Dork Update Central!
The only place to get all the Dork updates in one central place!
{ Interested in a
Dork family tree? }
Gen 1
1.0 |
1.1 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
1.4 |
1.5 ]
Gen 2
2.0 |
2.1 |
2.2 |
2.3 |
2.4 |
2.5 |
2.6 |
2.7 ]
Gen 3
3.0 |
3.1 |
3.2 |
3.3 |
3.4 |
3.5 |
3.6 |
Spares ]
Gen 4
4.0 |
4.1 |
4.2 |
4.3 |
4.4 |
4.5 |
4.6 |
4.7 |
Spares ]
Gen 5
5.0 |
5.1 |
5.2 |
5.3 |
5.4 |
5.5 |
5.6 |
5.7 ]
Gen 6
6.0 |
6.1 |
6.2 |
6.3 |
6.4 |
6.5 |
6.6 |
6.7 |
6.8 ]
Gen 7
7.0 |
7.1 |
7.2 |
7.3 |
7.4 |
7.5 |
7.6 |
7.7 |
7.8 |
7.9 |
7.10 |
7.11 ]
Gen 8
8.0 |
8.1 |
8.2 |
8.3 |
8.4 |
8.5 |
8.6 |
8.7 |
Spares ]
Gen 9
9.0 |
9.1 ]
About CC: All the sims come included with the CC you see pictured (except my defaults, obv), sodon't forget to install with the CleanInstaller! That way you can remove anything you don't want. :D
About Usage: Pretty much free range! I mean, of course I'd rather you didn't upload them unchanged and claimed them as your own...but beyond that, as far as I care, you can dye their skin blue and change their gender and marry them into your Goopy Gilscarbo homosexual-only legacy. :P Use them in contests or throw them into the ocean, I'm pretty much down with whatever. However! I do have one request, and that is that you give me a link so I can see pictures. :D
Generation 1:
Caedmon can be downloaded
Tara Dork (nee Kody) Popularity
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 10
Active: 4
Playful: 4
Nice: 3
Generation 2:
Willoughby Dork - Heir Romance
Neat: 6
Outgoing: 10
Active: 4
Playful: 4
Nice: 3
Einstein Dork - Heir Knowledge
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 10
Active: 4
Playful: 4
Nice: 3
Vanessa Dork (nee Bar) - Einstein's Spouse Knowledge
Neat: 2
Outgoing: 3
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 4
Algren Dork (nee Firm) - Willoughby's Spouse Knowledge
Neat: 10
Outgoing: 3
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 4
Drizzt Dork - Spare Family
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 10
Active: 10
Playful: 4
Nice: 6
Generation 3:
Bilbo Dork - Heir Family
Neat: 7
Outgoing: 8
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 4
Shelby Dork (nee Haggerty) - Bilbo's Spouse Knowledge
Neat: 9
Outgoing: 2
Active: 6
Playful: 3
Nice: 5
Bao-Dur Dork - Spare(note: he will show up with your alien defaults)
Neat: 1
Outgoing: 6
Active: 10
Playful: 10
Nice: 8
Dante Dork - Spare (Willoughby's illegitimate son) Family
Neat: 5
Outgoing: 8
Active: 6
Playful: 3
Nice: 3
Galadriel Dork - Spare Family
Neat: 10
Outgoing: 3
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 1
Katamari Dork - Spare Knowledge
Neat: 3
Outgoing: 10
Active: 5
Playful: 7
Nice: 5
Kilik Dork - Spare Knowledge
Neat: 10
Outgoing: 4
Active: 10
Playful: 10
Nice: 1
Wander Dork - Spare Fortune
Neat: 7
Outgoing: 10
Active: 9
Playful: 5
Nice: 1
Generation 4:
(Times New) Roman Dork - Heir Romance
Neat: 7
Outgoing: 9
Active: 9
Playful: 5
Nice: 5
Margaret Dork (nee Hunicke) - Roman's Spouse Knowledge
Neat: 10
Outgoing: 3
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 4
Trebuchet Dork - Spare Knowledge
Neat: 7
Outgoing: 8
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 4
Verdana Dork - Spare Knowledge
Neat: 9
Outgoing: 2
Active: 10
Playful: 7
Nice: 5
Generation 5:
Q Dork - Heir Popularity
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 4
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 1
Geordi Dork - Spare (Margaret's illegitimate son)(I did not include his visor)
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 7
Active: 8
Playful: 3
Nice: 3
Janeway Dork - Spare Popularity
Neat: 5
Outgoing: 5
Active: 3
Playful: 8
Nice: 4
Generation 6:
Lister Dork - Heir Family
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 4
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 1
Sarina Dork - Lister's Spouse Family
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 4
Active: 4
Playful: 7
Nice: 6
Kristin Dork - Spare Family
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 4
Active: 4
Playful: 7
Nice: 6
Rimmer Dork - Spare Popularity
Neat: 6
Outgoing: 10
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 1
Cat Dork - Spare Romance
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 8
Active: 4
Playful: 7
Nice: 6
Generation 7:
April Dork - Heir(I don't know why she's bald. She will show up with no hair in BS, and in game with the rainbow clown hair.)
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 4
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 1
Gizka Dork - Heir(note: her skintone and eye colour are NOT geneticized)
Neat: 10
Outgoing: 5
Active: 10
Playful: 0
Nice: 0
Kian Dork - Spare Popularity
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 4
Active: 10
Playful: 7
Nice: 6
Talortai Dork - Spare(I regret that he comes with no hair, a far cry from the Bill Kaulitz mop he wore in my game.)
Neat: 10
Outgoing: 4
Active: 10
Playful: 3
Nice: 8
Zoe Dork - Spare Fortune
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 9
Active: 9
Playful: 7
Nice: 6
Generation 8:
(sorry, I don't have stats due to neighborhood implosion)
Henry Dork - Heir Romance
Harker Dork - Heir Pleasure
Mina Dork Fortune
Tom Dork Rodney Dork Nemo Dork Moriarty Dork Fin Dork Edward Dork Dorian Dork Allan Dork -----------------
Generation 9:
Dervish Dork Knowledge
Neat: 7
Outgoing: 5
Active: 4
Playful: 6
Nice: 3
Necro Dork Family
Neat: 6
Outgoing: 3
Active: 6
Playful: 4
Nice: 6
Mesmer Dork Fortune
Neat: 2
Outgoing: 8
Active: 2
Playful: 6
Nice: 7
Ritualia Dork Pleasure
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 7
Active: 8
Playful: 3
Nice: 3
Elementa Dork Popularity
Neat: 4
Outgoing: 4
Active: 4
Playful: 7
Nice: 6
Other Sims:
GlaDos Dork(she will probably be a normal sim in your game, not a Servo)
Neat: 10
Outgoing: 4
Active: 10
Playful: 7
Nice: 0