The Behr Legacy 2.0

Aug 14, 2009 20:27

Want to catch up? The Behrs @ katu_sims

CAUTION: 62 images for a 3.1Mb download.

Previously at home with the Behrs, the children who weren't the first three aged up quickly, New Galaxy was evicted from the heir poll and replaced with Elfin Magic. WHO WON BY A LANDSLIDE..! Thusly 'Fin (accompanied by her eldest sister, Athena Isela), made the trek over to Awesomesaucia, Nett's Cullen the Herd hood which is completely made of awesome. And by awesome, I mean pixel_trade sims. xD

Faustie Roksana: Welcome to the neighbourhood! Thankyou for your contribution to my expansive wealth. Lets get the two of you 'unified' and then find you your new home.

Faustie's my Cullen the hood "spawner," and as such lives in a house set up for photoshoots and has about 400k simoleons from pixel_trade sims moving in and then leaving it behind to get townified. Good work if you can get it, Y/Y!?! :D

The girls were regiven brown generation make-overs to thusly have ALL BROWN kids in my round & shoved kicking and screaming into my hood. Even before the poll had even gone up in Katu's journal. And I threw them in seperately to facilitate a quantity of 40k between them to spend. MUAHAHHAAA! *plots*

So this is the house that the three two Behrs built. The shell, with 2 beds, kitchen essentials, and minimal 2 bathroom essentials and thats IT for their 40k. Which left them with about 28 simoleons to rub together all up. NO MONEY to buy their shop with in order to sell their wares as per brown generation rules. OOOPS!

BWAHAHAAA!! WHY THANKYOU VERY MUCH for that, Fin. :D Useful non-career oriented LTW is useful and non career-oriented. :D Athena Isela also rolled the want to make $100 000 which would've been equally handy had she won the heir poll. *wiggles*

The Behr women, so accomodating. *winks till her eyelid starts simulating eye stigmata*

So lets have a floor plan look at the house. SPARSE HOUSE IS SPARSE xD xD I'll do a proper tour when the place is finally furnished to my liking. GODDAMN they're going to have to make a lot of money to please my sensibilities. xD

The top double bed is Athena Isela's but that's going to be a bedroom for one child after Fin gets married. I case you're wondering about the stairs/elevator: most of the houses is located on the second floor, first/ground floor looks a little like this:

EVEN SPARSER! xD Why is it like this you ask? Well since they have to earn their keep from digging shit up, I figured the MORE open ground space, the better. :D

Athena Isela: Digging? Bitch, I'm just here to game. *game face*

*includes proper shot of our triumphant heir* From before she even realised she was triumphant even.. xD

Get a job in the Journalism career track, adventurer, medicine and science... Yeah baby? I think I'll take things that ain't gonna happen for a thousand.

Now go dig up 93204289 rocks so I can buy you those bookshelves you want.

That's right, get cracking ladies!! You know, surely there'd be a market for footage/bleacher seats to watch hot women dig holes in their yard. That'd totally be a great supplement to their income, right? Its digging related? :D

Especially if they wore white t-shirts in case of this happening. :D

PLUS wth you guys, this is the first thing you dig up? I guess it probably would've been a good idea had you looked up the water pipe locations under your home BEFORE you started to willy nilly dig crap up in your yard...

Elfin Magic: YA THINK?! *enraged*

So they filled that in and began again and the water mains not withstanding: THIS IS THE FIRST THING THEY DUG UP!



MmMmMmmMmmm let us bask in its shiny shiny booty. Just two more of these and we can afford the shop!



Yeah I'm not holding my breath either.

*considers keeping this one forever as the likelyhood of getting another is about as slim as this poster is awesome*

CuteNewsGirl: *is unsure if she's just perplexed at the new additions to the neighbourhoods shenanigans, or just really really turned on*

She's got a goodly point. Hot or freaken weird? Or weirdly freaken hot?


And now we're indulging in a little Fin's boots appreciation spam. Largely because

a) My mans is a sucker for some hot boots
b) so am I,
and c) I can't wear them because of my chronic condition so I gotta live vicariously through my humanoid replacements of vicarious construction.


You think they're faux snakeskin? Emu? She's a sim so I guess it could be ANYTHING really. ALL BETS ARE OFF, mythological creatures are not out of the realms of possibility. Actually, surely wearing boots of mythological origin would be more pleasurable to animal activists/PETA/DEHTA/International Anti-Fur Coalition/vegans etc? The creature doesn't exist ergo it cannot feel pain!

Its basilisk you guys. Or maybe dragan. DRAAAHG-ON. I mean come on, don't those toes appear to be made of consummate Vs to you?

GODDAMN Nom nom.

OKAY I'M DONE NOW. xD Especially as my jaw is about to drop since then this rather inexplicable thing happened:

Either the Behrs are RIDICULOUSLY lucky or they built their house on a few hundred years old pirate treasure cache. Awesomesaucia IS located on the coast, mayhap its actually Monte Cristo?

bondchick_nett: They've dug up NINE more treasure chests
javabean_dreams: after the first 5??? so 14??
bondchick_nett: Yeaps. 14 of them.
javabean_dreams: ho-ly crap
bondchick_nett: I built a MASSIVE shell house with the basics in it, and thought they had to earn all their furniture, cause the cost of the house was 40k which is all they had...
javabean_dreams: well obviously you did not foresee their craftiness and deeply-seated obsession with/desire for material objects
bondchick_nett: I DID NOT!!
bondchick_nett: tis amazing to me!
javabean_dreams: AND TO ME
bondchick_nett: 15.!!!! o_O

Yeah I'm not even kidding. WTF FIFTEEN TREASURE CHESTS O_O So they totally also dug up some rocks and some toys and such, but still, WHAT IN THE HELL?! O_O That's around 75k right there. O_O;;

Kind of takes the shiny off of that first one they found, no? xD xD Guess they can REALLY afford that shop across the street now... Its only 12k I believe.

And, you know, buy a bookshelf and a telescope and a kitchen table... *whistles*

If I had this kind of luck, I'd find digging up a drain pipe and flooding your own lot in a charming fashion delightfully amusing as well...

Athena Isela: If we're so rich, tell me again why we have to keep digging?! O_O
Me: Cause 75k a fully furnished house does not make. Also we have to actually HAVE a shop, its in the rules. SO NOSE DO THE GRINDSTONE!

OH LAWDS SO PRETTY, Sheila Boschnovich (13066301). <3333

Why yes I do intend to indulge in random pixel_trade walkby spam. Hope you enjoy! ;)

And then it was midday and an All-Simsperiments (ALL THE TIIIIIME) welcome wagon showed up to distract the girls from their singular pupose and demand to be fed. You know, as you do when someone moves into the neighbourhood and haven't yet had time to go grocery shopping...


Anyway..! *waves at Jakub, Aryana & Hollie Micheals-Katuman*

Athena Isela: DID YOU KNOW THAT WE LIVE ON FORT KNOX?! Our house has an underground foundation made of 24 carat gold bricks! Can you imagine how fabulous it is to be that rich? Imagine the money we'll save when there's an earthquake or a giant possibly gay (or ~fabulous~ at the very least) alien mech invasion. That gold is so soft it'll just cushion us and we'll never notice a thing. Yarps, really good to be surrounded by so much hard currency...

Hollie: Goddamn that chick likes to talk about money.


No its not, so lets never mention you again. So there.

Y HALO THAR, LUKE CONWAY (eien_herrison). :D Come to romance the ladies with your exposed chest and apparent intelligence, Ravenclaw style? The girls are suckers for a chiseled jawline and a brain that can determine the angle of the hypoteneuse of an isosoles paralellogram when x is a factor of 42, in a trilogical series of five.

Jakub: My sister is worrisomely unstable...
Elfin Magic: He IS in the kitchen, but he doesn't look buff enough to be The Rock...

Athena Isela: I can has the hots?
Me: Well sure you can all you like, but, unfortunately you didn't win the heir poll (I WANTED YOU THOUGH BB!) so I don't want you too attached to anyone lest I get another lesbian heir in the Cullens.

Yeah you heard me, you guys, ANOTHER. *mysterious*

Oh yeah, so leaving a jar of dead bugs by the mailbox isn't gross at ALL. Thanks, whoever did that >_>;;; And what on earth is that in the distance?

Uh... OKAY PEOPLE! TIME TO USE SCIENCE! I hope everyone is quiet and has their Science-Time-Temple-Massaging-Fingers on *clears throat*:

How does a rock become a pile of timber, springs and pottery?

Kinder surprise are doing hobo limited editions?

Elfin Magic: Uni was awesome wasn't it!? *fond memories*
Athena Isela: Awesome... YEAAAAAAAAAS... We totally didn't just have that downloaded into our brains at Faustie's house 8 hours ago or anything...
Elfin Magic: What are you talking about, silly sister, don't you remember when we tried to get into that secret society but you only met that one alien aboriginal? And then poor Dreamboat's girlfriend died on the foot path outside our dorm and he completely SUCKED at saving her from the Grim Reaper so clearly he didn't love her enough?
Athena Isela: Buh..? Wasn't that the Incognitos?
Elfin Magic: Who?
Athena Isela: NOTHING! *sparkles* Nothing at all my fragile minded sister... SPRING BREAK WAS AWESOME EVERY YEAR, WASN'T IT?! O_O O_O O_O

Considering that Fin won that damn heir poll but 30+ points or something crazy xD: FANSERVICE! :D

And now I introduce to to Rufus, the AWESOME stray of AWESOME. Huge cat of epically large proportions = GET THE HELL IN THE BEHRS! Since you're basically a bear yourself. Muahhahaa!

Rufus: Oh yeah, I'm so in this legacy.

Well HELLO Cory (or is it Troy?! *confused xD*) Elfman! (xel_squirgle_ox) :D Enjoying the view? Cause we sure are. *winks till eyelid falls off*

Elfin Magic: *clearly continuingly delusional* Oh yeah I was totally on the Dean's list in Uni. Was a piece of cake, like someone was was just THROWING the distinctions and high distinctions at me. I went to the big Valedictorian dinner and everything.

Elfin Magic: *double swoons over Troy/Cory Elfman*
Open Plan Room: *bes much more open than plan*

Elfin Magic: *flashes guest her best side*
Troy/Cory Elfman: *does not want*

Elfin Magic: Wanna hug? I don't have cooties. :D

Elfin Magic: Am I completely repellant?!

Athena Isela: No, BUT GODDAMN PEPPER FABULOUS (jtph_jo) IS >_<;;;;;

Rufus, you are awesome and all, but could you cease and desist your apparent purpose in life and choose a hobby other than alchemically converting furniture into particle board and broken crockery?


Rufus: But I'm cute! GOTTA LOVE ME!

WTF is going on here!? Overwhelming stinking rubbish piles, cockroaches, DISEASE?!!? The Behr's have only been in this hood about a day. O_O;;;


Athena Isela: You think it was Gnomes? They're constantly after profit... And they're really tricksey, turning people into sheep, and conning children into sitting on old men's laps so he can get off on their stroking their beards and drinking guinness while they hide their gold under rainbows... *GASP!* DO YOU THINK WE BUILT OUR HOME ON A GNOME HOLE!? *gasps more, lowers voice and looks about shiftily*
Me: WHAT WHAT WHAT?!?! TOO MANY BROKEN REFERENCES. BRAIN. MELTING. That's Underpants Gnomes, they're not tricksy, the sheep turning are WoW gnomes, THAT'S ELVES AND THE OLD MEN ARE SANTA NOT A PAEDOPHILE..!
Athena Isela: *whispers loudly* SAYS YOU! O_O
Me: Well, okay you have me there, and goddamn the liquor drinking and gold hiding is leprechaun and gnomes don't live in holes - that's HOBBITS.

Plus is she sure she hasn't been drinking herself? WHISKEY AND MANCAKES (which, according to katu are like pancakes only larger)?! Or mainlining rogaine? Cause those are some mighty impressive hanks growing out of her decollatage...

Anyway! $12k spend later, I give you: THE BEHR NECESSITIES!

Almost open for business :D

Do you feel her business savy oozing from her ticking pen? :D

OUR FIRST CUSTOMER! :D Jefferson Jethro Happypants (lauriethemuppet). :D

And the second! Tierney Crisalide (lauriethemuppet). Laurie's sims are ridiculously attracted to this shop. YOU WILL SEE! xD

And the final first shop customer, the gorgeous Urania Wade (selzi).

Elfin Magic: WELCOME TO OUR SHOP! We have a new limited edition opening special: For a limited time every person entering our store is completely entitled to PURCHASE THINGS! *gasps* Buy now before this offer is over!
Urania: I can buy ANYTHING you say... Wow, that sounds like a great deal...

Elfin Magic: THIS IS FUN! :D

WOOOTS! The shops first gold star :D

SO MANY FIRSTS! *excited* GO GO First Simoleon. Don't mind if I DO, thanks very much informational pop up. :D

*beams with pride on the Behr's behalf*

Athena Isela: Uh... What are these levery things attached to symboled pads? O_O


*has no idea what the hell what that image is on the one simoleon note*

Uh, Fin?! What EXACTLY is it that you're selling to Bella Swan (lauriethemuppet )? I mean I know she wants it REAL BAD and everything, but you're not exactly equipped for that... Is it an instructional manual for Edward, perhaps?

BWAHAHAA!! OUR FIRST BIG BAG!! Ah Bella, that's so gotta be Edward's money ALL the way. 'Atta girl. xD

OFB shops are deliriously fun you guys..!

In the next installment of the Behr's: Fin looks for love in 92348320948 ALMOST-right-but-not-quite places.


challenges: pixel_trade, challenges: round robin, challenges: awesimesauce, nett: behr

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