Master Post of Fanfiction

Mar 30, 2020 13:36

Harry Potter
Harry/Draco Drabbles and Ficlets (under 1000 words):
  • Sounds, Lines, and Meaning: (Harry/Draco). Draco tries desperately to communicate with Harry, but worries Harry's beyond help. Written for one of slythindor100
  • Perfume: (Harry/Draco). He's gone, but the perfume still lingers. (PG. Mildly angsty, leaves room for happy ending)
  • Rough: (Harry/Draco). He doesn't always need soft. Sometimes, he needs to be rough. (PG-13. Angst, implied rough sex. Can be read as a standalone, or with "Not Enough")
  • Not Enough: (Harry/Draco). Harry hasn't been good enough to stop it. (PG. Angst, major character death--not technically, but close enough to count. Can be read as a standalone or a followup to "Rough")
  • Nightmares: (Harry/Draco). They might be dreams, but they might be memories. (PG. Angst, Hurt/Comfort)
  • Promises: (Harry/Draco): He wonders if this is where things end for them. Prequel to "Sounds, Lines, and Meaning", but can be read as a standalone. (PG. some angst)
  • Firsts: (Harry/Draco). The boys remember the first defining moments of their relationship. POVs alternate, beginning with Draco's. Written for the January challenge at harrylovesdraco . Prompt: "first glance, first touch, first kiss, first love”. (~650 words. PG-13.)
  • Worth It: (Harry/Draco). No matter the consequences, this is worth it. (300 words, R). Written for week one of the first round of slythindor100's LDWS. Prompt was "I hate that I want you."
  • Jagged: (Harry/Draco). Sometimes broken pieces have a way of lining up. (279, R). Written for week two of the first round of slythindor100 's LDWS. Prompt was "fuck me, fix me."
  • Scratching an Itch: (Harry/Draco). In which they lie to each other...and themselves. (200 words, PG-13). Written for week three of the first round of slythindor100 's LDWS. Prompt was "you're great in bed, but you're still an arse".
  • Warming Up:  (Harry/Draco) It's late and Harry's cold. Draco figures he can fix that. (365 words. PG-13). Written on the fly for susan5124 , who wanted/demanded "snuggling to keep warm" fic. Who am I to argue?
  • Beef: It's What's for Dinner: (Harry/Draco). Draco's had a crap day at work. (610 words, PG-13). Written for lilyginny27 , who was having a less-than-spectacular day.
  • And Here, You Return: (HarryDraco). Draco tries to get away; Harry knows just where to find him. (427 words, PG.) Written as a thank you for lilyginny27  for her charity vgift donation.
  • His Turn: (Harry/Draco). Sometimes you have to give up control. (248 words, PG-13. Light bondage) Written as a thank you to enchanted_jae  for her charity vgift donation.    
  • Gold (Always Believe in Your Soul): (Harry/Draco). Harry gets his nipple pierced. But not for the usual reasons. (~900 words. PG-13). Written as a birthday gift for bleedforyou1 .

Harry/Draco Shorter Oneshots (1000-10,000 words):

  • Draco Malfoy Should Have Moved to France: (Harry/Draco). In order to get a promotion at work, Harry Potter is willing to do anything; even study Potions under Draco Malfoy. However, neither of them expects the results of an experimental potion gone awry. Written for masteroftrouble, for the 2010 hd_parallel  fest.  (4,826 words. PG-13)

  • English Summer Storms: (Harry/Draco). Harry has a thing for thunderstorms. Written as a birthday gift for nicevenn . (2197 words. NC-17. PWP. Bottom!Draco, Top!Harry

  • The Perfect Gift: (Harry/Draco). Draco's favourite gift isn't one that Harry wrapped and placed under the tree. But that's fine by Harry. (1,200 words. PG-13. Fluff.) Written for the 25 Wishes challenge at hd_seasons , for December 25th, 2010. (Now includes a link to the podfic, read by uniquepov)

  • Things Gone Wrong (and Others Gone Right): (Harry/Draco). Draco should be used to the fact that Harry's prone to getting himself in trouble. (1,150 words. PG. Hurt/Comfort, fluff.) Written as a gift for tinarebekka  for the 2010 secret santa exchange at leo_palooza .

  • The Sweetest Sound: (Harry/Draco). Harry doesn't want to sit with Ron and Hermione on the train. (5,041 words. NC-17. Parseltongue, trainsmut, a bit of scar!kink. Oral, wanking. Bottom!Draco, Top!Harry.) Written as a stocking stuffer for nursedarry  for the 2010 stocking stuffer exchange at hd_seasons .
  • Mark My Words: (Harry/Draco). Draco has something he wants to say, and the message quite surprises Harry. (3,874 words. PG-13. 8th year fic). Written as a stocking stuffer for lullabylily   for the 2010 stocking stuffer exchange at hd_seasons.
  • Hazards of Being a Barista: (Harry/Draco).  Harry might have made a mistake when he introduced Draco to Muggle coffee shops. (~2800 words, PG. Humour). Written for a prompt at hd_seasons .
  • What it Means to be a Malfoy: (Harry/Draco). After the war, Draco learns that his name automatically means something to most people. Now he must figure out just what the Malfoy name means to him. (~9400 words, PG-13. Angst, non-main character death). Written for the third round of hp_emofest  in fall 2010.
  • Out of Ashes: (Harry/Draco). Draco never thought he'd be grateful to an arsonist. (4014 words, PG.) Written as a birthday gift for brinimc .
  • Turning Up the Heat: (Harry/Draco). "Every now and then, he had trouble believing this is where life had led him, into the arms (and bed) of someone he used to loathe so thoroughly." (~2700 words, NC-17. Bottom!Harry, Top!Draco) Written as a birthday gift for susan5124 . Sequel to Warming Up.
  • Stuck in the Cupboard With You: (Harry/Draco). Harry and Draco lose a bet and have to spend the night locked in a cupboard full of Auror robes (~4000 words. PG). Written for a prompt by twilight_tones   at the HD Shared Bed Fest.    
  • This is Not the Camping Trip You Were Expecting: (Harry/Draco). Draco and his Auror partner, Harry, have been sent off into the woods on a most peculiar assignment, equipped with only the most essential items and issued with a ban on most magic--for their safety. When a storm forces them to seek shelter for the night, the tent malfunctions, and "surprises" just keep turning up from there. (~4,000 words. NC-17. Top!Harry, Bottom!Draco). Written for the 2010 harry_holidays  fest.
  • Promises Made: (Harry/Draco). Harry's always hated Valentine's Day. But perhaps things are looking up. (1650 words, R). Written for the 2011 Lip-Locked Valentine's exchange at hd_seasons.
  • I'm Evil (So Don't You Mess Around With Me): (Harry/Draco). Harry is sick of having to be nice to everyone all the time. Clearly the only solution is to become evil. Right? (~7000 words. PG-13. Adult language. Pre-slash). Written for Round One of hpchallengefest .

Harry/Draco Longer One-shots (10,000+ words):
  • Sometimes the Mirror of Erised Does Foretell the Future: (Harry/Draco). It's seventh year, and Draco has just found out he's part Veela. Not only does he have to fend off the entire population of Hogwarts and find his mate, but he discovers he also wants someone to fall in love with him, not just his Veela allure. Written for the 2010 Valentine Veela fest at do_me_veela . (13,730 words. NC-17. (Fl)angst, Top!Draco, Bottom!Harry)
  • How Draco Malfoy Learnt to Live as Charmed a Life as Harry Potter, the Golden Boy: (Harry/Draco) Draco would swear he’s the world’s unluckiest person. Maybe the answer to his problem lies in Harry Potter, whose life is seemingly charmed. He resolves to stick as close to Potter as possible, in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, some of that luck will rub off. Written for the first round/fest at hp_getlucky . Winner of Round One. (~13,500 words. PG. Fluff, humour, small amount of foul language)
  • Saviour to the Saviour of the Wizarding World Isn't All It's Made Out to Be: (Harry/Draco, side Ron/Hermione). When Harry appears to have gone mad after the final Battle at Hogwarts, it's up to an unexpected ally to save him and resolve the root of the problem. Written for the 2010 hd_smoochfest , from a prompt by bryoneybrynn. (15,858 words. PG-13. Angst, a bit of foul language)
  • Money Can’t Buy You Love, But a Firebolt Sure Gets Close: (Harry/Draco). In the weeks following his 30th birthday, Draco receives a mystery gift, makes a most intriguing new acquaintance, and then has his world turned upside down when things aren't always as they seem. Written in honour of Harry and Draco’s 30th birthdays in 2010, for hd_birthdaybash. (12,000 words. NC-17.)

Harry/Draco Series/Arcs:

  • Redemption: (Harry/Draco). When Draco runs into Harry Potter in Muggle London, he has no idea how much the chance encounter will change his way of life. How much is he willing to learn about forgiveness? (18,500 words. PG-13. Angst, character death (not Harry or Draco), discussion of past self-harm. First part of a 3 part series)
  • Newfound Light: (Harry/Draco). Harry is frustrated by the way Draco refuses to open up and take chances. Sequel to “ Redemption”. (14,000 words. PG-13. Angst, very brief mention of past self-harm, a little bit of cursing.)
  • Home: (Harry/Draco). Draco struggles to leave the past in the past and figure out exactly what he wants. Harry works to attain what he is sure he wants. Sequel to Newfound Light. Completes the Redemption arc. (17,000 words. PG-13. Angst, discussions of suicide, brief mentions of past self-harm.)

  • Control: (Harry/Draco). Harry has regained some measure of control in his life in a rather unorthodox fashion; one he can't exactly share with his friends. Now it seems that he's starting to lose that control, but will that lead to a healthier and happier life or not? Covers parts A and B of an A-B-C timeline. Precedes Freedom (~4000 words. NC-17. bdsm, spanking, flogging, oral sex, dom!Harry, sub!Draco)
  • Freedom: (Harry/Draco). Draco has found freedom in submission and pain, but when the chance presents itself for him to take things even further, will he be strong enough to take what he needs? Covers parts B and C of an A-B-C timeline. Companion piece to Control (~4900 words. NC-17. bdsm, spanking, flogging, dom!Harry, sub!Draco, oral sex, rough sex, bottom!Draco, top!Harry.)


  • Punishment: (Harry/Draco). Wandering through the Forbidden Forest late at night? This is all Potter's fault. (592 words. PG). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "Forbidden Forest" and "shiver". Part 1 of 13.
  • Unanswered Questions: (Harry/Draco). Another night, another punishment. Really, it's just another night with more questions than answers. (1313 words. PG-13). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "haunted house" and "hands". Part 2 of 13.
  • Judgement Issues: (Harry/Draco). The assignment they've been given gets even more complicated, and an issue in timing only makes things worse. (2079 words. PG-13. Small amount of angst, UST, swearing). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "skeletons" and "kisses". Part 3 of 13.
  • A Moment of Warmth in the Cold: (Harry/Draco). Harry has to put himself through this, no matter how it makes him feel. (1826 words. PG-13. Angst). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "Dementor" and "touch". Part 4 of 13.
  • Distraction: (Harry/Draco). During a boring briefing at work, Draco thinks of a way to keep Potter awake. (781 words. PG-13). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "something wicked" and "whisper". Part 5 of 13.
  • Suspicions: (Harry/Draco). Sent out on yet another ridiculous assignment, Harry and Draco begin to wonder exactly why this is. (828 words. PG). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "jack-o-lantern" and "lips". Part 6 of 13.
  • Waiting: (Harry/Draco). Draco can't do anything but watch what's about to happen. (795 words. PG-13). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "trick or treat" and "bite". Part 7 of 13.
  • Complications: (Harry/Draco). Harry tries to reason with the snake, only to discover a small problem. (847 words. PG-13). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "pumpkin patch" and "hiss". Part 8 of 13.
  • Aftermath: (Harry/Draco). Draco decides Harry needs to know the truth before they run out of time. (1673 words. PG-13). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "goosebumps" and "blow". Part 9 of 13.
  • Unexpected Answers: (Harry/Draco). Preparing for yet another assignment, Harry realises just how badly he wants to get away from the office. (1100 words. PG-13). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "werewolves" and "tickle". Part 10 of 13.
  • Lying in Wait: (Harry/Draco). It's a cold night and a lousy assignment, but Potter has some interesting ideas. (888 words. PG-13). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "graveyard" and "scream". Part 11 of 13.
  • Rushing Into Things: (Harry/Draco). Patience had never been Harry's strong suit. (520 words. PG-13). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "vampire" and "suck". Part 12 of 13.
  • A Stroke of Luck: (Harry/Draco). Draco's resolve to help Potter puts him in a precarious position. (2151 words. NC-17). Written for the 13 Smutty Nights challenge at hd_seasons . Prompts were "things that go bump in the night" and "come". Part 13 of 13.

Harry/Draco Other:

  • I'm Still Malfoy: Lyrics as sung by one Draco Malfoy (in a Harry/Draco context). Sung to the tune of Brad Paisley's "I'm Still A Guy". (335 words. PG-13. Crack!fic, Song Parody)

Short One-shots:
  • A Most Un-Gryffindor Behaviour: (Neville/Draco). Neville answers an anonymous advert asking for Herbology assistance. He provides help to someone who needs it, and receives more than expected as payment.  Written as a pinch hit for hp_spring_fling
  • Protection: (Remus/Sirius). In which Harry is scared of a mother duck, and Sirius is scared of something else. Written for rhye for HogwartsIsHome Writer's Block Fic Exchange (1011 words. PG. Fluff.)
  • Endurance: (Draco/Hermione). When Hermione is captured by Death Eaters, she ends up as Draco Malfoy's personal toy. As he alternates his pleasure between the desires of the flesh and the desires of the mind, she struggles to not lose her hope or her sanity. (2070 words. NC-17. Non-con, oral sex, dark!fic, brief mention of character death). Mind the warnings, please. Written for hp_prisonerfest  , from a prompt by ratherbsailing.
  • Changing the Rules: (Lucius/Severus). Lucius knows his relationship with Severus can only last so long. But he finds himself quite surprised to learn just how long that is. Written for the 2011 hpvalensmut  fest, as a gift for alafaye . (2400 words. R. Angst, rimming, bottom!Lucius, top!Severus)

The Demon's Lexicon

  • Not Just Anyone: (Mae/Sin). Rebuffed by Nick, Mae finds someone else in the woods after the dance. (1067 words. PG-13. Femmeslash, a bit PWP). For caecandy   and woldy

  • Sinful Words: (Mae/Sin). A few words can change everything. (1952 words. PG-13. Femmeslash. Voice!kink. Spoilers for both Lexicon and Covenant. Mentions of canon deaths)


Drabbles/Ficlets (under 1000 words):


  • A Sudden Burst of Light: (Arthur/Eames). Sometimes, the sun isn't the center of your universe. (291 words. PG). Written for the first week of Round One at ae_ldws  . Genre was "time travel" and prompt was "solar eclipse".
  • Silence: (Arthur/Eames). Words can sting, but silence can soothe. (200 words, PG-13. Angst, vaguely mentioned non-main character death). Written for the second week of Round One at ae_ldws  . Genre/cliche was "Established Relationship" and prompt was "I really don't want to talk to you."
  • Staying on the Job: (Arthur/Eames). Insomnia is especially problematic when your work is done in dreams. (395 words. PG-13). Written for the third week of Round One at ae_ldws  . Genre was "angst" and prompt was "insomnia".
  • Ask and Ye Shall Receive: (Arthur/Eames). Arthur asks for what he wants. (280 words, PG-13). Written for the fourth week of of the Last Drabble Writer Standing competition at ae_ldws  . Genre/cliche was "fluff" and prompt was "waking up shackled to a chair".
  • One Good Reason: (Arthur/Eames). Eames receives a series of intriguing text messages. (200 words, PG). Written for the fifth week of of the Last Drabble Writer Standing competition at ae_ldws  . Genre/cliche was "Text, IM, Phone, or Email" and prompt was "half a bottle of cheap red wine".
  • Lowered Inhibitions: (Arthur/Eames). After a spectacularly bad extraction job, Arthur and Eames go out for a drink to unwind. (383 words. PG-13. Drinking, brief mention of other character's drug use, brief mention of violence. Written for the sixth week of the Last Drabble Writer Standing competition at ae_ldws  . The prompt was this Photo Prompt (possibly NWS)
  • Release: (Arthur/Eames). Eames has never been so happy about forgetting his shampoo. (285 words, R. Wanking/masturbation. voyeurism). Written for the seventh week of the Last Drabble Writer Standing competition at ae_ldws . Genre/cliche was "wanking/masturbation" and prompt was "You have issues".
  • Baked Into the Paint: (Arthur/Eames). In which Principal Rainey's car is an unfortunate victim of Eames' infatuation. (403 words, G) Written for the eighth week of the Last Drabble Writer Standing competition at ae_ldws . Genre/cliche was "High School AU" and prompt was "a dozen eggs".
  • Buying in Bulk: (Arthur/Eames). In which Arthur goes through an alarming number of office supplies. (278 words, PG-13). Written for the first week of Round two of the Last Drabble Writer Standing competition at ae_ldws. Genre/cliche was "UST" and the prompt as "broken pencil".
  • Say Anything: (Arthur/Eames). Apparently Eames' life is a bad eighties movie. Eames is okay with this, in the long run.(300 words, PG). Written for the second week of Round Two of the Last Drabble Writer Standing competition at ae_ldws . Genre/cliche was "flangst" and the prompt was "you are such a fucking idiot".

Fics over 1k:

The Hunger Games
  • Easy Sleep: (Katniss/Peeta). Peeta used to help Katniss sleep. This time, she returns the favor. (750 words, PG. Some angst). Spoilers for the whole of the series. Takes place during the epilogue of Mockingjay.
  • Round Midnight: (Katniss/Peeta). Katniss has a nightmare. Peeta helps. (70 words, PG. Angst, hurt/comfort). Written as a birthday gift for ladderax, who prompted Katniss/Peeta and "spoon". Spoilers through part of Catching Fire (set during the first half of that novel).

  • I Only Lent You My Body: (Vincent Freeman/Jerome Eugene Morrow). As time passes, Vincent and Jerome become comfortable with one another, until the boundaries of who they are when they're together start to...blur. (1400 words. PG-13, Angst). Written for yuletide 2011.

NOTES: There are still currently fics of mine that are not on this list. It's a slow, painful process to get them posted to my LJ and put on this list, but I am working on it. So far, the missing ones (to my knowledge) are:
  • 2010 Bottom_Draco -- It's a Cold and It's a Broken Hallelujah
  • 2010 HD_fan_far // Travel Fair -- The Most Miserable Place on Earth
  • 2010 HP_Yule_Balls -- Of Dark Wizards, Quidditch, and Samosas
  • Serpentinelion's first Glompfest -- Cocoa and Constellations
  • 2010 Goblin Market Ship Wars collaborative project (comic) -- The Waste Dreams Realised Leave Behind
  • 2011 Lip Locked -- One More Breath
  • 2011 H/D Remix -- If You're Having Problems, I Feel Bad For You Son
  • 2011 HP Kinkfest -- Cicatrices
  • Smoochfest 2011 -- Doctor! Doctor! (Is this love I'm feeling?)
  • HD_Relief (fic #1) -- Relax (don't do it)
  • HD Relief (fic #2) -- And He Alone Sits Lingering Here
  • LDWS entries at AE_LDWS, Round Two
  • HP_PornInTheSun -- Libiamo! (amor fra' calici più caldi baci avrà)
  • Serpentinelion's 2nd Glompfest -- Rebuilding Draco Malfoy
  • Pod_together's 2011 challenge -- "Handle With Care"
  • Fic and Art/Fic collabs at ae_match (Team Angst entry) -- "Murder Your Darlings project
  • HD_CockBook fic -- At Night a Candle's Brighter Than the Sun
  • HD_Canon_Fest 2011 -- New Eyes and Extra Colours
  • HD_Holidays 2011 -- Harry Potter and the Problematic Partnership
  • Mini_Fest fic  -- Near to Us No More
  • HP Challengefest, Round 2 -- Double Rush
  • 2011 Leopalooza -- Everything I Need
  • 2012 Valensmut  -- Wine and Pleasure in Equal Measure
  • Inception Big Bang, Round 2 -- Recipe for Disaster
  • Suits_Exchange, Round 1 -- Sick Day
  • 2012 H/D Remix -- Sine Qua Non (full version forthcoming)
  • giftfic for envy_venis -- Tea for Two
(There are also several that are currently in progress. These include 2012 Smoochfest, a few birthday fics, a number of charity fics, and a good number of other fics in the Suits, Inception, Harry Potter, True Blood, Firefly, and Hunger Games fandoms. A few of the fics that have not yet been posted on my LJ can be found on my AO3 page.)

--updated 10 April, 2012

master list, fanfiction

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