Sticky: Behr Update Collection Post

Sep 07, 2014 19:08

The Behr Legacy Collection

Katu's Generation (katu_sims), Blue:
[ 1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 ]

Download Quasar - Founder, by foreverred

Download Ares - Founder Spouse, by rikkulidea

Download Elfin Magic - Heir

Download Athena Isela

Download New Galaxy

Download Brilliance

Download Charles River

Download Dreamboat

Problems downloading? Well, I googled the error message you guys were getting, and got the following:

And here's an article on how to fix it.


Nett's Generation (fightocrime), Brown:
[ 2.0 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | 2.7 | 2.8 | 2.9 | 2.10 | 2.11 | 2.12 | 2.13 ]

( Nett's Gen Downloads )

Steffi's Generation (simppl_life), Orange:
[ 3.0 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 ]

( Steffi's Gen Downloads )

Laurie's Generation (lauriethemuppet), Black:
[ 4.0 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 ]

Note: Due to issues in real life, Laurie's gen is being considered a "director's cut version" at the moment. All links to her updates will appear here as they're posted, though, along with her downloads and a possible spin-off legacy!

Watch this space for the next generation!

Cat's Generation, Purple:
[ 5.1 | 5.2 | 5.3 ]

And the GENERATIONS YET TO COME *booming voice*:

Gen 4: brilliantcat, Purple!
Gen 5: simsforaranya, Pink!
Gen 6: jens_sims, Green!
Gen 7: engram_au, Yellow!
Gen 8: kingmike1224, Red!
Gen 9: fightocrime (again), Black!
Gen 10: dragancaor, White!
Gen 11: simkittensims, Neon!
Gen 12: cacao_mocha_soy, Pastel!

What to know before your gen starts:

Firstly, these rules as listed here supersede any rules posted previously. So nyah.

1. All updates must be posted in a timely fashion. Ideally a month should be the maximum time, but extra time will be given if needed, within reason. IF you have real-life stuff coming up, such as vacations, final exams, or just plain busy circumstances, let me know ahead of time. It's easy to just shuffle the generations around so that you keep the same colour, but go at a different time. This reduces stress for everyone.

2. This round-robin follows the Awesimsauce legacy rules. Each generation is assigned a colour and a challenge relating to that colour. These are not optional. Your sims get makeovers in the assigned colour, their house is decorated in the assigned colour, etc. Changing a sim's hair colour to custom to fit the theme is NOT mandatory, but is welcome! Also:

2. Your CHILDREN are considered "your" generation. The heir that you receive from the person before you will be named and themed according to the gen that they were born in. When you receive them, you'll make them over according to your gen's colour, and they will live life according to your colour's challenges. In cases of challenges like "Must be witch or wizard" or "Must max all skills," however, you only need to focus on the three heir-eligible children. Their parents should naturally set a good example, however, and should attempt the same challenges.

3. This round robin is also a Pixel Trade legacy! That means you may only marry in P_T eligible sims, and you may advertise in the P_T community. Only two spouses per creator are allowed for THE WHOLE LEGACY, though, so coordinate with the other RR members if you're not sure!

4. Being a round-robin, the first three children born are the only heir-eligible sims, no matter how many kids you end up having. Your generation ends when those three hit adulthood, no matter how many younger siblings they have. All siblings may be made available for download, however! Also, this RR has a no-clone rule! If an heir-eligible child is proven to be a clone or near-clone of a parent or sibling, they may be disqualified from the running, and a younger sibling becomes eligible for heir. Normally it SHOULD go to the next youngest child, but in the interest of fun, we've been replacing clones with the favourite of the person next in line.

!downloads, legacy: rr, legacy: behr

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