May 26, 2008 22:43
This isn't directed at anyone in particular, just ranting. A secret on f!s today set me off. Normally I'm pretty chill and it takes some serious stuff to get me worked up, but I'm getting kinda sick of feeling like I'm doing something wrong just because I'm doing something that I like.
So I'll say it straight up: Fandom owes you jack shit.
You find someone else who writes your pairing? You're lucky. You find someone else who likes writing genfic? You're lucky.
Readers don't owe you a review because they read your fic. They don't owe you a 'good quality' review just cause you're sick of 'great job' etc. Writers don't owe you the next chapter of their fic soon, soon, now, now, now. Writers don't owe you a review on your fic because you left one on theirs. Hell, they don't even owe you a reply. And they definitely don't owe you something they don't even like just because there isn't 'enough' of it in fandom.
Personally, I write what I like. If other people like it, that's cool. It's more than cool. But down at the core, I write it because I like it.
I'm not sorry my OTP is one of the most popular in the fandom. I'm not sorry that it means I've got a huge pool to dip into whenever I feel like it. I am sorry your pool of choice is smaller, but begrudging me because my pool is bigger is petty. Acting like I should do something about the size of your pool because of it is even worse.
I like Axel/Roxas. I follow a hell of a lot of fandoms, and I'd say Axel/Roxas is seriously one of my top favourite pairings. I enjoy writing it, I enjoy reading it. I have no problem with other people only seeing them as friends. I have no problem with other people pairing them with other characters - I even do it myself sometimes. So why the hell do you have a problem with me just because I'm not writing whatever it is that you want?
I am not doing anything wrong. So stop making me feel like I am.
you're not immune