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dorsetgirl January 16 2008, 13:52:58 UTC
So what were the realistic avenues open for explaining Sam's absence?

Good analysis. I'd hoped that they would leave Sam's fate unspecified in some way, thus leaving the door open for whatever in the future, but then when we heard a while back that "we hear about Sam's fate" I was a bit nervous. I wasn't happy at all to read "Sam died", as (a) I don't want that to happen and (b) I think it's simply unnecessary. What purpose does it serve, apart from to piss off the fanbase?

However, as one who is quite happy to keep different theories in separate boxes and hold them all at once - I'm finally getting near the end of my "only 1973 is real" fic - I hadn't thought too much about how the "unspecified fate" could be mentioned. Because clearly with this setup, you have to mention Sam pretty early on, like as soon as Alex finds out Gene's name.

Something that interests me is the way they will present Gene's feelings over Sam having disappeared or died. Because whatever Matthew might say about Sam falling in love with Annie, not Gene, the Life on Mars directors were more than happy to go with the slashy in terms of personal space, long intense glances, Sam stroking Gene's arm etc, not to mention all the groin-to-groin stuff. So I hope they will find some way of hinting that it was more than just a work relationship.


kangeiko January 17 2008, 11:42:05 UTC
Because clearly with this setup, you have to mention Sam pretty early on, like as soon as Alex finds out Gene's name.

Well, yeah - she's not gonna be shy about asking! *g*

Something that interests me is the way they will present Gene's feelings over Sam having disappeared or died.

Definitely. I like that he's supposed to be a lot more low-key and a lot quieter in A2A, and some have already speculated it's because of Sam's loss...


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