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Comments 23

kirarakim January 16 2008, 13:05:13 UTC
I am definitely holding out hope that there is more to this because of the no body thing (there has to be a reason for that). But I don't think I can follow A2A unless I know for sure there is more to it.

For now, I just feel better ignoring A2A and sticking with the LoM ending which was well pretty much perfect for me.

This is why I hate sequels


kangeiko January 16 2008, 13:30:37 UTC
I am definitely holding out hope that there is more to this because of the no body thing (there has to be a reason for that). But I don't think I can follow A2A unless I know for sure there is more to it.

I think that, while I liked Sam, it was the rest of the team that really did it for me, especially Gene. And so I will definitely watch, probably because I am more emotionally invested in seeing Gene suffer than anything else. :)

(In any other context, that would be a bad sign, but... *g*)

This is why I hate sequels

I tend to agree... except, as you said, LoM felt perfect and closed. And this feels like... an optional extra, almost. (Also, there is the option of ignoring it if its canon goes to places I don't like. Fickle? Moi?)


starborn_scribe January 16 2008, 13:15:51 UTC
So what were the realistic avenues open for explaining Sam's absence?

Yes, exactly! I was wondering how they'd explain Sam's whereabouts, too. Having him killed in the line of duty makes perfect sense. And the lack of body? Perfect opportunity for guest appearances!


kangeiko January 16 2008, 13:31:58 UTC
Having him killed in the line of duty makes perfect sense.

Makes me happy, too.

And the lack of body? Perfect opportunity for guest appearances!

That's what I keep sayin'! *g*


dorsetgirl January 16 2008, 13:52:58 UTC
So what were the realistic avenues open for explaining Sam's absence? Good analysis. I'd hoped that they would leave Sam's fate unspecified in some way, thus leaving the door open for whatever in the future, but then when we heard a while back that "we hear about Sam's fate" I was a bit nervous. I wasn't happy at all to read "Sam died", as (a) I don't want that to happen and (b) I think it's simply unnecessary. What purpose does it serve, apart from to piss off the fanbase ( ... )


kangeiko January 17 2008, 11:42:05 UTC
Because clearly with this setup, you have to mention Sam pretty early on, like as soon as Alex finds out Gene's name.

Well, yeah - she's not gonna be shy about asking! *g*

Something that interests me is the way they will present Gene's feelings over Sam having disappeared or died.

Definitely. I like that he's supposed to be a lot more low-key and a lot quieter in A2A, and some have already speculated it's because of Sam's loss...


rusty_halo January 16 2008, 16:00:16 UTC
I'm totally with you. I don't really like the show continuing without Sam at all, but if they have to, the "he's 'dead' but with no body *wink wink*" thing is the best way they could do it. It's far preferable to "Sam voluntarily left the team" or "Sam and Annie got married and had lots of disgusting little babies," and leaves his fate basically open. (Including the guest appearance possibility. *fingers crossed*)


kangeiko January 17 2008, 11:42:39 UTC
(Including the guest appearance possibility. *fingers crossed*)

*joins you in crossing fingers*


storyinmypocket January 16 2008, 18:19:41 UTC
Thank you.

I was starting to feel like the only person in the world who was completely unsurprised by this and, while not made happy, it made sense to me.

And wondering if I was an insensitive ass for being pretty 'meh' about it personally. (No offense to the people who really were seriously upset and traumatized by it. I've broken down over fictional characters before, and I get that, but this... This isn't Sam's Story, this is Writers' Convenience. It doesn't feel real to me in the sense of character arc, but it's what they had to do to keep things from constantly being about lack-of-Simm. So while not gleeful over this, I get it and it's not hitting me like I'm losing a tv-friend.)


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kangeiko January 17 2008, 11:47:24 UTC
I don't agree with one fundamental fact: he didn't come back for the entire team.

Yeah, we're gonna have to agree to disagree. Now, I ship Sam/Annie. I also ship Sam/Gene (and Sam&Gene, if you want them to be best buds). But nothing gets me hitting 'back' on a fic faster than to see Sam coming back for one person only - be in Gene or Annie or Phylli's pet dog. I don't find it romantic. I find it disturbing - and it ruins my glowy feeling at him returning to 1973. Sam returning to a life that he loves and with people that he loves is all well and good - Sam returning to a place that he hates and only tolerates with impending madness creeping nearer and nearer is basically him condemning himself to a slow insanity for Annie's (or Gene's) sake.

So we're gonna have to disagree on this. Much as I thought Romeo & Juliet were bollocks, I also don't hold with Sam being swayed by true love triumphing over the suckiness of 2006 and the suckiness of 1973, to boot.


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