
May 26, 2008 22:43

This isn't directed at anyone in particular, just ranting. A secret on f!s today set me off. Normally I'm pretty chill and it takes some serious stuff to get me worked up, but I'm getting kinda sick of feeling like I'm doing something wrong just because I'm doing something that I like.

So I'll say it straight up: Fandom owes you jack shitYou find ( Read more... )

genfic, pairings, you're not immune

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Comments 54

whomever May 26 2008, 22:57:03 UTC
Personally, I write what I like. If other people like it, that's cool. It's more than cool. But down at the core, I write it because I like it.

Holla, balla. If I felt like fandom owed me anything, I'd start paying. Maybe write less retardedly obscure pairings or something. But do I? No. And I don't complain about getting 0-2 reviews because of its, because it's not the point.

And this comment is mostly unrelated to the core of your rant, but the fact remains: holla.


kokanshu May 27 2008, 01:47:59 UTC
Dunno, think that is pretty much the core of my rant. The Axel/Roxas hate inspired it, but it can stand on it's own.


ormery May 26 2008, 23:00:49 UTC
Oh man, word.

And, dude, I can kind of see how if someone's pool is smaller and they have a harder time finding fic then they might feel like their suffering gives them the moral high ground somehow, but really? It doesn't, and people need to stop acting like it does.


kokanshu May 27 2008, 02:01:43 UTC
Haha, you managed to phrase that in a much more succinct manner than me ♥


ormery May 27 2008, 08:24:49 UTC
Ahurr, that's a first - normally I GO ON ABOUT IT FOREVER. Then again, this is a subject I've kind of been going on about forever at people quite a bit over the last little while, so I'm probably 'for god's sake guys mainstream pairing preferences do not make me an inferior human'-ed out. :| Really, thanks for this post, it gives a more eloquent (and public) voice to my frustrated gripings.


kokanshu May 27 2008, 09:42:16 UTC
Normally I'm not really all that involved in the fandom - I've got my own little corner with my own little gang of people I hang with and mostly when fandom starts doing something I don't like I can laugh and ignore it. But this general feeling (cause that's all it is, just little digs here and there with people bitching and secrets on f!s - nothing actually directed specifically at me, which kinda makes it worse) that I'm expected to end my shipping ways and start writing Axel & Roxas platonic just because I should, because there's 'not enough of it' and cause I'm obviously crazy and go around thinking best friends = buttsex all the time was really starting to get to me. I know what a platonic relationship is. I'm in several myself. I've also got no problem writing them. But, ffs, I like writing Axel/Roxas, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. So why am I starting to feel like there is?

Grr, fandom, I wish I knew how to quit you!


dorked May 26 2008, 23:02:59 UTC
Fandom =/= serious business.

People write what they write, like what they like, etc for fun. Even the squickworthy badfic authors. :x If people want gen so much, they should write it themselves. 's what I do.


kokanshu May 27 2008, 02:07:51 UTC
I love how so many people forget the 'internet is serious business' meme at the drop of a hat, despite how far spread it is. It's more used as a retaliation for someone else's wank rather than remembering it themselves when they're about to descend into wankiness/stupidity. It doesn't apply to them. What they're talking about is serious business, goddammit.

I've tried the 'write it yourself' answer before, but then they go 'but I can't write!' (although personally I think half of the ones who say that have never even tried), or one time, 'I don't want to and why should I have to!' which made me go >:{ and give up.


misskalloway May 26 2008, 23:03:16 UTC
Fandom owes me a chocolate milkshake and a cheeseburger from like five years ago. WTF, fandom? Pay up!

Honestly, this person needs to be delivered to the corner of 'Don't Like It, Don't Read It' Street and 'Write It/Request It Your Own Damned Self' Avenue and left to fight it out with all the other lamers.


kokanshu May 27 2008, 01:50:37 UTC
I read this as there being a five year old chocolate milkshake and cheeseburger sat on a shelf somewhere where Fandom forgot to give it to you. I don't think you'd want those anymore, tbh XD

Yeah, that was pretty much the extent of my comment on that actual post, but it's been a theme I've been seeing a lot recently and this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Ranting let off some steam. I feel better now.


misskalloway May 27 2008, 03:21:12 UTC
Considering I don't even eat fast food anymore, it's totally the principle of the thing. Honor and such.

I've been seeing a whole lot of entitlement in a bunch of my fandoms lately and it really makes me go 'bwah?'... Maybe I'm just getting old, but I really though things worked differently - as in, people contributed because they wanted to and could and other people went 'yay stuff' and sometimes asked for slightly different stuff but didn't get all whiny if it wasn't going to happen.

Dammit, I want a milkshake now.


arson_attrition May 26 2008, 23:55:09 UTC

The only problem I have with Axel/Roxas is its insane, rabid fans that make it too .. repetitive. Don't get me wrong; I've written it myself and rather enjoy it ... but it's nice to see a mix-up, too. You can only read a pairing so many times before most of the dynamics get covered.


kokanshu May 27 2008, 01:52:00 UTC
I dunno, I think cause of fandom cliches a lot of dynamics haven't been covered, but I'm working on remedying that myself. Which I guess kinda goes with my point, haha.


relmneiko May 27 2008, 13:33:27 UTC
Case in point: Roxas almost never tops. Height rule at work!
Also most Axel/Roxas fics are from Roxas' perspective. ...I actually can't even think of one that's from Axel's. O.o


kokanshu May 27 2008, 21:06:01 UTC
Haha, am I allowed to pimp my own stuff now? I've got Roxas topping (while wearing a dress, as well) in the first part of Eleven (AU), here on ffnet or here on LJ (doesn't go into heavy detail, as the focus of that story isn't porn.) Axel's voice comes way easier to me than Roxas', so I'd say the majority of my stuff is from his POV, but the one that I immediately think of is Rare Birds, which was my first KH fic, here on ffnet and here on LJ. There's also Partners in Crime (AU) (ffnet, LJ), which was written for the kink meme, and is Axel's POV and has Roxas bottoming from the top ( ... )


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