Title: Jishin 311
shirayuki1582Pairing: Kame/Jin
Word Count: 10,675
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Notes: This is based on and inspired by true events and people. I adjusted it as far as necessary to go with the story. I recognize the delicacy of the topic but there is no offence intended and it was written with the outmost respect for anyone involved
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I know you wanted some fluff and happy ending too but it just wasn't possible for this story...Although I think that it is a happy ending in some way. Not the kind of akame-are-getting-married kind but it's hopeful at least? :")
I did a lot of research for this because I wanted the info to be as accurate as possible (like re-watching video clips, re-reading articles, googling them) and of course I remembered many things from last year I had heard myself and I mainly had my infos from twitter around that time. It is the fastest way to get information these days, so it made sense to include it and I'm so glad that it felt real for you! Jin's tweets are all real too by the way... you'll find them on his twitter if you scroll down far enough ;)
I agree with you that there would have been so many more stories of people during this time and I thought about including more but then I just had to find a reasonable finish and maybe I would've lost myself in it. But I think we should remember those people.
Jin might call when he feels like it. He suddenly and randomly might want to call an old friend. He also might not. I wanted to keep the ending open instead of forcing it into cliché because Akame is very complicated in the end right? Even if they have lost each other a bit now as adults, I'm convinced they will find back to each other in one way or another someday when the time is right! Thank you for your thoughts ♥
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