*crawls out from under work-shaped rock*

Oct 28, 2014 10:19



I'm still alive. Er. I think.

Work is ridiculous, and it's not even the place I last posted about (or the place after that one, even). But I'm working in a bakery again, and I've been there since late April, and it's...going a hell of a lot better than it was, in the beginning (perhaps I'll post about that sometime, but don't hold your breath, please). Main thing about that being that I was utterly, completely miserable, and it was bleeding into my personal life, and now I'm not, even if it's not the favorite of all the jobs I've had.

I've kept up with a number of you via some combination of twitter, tumblr, iMessage, gchat, and facebook, but have sadly lost track of others, especially since I know a lot of people have migrated away from LJ. I, myself, post pretty much all of my new fic on AO3. I keep meaning to put it here, too, but limited computer time has made that...not a thing that's happened, yet.

If you've a moment, drop me a comment and let me know what's going on in your life! If you're reading this, then yes, I care, and I mean you!

Also, I'm doing NaNoWriMo again this year, because I am insane and apparently a bit of a masochist. For fun (because Ravenclaw), I'm rounding up all the plot bunnies that have been appearing and are nibbling at me, and putting them in a spreadsheet, and will be asking a couple of people for opinions on which should be in the running for my NaNo project(s). There are...more than a handful of them. That being the case, I thought I'd put up this little guessing game, if anyone wants to have a go at it. I honestly don't know the answers myself yet, but I'll be posting the correct answers around the first of November XD

So, here we go!

Poll How Many Bunnies/Fics Does Khas Have, At the Moment?
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