
May 26, 2008 22:43

This isn't directed at anyone in particular, just ranting. A secret on f!s today set me off. Normally I'm pretty chill and it takes some serious stuff to get me worked up, but I'm getting kinda sick of feeling like I'm doing something wrong just because I'm doing something that I like.

So I'll say it straight up: Fandom owes you jack shitYou find ( Read more... )

genfic, pairings, you're not immune

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Comments 54

lulu_nobody May 27 2008, 00:08:12 UTC
Personally, I write what I like. If other people like it, that's cool. It's more than cool. But down at the core, I write it because I like it.

You can read minds can't you? Oh, don't play with me, you can. Because man, same thing I've been thinking for a very long time.


kokanshu May 27 2008, 02:09:39 UTC
Haha, no mind reading. Just a common attitude that obviously doesn't get stated enough ♥


ekoko May 27 2008, 00:23:11 UTC
Ah, finally. Seconding this--


tunasaladsonnet May 27 2008, 00:23:31 UTC
I'm on the opposite side of the fence (in the Axel/Roxas department), but I feel like I've been going through the exact same thing.

I need to stop letting fandom get into my head so much.

Thank you so much. I'm going to mem because I'm going to need this later, I can feel it.


kokanshu May 27 2008, 01:45:13 UTC
I assume this means you're getting kids asking/demanding you write Axel/Roxas as a pairing when you prefer them as friends/gen? That sucks. It's not like they haven't got a whole load to pick from, why do they have to complain at you for not adding to it :/ Sometimes I really don't understand fandom mentality.


radio_variety May 27 2008, 01:06:53 UTC
The thing I don't like about fandom is the way people hold their obscure OTPs and stuff like a badge. "BAW, GOOFY/SORA'S MOM IS MY OTP AND NO ONE EVER WRITES IT." Well no shit, dumbass. Characters that get more screentime (read: Sora, Roxas, Riku, Axel, Kairi, Naminé) get 95% of the fics because they're in most of the game anyway. It's easier to like them and get to know their personalities. Donald and Goofy don't get many fics because, well, they're Donald and Goofy. They're sidekicks for a reason in that they're not nearly as serious, plot-driving, or good-looking as the main characters. And as for the rest of the characters, they either fall into the same category as Donald and Goofy or they just don't get enough screentime/in the screentime they do get they're boring.

It's just common sense. If for whatever reason people get attached to an obscure pairing like Goofy/Sora's Mom, they should expect it to not have many fics, duh. It's unfair to bully people or whine to people about writing your pairing.

...so in short, word.


anthraxpretzels May 27 2008, 01:21:48 UTC
Well, the screen time thing sometimes doesn't hold as true. Take Olette, for example. There's plenty of fanfiction out there giving her personality, pairing her up, etc, when the character in canon contributes very little to the main plot. So fanfiction isn't necessarily by the importance of character. I would go so far as to suggest Donald and Goofy having more screen-time than Axel, even.

I am by no means whining that people don't write to suit my personal tastes, just that most Square or Square-designed characters, regardless of screentime or importance, will get the limelight in fanfiction. I really think that Donald and Goofy are more plot-driving than some of the characters getting more fanfiction than them are.


radio_variety May 27 2008, 01:26:37 UTC
I also pointed out that not only do Donald and Goofy not contribute as much to plot (that I can see at least) but they're also not as good-looking or serious as the other characters. Using your example, Olette is a pretty deal less goofy and a lot prettier than Donald and Goofy. Both those factors contribute to her getting more ficcage. It's just how things in fandom are and how they probably always will be in fandom.


anthraxpretzels May 27 2008, 01:28:02 UTC
Right, okay.

Still, it's nice once in a while to find interesting stuff on the obscurer focuses of KH...


kosmic_kinsei May 27 2008, 02:13:44 UTC
"If you have a dream, don't wait. Act."

That's basically my philosophy on wanting something in fanfiction. If I think this pairing or genre or character should get more attention, I write it. I promote it. I encourage it. If I can't, I search for anyone who's willing to write it or enter a contest where the prize is a fic of your choice. I don't bug anyone else about it.

I think writing something that you are passionate about is more likely to come out better than a fic you feel you're expected to do as a courtesy of fandom, anyway.


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