrote it, like a chonicle, bitter, sad, hopless, powerless and with the scene, when girl listening to song, I was crying so hard on that moment.
This is all bigger than them and he just lets it go.
this is how it was, it bigger that them, bigger and scarrier that anything and I like how you add Akame line here, because I can't say, that this story is about Akame, this story is bigger than them and you show it perfectly.
Thank you
and.. anon-san, the way you wrote it with a wide range of perspective (do i make sense? XD), i love it
the last part
Tokyo, Japan (May 19th 2011) section got me teary :')
thank you anon-san for writing this ♥
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