Plot Bunny Numbers!

Nov 02, 2014 15:42

Soooooo, I'm pretty sure I've figured out my cause of death. It's quite likely going to be that I've been smothered/crushed by a stampeding mass of bunnies.

(Mostly of the plot variety. But both maja_li and byaghro can affirm that they seem to LITERALLY manifest/pop up around me, quite frequently. There's that island in Japan that is basically bunny central. I'm not sure if I should take a trip and visit it, or stay away entirely XD)

Anyway, as promised, here are the plot bunny totals I was able to tally. Sadly, some of these numbers SHOULD be higher (especially in the HP and Inception fandoms), but I lost a number of files in a hard drive crash about a year and a half ago (which is why I have a couple of fics--most notably my sequel to my first Inception Big Bang--that are paused on AO3...since I now have to rewrite the stuff I lost).

These totals reflect only specific, countable bunnies, each of which have their own individual entry in my plot bunny spreadsheet (which has one tab per fandom).

Bunnies Accounted For/Tagged and Collared:

Suits: 158
Teen Wolf: 171
MCU: 41
Harry Potter: 48
Les Miserables: 97
Inception: 38
Other: 42 (includes True Blood, Demon's Lexicon series, Skyfall, Welcome to Nightvale, American Horror Story (S1), Hunger Games series, The Hobbit, Original Fiction, and 8 bunnies that are extra-flexible and could fit into a number of fandoms, but have yet to be assigned)

So? Grand total?

595. Yep. Five hundred ninety-five individual, logged story ideas. And I'd estimate that about a quarter of them have some writing already done on them--anywhere from bits of narration or a couple of dialogue exchanges to, in some cases, several thousand words and multiple scenes.

...A moment of pity and support for groolover, who ends up betaing 99% of my fics, and also either pity or blame for maja_li and byaghro, who are the most likely to be subjected to random text messages or emails detailing bunnies that have just bit, or even ambush texts/emails where I just dump a scene of fic on them without warning (I included the "blame" option for these two, though, because sometimes they are the ones who shove bunnies into my damn hands and then run away, giggling).

Congrats to byaghro and azurelunatic for correctly guessing the number of bunnies in the most fandoms (though Esby has perhaps the unfair advantage/burden of having me sit on her couch and ramble about a lot of them, or hear about them over dinner or while running errands, so she's decently familiar with how active my muse is, on average). Kayoko also gets an honorable mention here :)

...Those of you who answered "too damn many" are also probably right, and win as well. Those few who answered "not enough"...well...given the size of these numbers, perhaps all you have to do is wait a bit XD
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